You will need a big screw driver or something with a wide tip to pry with.

There is a hiden screw or bolt hiden under the small plug (see small red box).
You will need a big screw driver to pop the quarter window frame loose,just run it along the edge marked in pink (there are hiden screw bolts hiden it the are marked in the area of the retangular red box.

There are 3 or 4 bolts that hold the roof down from the inside,most likely you will have to remove the roof panel inside the car to access the bolts,but can also be accesed if you have a sun roof,with out removeing the the interior roof panel.Once the roof bolts are removed you will need the big screw driver or pry bar to pop the nubs,that also hold the roof on,pic shows the holes that the nubs pop into.There are 2 hiden bolts,one on each side,that help hold the sides on.they can be removed from the interior or if you have a power source,the quarter windows can be knocked out,then the flat metal area (farward some) hiden under the quarter windows can be ground off,eventually you can knock the stud inside.It would probubly help if you had a friend pull,while you pried in the area of the roof line,it might help if you have both doors open................hope this helped.
[This message has been edited by James Bond 007 (edited 08-19-2004).]