Spent my saturday expermenting with moving the power window motor for installing speakers in the doors. using an old stripped door(DR Side), I attempted to move the window motor down and towards the front of the door, it didnt work out too well I tried moving the bracket for the sissor/motor and that made it worse, I was attempting to bypass having to cut down the window bumper ~. Well, spent a good hour researching the general, tech, and the archive versions of those and found a great suggestion by Rickady88GT - move the motor upwards,( topic -
https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Archives/Archive-000002/HTML/20060206-1-055555.html ) with some minimal cutting to the window bumper this whole operation went alot smoother than saturdays attempt to move the motor downwards.
I have door panels from a Bonneville, and this was the only way to install these panels with the speakers, I didnt want to go the Jscott1 way of building up the speakers on the panels, although I think his look great (topic -
https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum1/HTML/056361.html or the archive thread I linked above)
If your just installing speakers w/o panels, Gokart 's way is the best IMHO. ( topic -
https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Archives/Archive-000002/HTML/20050818-1-049940.html )
ok, so today I got another door down from the rafters to experiement on using the Rickady88GT method of moving the motors up, Pass side door this time.
my experiment shows I cut the outside of the door support/crash bumper off to make it easier to "Experiment on the assembly" I have moved the motor up at this point and bolted it with bolts I had handy, I would suggest smaller bolts than these, two at the top and one at the bottom. (5/16 I think?) anyway it shows that I have a set of speaker wire into a new temp harnass attached to the motor to move the window up and down to experiment on the clearances.
heres a close up of the window bumper and the motor, using a dremel and drill I had to cut this down somewhat (Rickady88GT's method of aluminum is better & easier FYI)
This is a pic of where I stopped the window in order to access the bumper to "Trim" it with the dremel tool
after clearances were tested, I cut a large whole in the door to show you all how much room is available for speakers(and the piece of metal I cut out is at the top of the pic to show how much was removed), the following pic shows the window inside the door and still alot of room left
Work in progress still, any suggestions, comments etc welcome.... experiment done, now time for the real thing.
Edit: just realized some of the links didnt work ~
[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 02-19-2006).]