Hey, that's pretty cool!!
Yeah, when we pulled up I was first and my Dad was second. We had just had trouble coming into Canada from Buffalo NY about 5 hours earlier as my dad was in the lead (he knows the route well) and we didn't have any papers or anything proving that my kids were actually mine and so that delayed us a bit.
So I went first this next time into the line to go through customs. I don't remember if the guy even asked me anything about my citizinship or about my daughter Tarrah who was riding with me in the Indy or anything, as he immediatly took a liking to my Indy and started asking questions. He asked if this was an actually Indy Fiero or just a regular white Fiero with decals and I said it was real production Indy. I also told him that we were going to the 20th anniversary show in Pontiac.
He said he had seen a few Indy Fieros before and really liked them, and he said that they were one of his favorites. He said that he had never seen one with the Indy style rims and certainly not with an over the roof scoop that actually had the amber pace lights in it. He then asked me if the lights really worked. I said yes and asked him if he would like to see them work. He smiled a huge grin and said yes. I pushed the remote button and on they went. He watched them with a huge smile on his face for a few moments and then said thanks and told me to have a great time at the show and waved me thru.
I pulled forward a bit to wait for my Dad as he then pulled up with my son Jordan who was riding with him and I watched out my side mirror as my Dad wasn't there long either. Later my Dad said a similar thing about he liked the working lights and all. Maybe my Dad will see this and post a bit of what the guy said to him. My dad said that he was so excited to see an Indy that had a pace scoop with working lights he didn't ask my Dad about Jordan or anything.
Later I thought that I should have at least gotten his e-mail address and I could have e-mailed him links to some of these threads on the 20th so he could see all the Fieros, like a few Indy Fieros including the actual '84 Indy.
Oh well.
I am glad that he liked my Indy. I kinda like it too

Thanks for the story, that is pretty cool!
Now over 400 pics of our 18 Fieros: http://www.cardomain.com/id/fiero5
[This message has been edited by Fiero5 (edited 07-23-2003).]