I have always wanted to add driving lights to my '85 SE, so I finally bought a kit I liked and bolted it up. It came with a switch, an inline fuse, and all the wiring, which is great! Here is my problem now: I need help wiring it all up
I know enough about electrical circuits to make this work, but nothing specific to my Fiero. So here are my questions (please, any help! Thanks!
1. There is a bolt holding wires (or, on pass side, wire) on either side of the car, just left (of driver side) and right (of pass side) of the headlights. I have reason to suspect these to be body grounds. Is that right? I currently have the driving lights grounded via these bolts (haven't tested it though).
2. Is there a better way to ground the lights other than my method above?
3. How do I get that switch into the cabin?
4. Once in the cabin, how and where should I ground the switch?
5. (Still in the cabin) How do I get 12v to that switch, and from what source would it be drawing from?
Again, any help would be appreciated. I've asked at least one member on here how he installed his setup. Has anyone else done this?