After some research into the most cost effective and reliable combination for feeding my 40+psi to my carb at 6 psi, I found that Mallory has a racing regulator rated to 60 psi and Russell has a liquid filled fuel pressure gauge that work.
I have done an initial plumbing job, but will likely change a couple of things. I am sticking with barb and clamp connections for experimentation.
Notice the vacuum nipple on the regulator. This allows guys with boost to get more gas when they need it.
It just seems to me that having the volume continually available in circuit, feeding a bypass of much less volume, will give a pretty good reserve for accelleration, and be easier on the fuel pump than the standard fuel regulator.
The fuel filter will go pre-regulator and be mounted with a nice chrome bracket on the fire wall. (No more crawling under to change it.)
I'll put a glass filter on the 6 psi line so I can monitor when I need new filters.
I hope this helps somebody save some aggrevation and bucks.
Arn Brown, 1985 Fiero GT, 15.474 ET stock
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