i need some help here my ignition lock turns but it turns freely and doesnt pull the rod to the ignition switch to start the car. i can start it by pulling the rod and the lock is working properly but i think the little black gear that pulls the rod is stripped. how do i get to this to replace it? ive read this thread up and down and it helps alot but i need specifics on just getting to this gear https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum2/HTML/088020.html
im sure its this gear
thanks in advance
[This message has been edited by kennyrounds (edited 02-09-2008).]
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11:12 PM
System Bot
Feb 10th, 2008
buddycraigg Member
Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002
That used to be the case with this car but now it quit working all together. when you turn the lock cylinder to the start position it doesnt even spring back, there isnt even any resistance when you move it. it turns freely,
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10:23 AM
James Bond 007 Member
Posts: 8872 From: California.U.S.A. Registered: Dec 2002
i borrowed some pics from the thread above to hopefully explain what i mean, the key turns the lock just fine, and the rod (in yellow) turns just fine, if i pull the rod from the ignition switch (in blue) i can start the car. so i think that the teeth on the gear (in green) or the center hole (also in yellow) may be stripped any help on how to change this would be appreciated, thanks Kenny
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12:36 PM
buddycraigg Member
Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002
you can try fixing it but in my own opinion, just screw it. those cursed columns are tricky. i tried doin that stuff myself too but it never works out right. columns are really really easy to swap. it consists of 4 bolts holding it on, as well as one at the end of the steering shaft and one wire to disconnect. However, if you wanna be really brave and fix your own column, then yes. dropping the column is your best bet. its soo much easier to work on that way.
[This message has been edited by 250rider3 (edited 02-10-2008).]
The most likely problem is the metal sector, that's the part the black gear engages. Those break fairly often when people have symptoms like yours.
I find it easier to service the column in the car when possible because it provides a nice working/seating position, a radio for entertainment, and a nice flat floorboard to put parts on (use paper towels to protect the carpet from grease, etc).
Replacing the sector is the same work as fixing the wobble problem, if you're halfway mechanical and have the right tools you should be able to do it yourself. Give yourself a day to do it for the first time, though.
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09:04 AM
buddycraigg Member
Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002
That image helped me out alot! the steering wheel lock still functions properly so i know now that the gear is turning, so chances are it IS the actuator rack, i am going to attempt this fix with the help of the thread above and the good people of PFF. so check back when you can.
Also does anyone have an extra Acuator Rack they woud be willing to sell me for a reasonable price, the parts store sells them in a kit with a bunch of other parts i dont need for $50 and for that price i may as well buy a salvage column
Thanks for the help. Kenny
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02:57 PM
System Bot
buddycraigg Member
Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002
SWEET!! thanks i called autozone and its $9.99, i went to advance auto parts last night and that same kit, plus the highbeam thing and something else was fifty bucks. looks like i got a new project for this weekend! no more scraping up my wrists to reach the ignition switch rod!
on a side note this is my wifes car, i wanted to post pics of it but i can only seem to find these pictures of all three of our cars together i will get a better one later
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04:19 PM
buddycraigg Member
Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002
Originally posted by kennyrounds: SWEET!! thanks i called autozone and its $9.99,
if you dont have them, you are going to need the... lock plate depressor. steering wheel / HMB puller pivot pin puller.
you'll probably need to buy the pivot pin puller for 10~15 bucks. the other two should be in the auto parts store's rental program. but ask about the pin puller too.
Yeah i rented the steering wheel puller, and didnt know about the lock plate compressor, managed to get the ring off and back on with no trouble. i am going to have to get the pivot pin puller.
The last pivot pin puller I bought came from the local Northern Tools store, automotive section, it ran $4.99. The lock plate compressor I prefer using is the red handled one that AutoZone sells for $9.99, you can see it in the tools picture of my column thread.
[This message has been edited by JazzMan (edited 02-12-2008).]
i was looking back at some achived threads and found my wifes car, it was at wheatstock, and actually buddy was asking about it, heres the two pics i found
Originally posted by kennyrounds: i was looking back at some achived threads and found my wifes car, it was at wheatstock, and actually buddy was asking about it, heres the two pics i found
what a small world...
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07:26 PM
Mar 19th, 2008
solotwo Member
Posts: 5374 From: Grand Rapids, MI. USA Registered: Jun 2002
Wow this just happened to me tonight. Must the steering wheel be removed to get to the gear? Looks like a lot of work. My problem is no time to do it. The rod when I pulled it with pliers worked and all the indicator lights came on . The key just turns with out any resistance and of course the car does not start. So it must be the gear? ??????