I was replacing the distributer cap and rotor the other day and noticed this under the plug wires.

I put my thumb over the hole while the wifey cranked the engine but could not feel any vacuum and the car isn’t running right now so I can’t check the hole for vacuum under those conditions. I have never seen that happen with just the wires rubbing against the intake, other harder things but not just a spark plug wire. But anything is possible I suppose.
Now my question is,
How in the hell do I fix it, or do I need to?
I don’t dare try and weld it on the car, besides it is too thin to weld there with anything but a Tig welder, that I don’t have.
But I was thinking of good old JB weld, hey it was made for this sort of stuff wasn’t it.
Technology is great when it works,
and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't
Detroit iron rules all the rest are just toys.