Well, the only way to make the connection on the temp/fuel piece is on the side and it has to be perpendicular to the face...I have to bend the EL. Which isn't a problem except that I bent it AFTER I laminated it and it seperated the EL layers. It fizzled out after 30 seconds.
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04:52 PM
Stokin_the_neighbors No longer registered
Report this Post03-19-2002 05:06 PM
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How much are you going to be selling them cdn? with the aus and oil pod?
Just so i know how much not to spend
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05:06 PM
Stokin_the_neighbors No longer registered
Report this Post03-19-2002 05:07 PM
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Oh and joe , don't forget the 7000rpm clockout
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05:07 PM
Joe Torma Member
Posts: 3485 From: Hillsborough, NJ USA Registered: Jul 2001
Ok. I have to say something that will 'cause a ton of negative feedback... I've been watching this conversion on several posts and I have to say something before I explode!
What is the attraction to these EL gauges????
They are ugly, they light up the cockpit too much, they are harder to read quickly, and they look cheesy - if not ricey.
I'm sorry, but I think the original factory Fiero gauges are the prettiest ones ever built on a car. The orange color looks cool and is not so "in your face." In truth, I like the orginals because they give you the feeling of being in an aircraft cockpit at night.
To each his own, but I think once the trendy (emphasize the word "trendy") white guages with EL lighting thing has passed, I think you will wish you'd kept them the original color.
To state it simply- "to each their own". I'm glad that GM provided you with everything you could've asked for in their stock gauges. We are not producing these gauges to suit you & your likes... but rather to appeal to those that want something "different" for their Fiero. I'm not even remotely offended that you decided to voice your opinion... that's great. We will also offer more stock-appearing black face gauges in non stock colors (blue, green, red, etc). As for the brightness- it is adjustable using the dimmer switch... as bright or dark as you like (I often times drive in the country with my interior lights completely off).
I for one would like something different than the 80's standard Orange glow... it's that simple for me.
One of the many beauties of this design & system is it's flexibility. I can produce a completely custom design & layout using whatever fonts and/or imagery people like. Also it allows for the flexibility of unique speeds (150, 180, 200, etc...) with a crystal change, or higher RPM tachs for those with non-stock engines. As well as intoducing a backlight system for currently non-backlit cars. It's a freedom that is not available anywhere else (call a mainstream supplier and see if they'll put your name on the gauge...).
As to your statement about it being "trendy" and having passed... keep in mind we're talking about a 15 year old car here. Also if it's been so trendy why isn't there already someone else producing them for the Fiero? Just some things to keep in mind!
As I said before... it's your opinion- and "to each their own"
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06:47 PM
Ayrow Member
Posts: 520 From: Indianapolis, IN Registered: Nov 2001
They look really nice. That's comming along really well.
My only concerns... how smoothly can you dim them? How dark can you dim them and still read them.
Bright gauges in city traffic often aren't a problem but get out in the sticks and they can totally blind you. The last thing you want on dark back roads are bright light sources inside the car. It can take amazingly little light inside the car to cut your visibility outside the car to near nothing.
I've used allot of differant gauge setups over the years. I always have to run them dimmed to the almost off point when running rural roads. As it is I don't ever run my OE gauges more than about half even in city. The dimmer wheel in my Fiero is almost always parked with the index mark centered.
On a side note... Dash lighting is legally regulated like nearly everything else in a car. Even if you aren't worried about the law per se... you might want to read the relevant FMVSS section just to understand the problems they are addressing. It's a difficult but interesting read. (Links to that in my cave.) There are huge volumes of data around about night vision and how light level/color affect it. The military has entire manuals about it. Those are really interesting reading.
------------------ 11-Sept-01, The day the world as we knew it ended.
If you don't like them don't buy them. If you think they're illegal, don't buy them. I have yet to see "Check local laws for legallity of EL guages." They are stock on some cars now...and were introduced in the 60s on some Dodge(I think someone told me). If you're driving around with them cranked all the way up and you can't see...turn them down. They "glo" more than they cast a beam of light at you.
The military has purchased large quantities of this material from my supplier for one reason or another.
First- Thanks to the theOgre for his insight... you always have a good grasp on the legality of modifications (I really did read everything I could find on the taillight regulations before I did my modifications).
Now to address Formula's question... We were planning on holding out on the pricing issue until an entire set (including HVAC controls) was completed and installed. So this info is currently tenative or ESP (Estimated Street Price).
But first let me reiterate that these are completely custom made... hand assembled- and all supplies are bought for retail level costs. This allows us great flexibility in the design and manufacturing process- but our base costs and time involved are all very high. So basiscally I'm just saying that the fact that you can get guages for your Honda at the local parts store for $50 has absolutely no bearing on these gauges. OK?
That being said (yes, I'm stalling)...
Complete Gauge Sets (Including Main Dash, AUX gauges, & HVAC controls) will sell for $200. Minimal Sets (without the AUX & HVAC) will be less... but not by much. Custom Printed Faces (currently any design other than basic white or checkered) will be an additional $25. Metric & Custom Colors are not yet available... but should be simliarly priced Reverse Indiglo has not yet been completly setup and pricing may be different... you'll just have to wait n' see!
[This message has been edited by MinnGreenGT (edited 03-20-2002).]
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09:44 AM
Stokin_the_neighbors No longer registered
Report this Post03-20-2002 11:08 AM
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Damn gonna have to wait till summer!
Friday night's the perfect night to mow some neighbors lawn, and dave is drunk and at the helm before too long, and chris will gladly ride shotgun , because navigating seem's like fun , drunk and out of gas they drive around and crash. There driving through your yard there's nothing you can do , dave's behind the wheel and he's had more then just a few, suburban fammily's suffering civility, awakend to the sight's and sounds of the yard there blowin down in there death machine...
Mp3: Lagwagon Title : Stokin the neighbors
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11:08 AM
GTMike Member
Posts: 626 From: denver, co, usa Registered: Jun 2001
They ARE hooked to the factory Dimmer. The question some people are asking though, is will they dim all the way down? Or will they still stay lit, even at lowest setting. Yes, EL can dim way down. You can even shut em off by dimming it to the bottom. Easy nuff...
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01:33 PM
System Bot
Stokin_the_neighbors No longer registered
Report this Post03-20-2002 02:56 PM
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Ok let me get this straight , your asking $200 just for the stick on faces? , or does it come with the whole guage?
$200 is a little steep , on top of which my cdn $$ is worthless
Friday night's the perfect night to mow some neighbors lawn, and dave is drunk and at the helm before too long, and chris will gladly ride shotgun , because navigating seem's like fun , drunk and out of gas they drive around and crash. There driving through your yard there's nothing you can do , dave's behind the wheel and he's had more then just a few, suburban family's suffering civility, awakend to the sight's and sounds of the yard there blowin down in there death machine...
The prices posted above are for the EL Gauge Faces- assembled and ready to install.
To classify them as "just the stick-on guages" is really not even close to accurate. If you want cheap stick-on guages... they're available on ebay for $15- or you can go buy white Avery sticker paper from the local office supply store and make 'em yourself. These are in another catagory alltogether.
As I previously stated above... there is a very high cost in the production of these- as well as a very large time factor in the creation and assembly. They are all hand-assembled from scratch. The top layer is printed on a large format printer using special material designed for backlit display applications. The layer between the gauge face and the EL paper is an optically clear adhesive- specially designed to not reduce the transmisson of light from the light source more than 2%. Then there is the EL paper... this stuff alone is approx $100 per sheet. Then there is still the issue of wiring the guages and inverter to easily work with the existing system.
These certainly may not be for everyone- but please don't just discount them as "another stick-on gauge".
Are you guys able to use the green/blue multicolour EL? (uses different drive frequencies to produce a colour that starts green, and becomes bluer as you raise the f/s.)
White or blue EL would look beautiful!
I'm impressed, I looked at what it would take to do EL into my car myself... and ended up purchasing some AutoMeter gauges (at clost to $1,000) instead.
Best! Ben
------------------ Ben Cannon 88 Formula, T-top, Metalic Red. "Every Man Dies, not every man really Lives" 88 Formula, Northstar, Silver, In-Progreess. -Mel Gibson, "Braveheart"
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04:06 PM
Dan Robinson Member
Posts: 482 From: South Milwaukee, WI Registered: May 2001
Keep up the good work on your project! I'll take them at that price including with custom icons or lettering. I jus have to wait till I get my engine in (which taking longer then planned because of money), then when I get to my interior I'll be ordering a set. GREAT work guys ! !
------------------ P'DuB Matthew 11:28,29 28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." http://www.geocities.com/captain_cu_cu/danro.html
They look great! Are the a/c controls going to have the same kind of lighting effect? Also, I'll be waiting to see the reverse EL Guages. You need to get a cool blue color. That's probably what I'll be wanting. Price is a little higher than I thought, but I can save a few more bucks. Keep up the good work!
------------------ -Adam sqoach@yahoo.com 86 SE V6 - daily driver
I want to get a set as soon as possible, but I have a few questions about them 1) How easy are they to install? 2) How do they install and what wires do they hook to? 3)As with anything there is going to be a problem with them somewhere....(ie. Installation, getting the wires to hook into the right placees...you know what I mean) I mean they aren't going to be a perfect installation, are they? 4) When can I order them and how long will it take for them to be ready? 5) Can anybody install them even if you dont have that much knowledge of how to install something like this?
Hmmm... must've missed this response along the way.
1) Ease of installation? On a scale of 1-10 I'd probably guess a 5. You'll need some basic skills & tools to take apart the dash... as well as some skills to replace the faces.
2) How to install? Basically you'll need to remove your existing gauges- pull the needle off (carefully) and repaint if you like. Remove the existing face assembly (it's clear plastic), then remove the current face sticker. As to wiring... I haven't installed a set yet- so Joe may be better suited to answer that one.
3) I will have the first set to actually install in a stock dash vehicle (Joe's dash isn't exactly stock )... I'll let you know when I get there!
4) When can you order... and how long? Well- Joe mentioned possibly taking pre-orders to help offset some of the initial production costs. I'd really like to get the 1st set installed in a vehicle and make some install instructions before sending them out blindly.
5) Can anybody do it? If you ever have the chance to disassemble another dash- it'll help with the comprehension of how the whole system fits together... I know I didn't fully understand it until Songman sent me a dead backlit speedometer last year to toy with. Now it makes a ton more sense.
I'd be willing to be one of the first pre-orders. I want the Blue color too if available,if not then I'll buy one(green) now and then one(blue)later on. I'll buy a set right now. Joe send me your address,and I'll send you the money.
------------------ 85 GT Turbo intercooled
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11:24 AM
Mar 23rd, 2002
fierohoho Member
Posts: 3494 From: Corner of No and Where Registered: Apr 2001
This first photo is an Indigo nightlite/clock, on the back it says 115V/.03W
This is a photo with the unit opened.
This is a photo of the back of the removed Indiglo panel, on it is "NGI FlexEL 960628".
My question is, will this illuminate with a voltage other than 115V.
The outlet posts were in direct contact with the two (2) tabs on the EL panel, so I was wondering, are these panels manufactured to illuminate at a set voltage that the manufacturer can vary?
What voltage are your gage faces using?
Is it 12V or is it stepped up somehow?
Thanks, Steve.
------------------ Stupid Snow, I can't drive my Fiero! Oh well, still have my work car.
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02:54 PM
System Bot
Joe Torma Member
Posts: 3485 From: Hillsborough, NJ USA Registered: Jul 2001
The inverter I use is psyically small(1 1/2" cube) and only puts out/uses a few milli amps to run it. Your watch probably does have a mini inverter inside. It draws so little current, your watch battery will power it for a long time.
I have played with 2 different inverters from my supplier. I prefer the heavier duty one(of course)...it will run more area(which also has an effect on brightness).
oh..Dells? Dunno, maybe!
[This message has been edited by Joe Torma (edited 03-24-2002).]
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11:14 AM
Mar 27th, 2002
Nashco Member
Posts: 4144 From: Portland, OR Registered: Dec 2000
So Joe, have you had an opportunity to finish a full set? I am hoping I get to see a set of these in person before summer ends...where are you going to be showing them off?? Any target date these should be available by?
I will be honest, I'm not chomping at the bit to buy a set of these. I love how they look, and you guys have obviously gone to great lengths to make a good product! I'm just not sure what I'm going to do with my guages yet, and it'd be foolish to buy a set if I'm not sure that I'll keep them.
Bryce- I know Joe was waiting on some more EL paper from his supplier. I'll be installing the first complete set in my GT as soon as they are available. I'm hoping to have them going before the Minnesota Fieros Forever Spring Kickoff on April 18th. If not by then... then by Dells Run at the end of May at the latest!
As for a target date? As soon as we have a set fully installed... and some instructions to help others- then we'll be able to start the production process. Although there may be some lead time required (as they are quite expensive to assemble & inventory without substantial prepaid orders).
Hope this answers your question!
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09:45 PM
Joe Torma Member
Posts: 3485 From: Hillsborough, NJ USA Registered: Jul 2001
Joe- I'll get some new ones printed and sent your way next week... this week/weekend are already crammed! You still have a couple of sets left... don't you?
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10:10 PM
Joe Torma Member
Posts: 3485 From: Hillsborough, NJ USA Registered: Jul 2001
Don't sweat the pricing..this is a premium item and while you probably won't get filthy rich off this, I think it is an excellect product for those willing to invest in their rides...having said that, it is a little much for me...for this car...now, I will have to start saving for the next, and then...