A bad tach filter can blow an ignition module. It can also fry the ignition and pickup coils.
A bad filter can short partly or completely to ground and keep power flowing thru the coil when it shouldn't. This results in weak or no spark.
If it is a "loose" short it can also screw with timing...
By loose I DO NOT mean the mount... Tho that isn't good either. I mean the gutts of the filter are loose and shorting.
A "Loose" filter can cause coil firing when it shouldn't. It is the same effect as if you took the one filter wire and taped the end against the engine block. It's not shorted all the time, just when you tap it...
A "loose" filter/short is a bad thing in a couple ways... It can cause miss/skip problems. Worse it can have the same result as pulling the coil secondary wire... The coil may actually fire when the distributor isn't lined up. The spark energy still has to go someplace so it either arcs thru ignition parts or feeds back and spikes the module. Either one can fry the whole ignition system.
Nobody loves me. Everybody hates me. Guess I'll just go eat worms.