I'd like to install a Transgo shift kit in my '87 SE (auto). I noticed that the Fiero Store sells a shift kit for the TH125. When I sent them an email to check the brand name, they told me the brand was "Mr. Shift". I've never heard of that brand before. A Google search for the brand name turned up nothing.
So... has anyone used one of the Fiero Store shift kits? If so, how did it work out for you? I'd like to know if this shift is similar to the Transgo kit.
While we're at it, can anyone point me to a vendor that sells the Transgo kits for the TH125?
I used a fiero store shift kit. I don't remember the brand, I believe the box was pretty much just plain white at the time (not sure if they have switched brands).
It was pretty straight forward install, and it had options to install more than one way. It made the shifts firmer, and you could really feel it when it kicked down when comin to a stop. I had it installed to the most aggressive springs,etc, I liked it, I reccomend it.
------------------ --1986 SE V6, Wild Custom Notchback --For Sale Click Me! --1984 SE Modified Notchback
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11:59 PM
Feb 27th, 2005
Posts: 1350 From: Chardon, Ohio, USA Registered: Sep 2001
Yep....trans-go... from the FieroStore. I think it's a knock off of the one that Rodney Dickman sells. I put one in my SE and I like the way it shifts....firm. Gives the car a little more "snap" and a sporty feel. It can be installed with the trans in the car but it's easier on the bench.
[This message has been edited by SKIDMARK (edited 02-27-2005).]
THM 125 1980 up Corrects/prevents/Reduces: 3-2 clunk; lockup shudder; reverse slip; converter drain back delay; late shifts; soft 1-2; band failure. TransGo Transmission Re-Programming Kits
TransGo Kits instantly re-program automatic transmissions for high performance and durability. Unique kits re-calibrate the transmission to shift far more efficiently. In terms of performance and durability for an automatic transmission, the most important improvement that can be made is to re-program the Control Assemblies. These assemblies regulate the functions of the entire transmission; 95% of shift performance comes from programming. Installing a Trans-Go Re-programming Kit will instantly improve the whole personality of your GM, FORD and CHRYSLER transmissions. Factory programming achieves comfort. The automatic transmissions coming off the assembly lines in Detroit are truly masterpieces of engineering. But engineers have been asked to program the shifting for smoothness and comfort. Also, consumer attitude surveys show that drivers believe a soft, smooth shift is easier on the transmission. Actually, just the reverse is true. To add comfort, Detroit designers have had to subtract a considerable amount of efficiency and durability. They have achieved comfort by extending the time duration of every shift. Not only does power slip away during this extended shift, but all friction surfaces receive excessive wear because they are asked to work overtime.
The stock automatic takes longer to complete each shift. Points A to B, Figure 1 show only mild acceleration. During this period only a partial power condition exists because the friction elements are slipping. This extended slipping time prevents the inertial energy from being efficiently utilized. It is lost in the form of heat on the clutches and bands, instead of being utilized for forward motion. Continually operating a stock automatic at full throttle will cause early friction element failure. To get high performance and improved durability in an automatic, we must improve the way it executes every shift. Trans-Go re-programming achieves durability and performance. So if you are willing to accept a faster shift, which will subtract some comfort, you can restore full performance and durability. This is exactly what a Trans-Go Re-Programming Kit does for you. It makes each shift faster and more efficient. As a result, durability of the transmission is immediately doubled. Re-Programming Goal:Make the shift faster without losing precision. The problem now becomes clear that what we need is re-programming that will precisely control the complicated chain of events that occur during every shift and do it in a far briefer span of time. This is exactly what Trans-Go has accomplished. Trans-Go kits cut slipping time by more than 70% (even more in the Competition version) and at the same time improve the quality of the shifting action itself. Figs 1 and 2 show the results.
The automatic with a re-programming kit installed now shifts fast enough to take advantage of inertial energy from rotating mass, including the inertial energy from the transmission itself. Notice also the higher speed recorded (C) as the curve leaves the chart. In driving this conversion at full throttle a sudden forward lurch can be felt when it shifts, very similar to a power-shifted 4-speed. You get better control and back to low at any speed. Trans-Go kits give you more complete gear control of your transmission. Most kits offer Shift Command, a special feature of our re-programming that allows you to shift back to low at any speed! Trans-Go kits also retain fully automatic shifting in the "D" position.
As the elapsed time of shifting is decreased, the life of the transmission friction materials is increased. Installing a Trans-Go Re-Programming kit will at least double the life of the friction materials in the transmission. In many heavy duty applications, a Trans-Go kit has made the difference between a few months service without repair and several years. The shorter shift time allows the friction elements and gears far less time to wear themselves out. The useful life of the friction elements in a transmission is directly related to the amount of slipping that is allowed to occur during shifts. Slipping converts useful energy to heat on the surface of the clutches and bands. This heat transforms the friction material to ash, which polishes its mating element, causing further slipping, heat and deterioration of the friction elements. The gears receive less wear, too. A slow shift causes them to be partially engaged for a longer period during the gear changing process, resulting in unnecessary heat, wear and power loss. ARE QUICK SHIFTS ALL THAT MATTER? Not by a long way. We have seen what can be gained in durability and performance with quicker shifts. Overlap is also extremely important. Overlap is a condition caused by applying a gear before the previous gear has been released.
Excessive overlap as seen in the Fig. 3 converts engine horsepower into damaging heat and causes clutch wear, band wear, shift delays, short oil life, and increased gasoline usage.
Factory programming includes an excessive amount of overlap. This is done purely for smoothness. Overlap causes delayed shifts. Overlap is the main cause of shift delay, or hesitation when shifting manually. Excessive Overlap is eliminated with Trans-Go Re-Programming. The difference is felt immediately and there are substantial increases in performance, durability and fuel economy.
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10:41 AM
Oreif Member
Posts: 16460 From: Schaumburg, IL Registered: Jan 2000
The Fiero Store is a Trans-Go knock-off that only includes the 2 of the three things (doesn't eliminate the 3-2 clunk, see Jncomutt post about feeling the gear change when coming to a stop.) and they add a new Filter. Fiero Store charges $44.95
Kim Pimmel (Spyhunter) had a really good writeup posted somewhere... I don't have the link saved like I should. northernautoparts.com has the TransGo kit for about $20.
------------------ John DuRette ***Custom 85 under construction, 87 Coupe in the driveway. The fun never ends!***
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03:48 PM
Spyhunter Member
Posts: 1254 From: San Francisco, CA Registered: Feb 2002
I recently put the trans-go shift kit in my th-125, haven't tryed it yet but i will hopfully soon. I did a filter and fluid change, then got knee deep into the valve body, got every little spring, screw and gasket replaced in the valve body. Then went to put it all back togeather and dammit if the kit didn't come with a new vlave body cover gasket had to run out to a local specialty tranny warehouse (quality transmission) and get the new gaset. paid 1.85 for it. they had the shift kit that i used there too, i asked what he would of charged for it 13.50, I payed 16.49 plus 3.79 for shipping. and had to wait a week for it. He had it in stock. so if you have a tranny warehouse local check them! thanks -gary-
------ MY FLEET----- .....1986 white gt 305 sbc going in..... .....1987 base 5 speed perfect inside and out..... .....1996 Dodge ram 4x4 ext. cab..... .....1987 pontiac trans am tpi for sale..... JTT- 2-16-2005
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10:04 PM
Mar 1st, 2005
Blacktree Member
Posts: 20770 From: Central Florida Registered: Dec 2001
I ordered the TransGo kit from the website Orief linked above. They sent me the Mr Shift kit instead. I've sent them an email regarding the mix-up. We'll see what happens.
[EDIT] The vendor replied saying that Mr Shift and TransGo are both part of the same company. They also said that the Mr Shift kit and TransGo kit are the same thing (both are part # SK-125). What gives here?
[This message has been edited by Blacktree (edited 03-01-2005).]
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01:36 PM
System Bot
Oreif Member
Posts: 16460 From: Schaumburg, IL Registered: Jan 2000
I ordered the TransGo kit from the website Orief linked above. They sent me the Mr Shift kit instead. I've sent them an email regarding the mix-up. We'll see what happens.
[EDIT] The vendor replied saying that Mr Shift and TransGo are both part of the same company. They also said that the Mr Shift kit and TransGo kit are the same thing (both are part # SK-125). What gives here?
Open the box and look at the instructions. One side should be the "improvement" side showing springs and the valve body. The other side should be the "corrective" side showing were to drill a pressure relief hole and it should be a large fold-out sheet. That is the Trans-Go kit. The one that a friend received from the Fiero Store only had a 1-sided instruction sheet that looks like it was photocopied and reduced from an original on a standard 8 X 10 piece of paper and the one I had was a large original fold out. Also the box from Trans-Go was green and black, The one from the Fiero Store was a plain white box. Remeber the Fiero Store's is a copy of the Trans-Go, Maybe they buy it for $17 add a filter and a gasket, recopy the instructions (omitting some corrective steps), and sell it for $45.
[This message has been edited by Oreif (edited 03-01-2005).]
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05:56 PM
Blacktree Member
Posts: 20770 From: Central Florida Registered: Dec 2001
The Mr Shift kit that I received has the fold-out, 2-sided instruction sheet (with a second sheet for the corrective stuff). It comes in a black and green box.
So it would appear that TransGo and Mr Shift are in fact the same thing. Good thing I didn't buy the "de-contented" version from the Fiero Store.
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06:51 PM
Mar 2nd, 2005
Will Member
Posts: 14258 From: Where you least expect me Registered: Jun 2000