Rodney Dickman was kind enough to send me his slave rebuild kit with the double seal piston for testing. It is for the Getrag/Muncie 5spd. and is an improvement over the single seal design. Here I'm rebuilding a cast iron slave but see no reason why the tube style slave would be any different.
First off, lets see what all you get:
Like everything I've ordered from Rodney, it's a very complete kit.
Here's a close up of the old single seal and new double seal pistons:
The original single seal slave pistons have a bad habit of allowing air to enter the hydraulic system, making it necessary to bleed air out of the system from time to time.
Most people probably know how to replace the slave piston but I'll walk you through it anyway. You could probably install this kit without totally removing the slave cylinder from the car but I chose to remove it in order to take these photos. If you do decide to remove the slave from the car, remove the hydraulic line first and then the 13mm mounting nuts.
Next step is to pry the old boot off:
Next, you'll see the snap ring that has to be removed:
Holding the piston down, remove the snap ring and there it is:
You should inspect the bore for any pitting, this is how it should look:
If there is minor pitting, you can probably hone them out.
Reassembly is easy, just lube the piston and bore with a little brake fluid, slide the spring and piston back into the bore and replace the snap ring:
Bolt it all back on the car, bleed out the air and you're done. In fact, that's the first difference I noticed, with Rodney's dual seal piston bleeding out the air was much easier. I was getting some movement at the slave by the second bleed, good pedal by the third bleed and no air on the fourth bleed. In the 15 years I've owned this Fiero, bleeding the air out of the system has never been this quick and easy.
My over all impressions of this kit are it's complete and of top quality. The car shifts smooth now, no more hard shifting on upshifts or downshifts. I've been waiting for this dual seal rebuild kit to become available and I'm glad I did. Thanks goes out to Rodney for another excellent product!