$95 for 5 over?! That's just nuts!!! Were there any other circumstances? Was it a construction zone or something? Or were you in a small town? <cough>speed-trap<cough> Most of my trip I drove almost 10 over, the entire way. And I was still in peoples' way much of the time.
------------------ Raydar
88 3.4 coupe. 17s, cut springs 'n all.
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09:20 AM
Fiero5 Member
Posts: 8882 From: Arecibo, PR Registered: Jun 2000
Ouch! Geeze, I don't think we did the speed limit hardly at all the whole way out and back, except thru small towns, narraor streets and such where we were very carefull and aware of the correct speed limit. You must have been alone and not in a group?
------------------ Now over 400 pics of our 18 Fieros: http://www.cardomain.com/id/fiero5
I saw someone pulled over on M14 in Ann Arbor Saturday Morning about 7:30. Don't know who it was (or if a ticket resulted,) but there was another Fiero waiting around the corner too. I was staying with friends in Ann Arbor, so this was basically my first sight Saturday morning--only 1/4 mile from my exit.
That's how MI cops are. You could be the only car on the road on a strait stretch doing 1 over and they'll pull you over. More tickets = more money
And you wouldn't believe some of these small town hick cops up here
I've gotten off both times I've been pulled over by the "hick cops", the state trooper, however, preceeded to give me a ticket for 21 over.....but that was 2.5 years ago. I'll take gettng pulled over by local cops over the troopers any day, though
Me and my friend got both of our licenses taken away!
We had just pulled out of the Pontiac Lake Campground and not more than 100 feet afterward, we got pulled over. Not speeding, not drinking, not swerving, NOTHING! I think it's because of the MN plates.
Anyways he said that he pulled us over because Tony was "riding outside the vehicle" He has resting on both arms out the window so that his head was out as far as the mirror.
It just turned out though, that we weren't wearing our seatbelts, so he took our licenses and gave us each a $50.00 ticket! As$hole
And we were in a red and gray Chevy S10! Not even something that would catch a normal cops attention! grrrr
[This message has been edited by Oslo (edited 07-23-2003).]
This was a horrible thing to have happened. I wish it hadn't happened. The rest of our group had slowed because my radar detector was going off but we were a bit spread out unfortunately so poor Stan got nailed. The cop told him it was a 55 zone but it wasn't. All the signs said 65 and there was no construction going on either. Bad way to start the day. Sorry Stan.
------------------ Activities Director N.I.F.E.
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01:45 PM
rogergarrison Member
Posts: 49601 From: A Western Caribbean Island/ Columbus, Ohio Registered: Apr 99
I guess you would have went to jail if he was riding in the bed....... I dont like cops, they rather follow you around for no seatbelt than catch criminals stealing from you...even if you already caught them and handed them over......but thats another story.
Next time file what is known as a "motion for discovery". It is free and quite legal. This reguires the police to supply you with everything involved with your case such as the officer's record, his car's last speedo calibration, radar calibration, etc. 8 times out of 10 you can win in court because they have something expired or used improperly.
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04:46 PM
x-thumpr-x Member
Posts: 1992 From: Toronto, Ontario Registered: Aug 2001
Damn shame there with those tickets. I don't think we were close to the limit at all? We averaged about 30 over the limit in Ontario and probaly 15-20 over the limit in MI. My g/f was following in here car and was keeping up no problem. At first she was nervous of going over the limit and the fact of getting caught, but the only problem she had all weekend was 2 close call in parking lots were idiots just rush out of their parking spots without looking.
Olso, were did you park in the campground? We had 6 Fiero's close together (around lot 107). We took a tour and saw the Xmas truck. Think it was a ford with xmas lights all over it. Ohnicko got into the mood and stating singing "O Xmas truck O Xmas truck"
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05:27 PM
87V6GT Member
Posts: 771 From: Plainfield NH USA Registered: Jun 2001
Yea, Steve and I were running anywhere from 65 to 80 mph most of the way across the N.Y. thruway, the QEW, 403, 401, 402 and down MI 94. There were still some cars passing us as though we were standing still. We only saw maybe three State Police on the N.Y. Thruway. We drove 700 miles plus in 14 1/2 hours. Russ K.
[This message has been edited by 87V6GT (edited 07-24-2003).]
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08:40 PM
FieroMaster88 Member
Posts: 7680 From: Mattawan, MI Registered: Nov 2000
I was 10 over all the way down 75 from Bay City (between the pointer finger and the thumb, look at your hand, it's michigan [had to do that for the out-of-staters]) in MY dad'sRED silverado, and never got winked at. In fact, after we had left breakfast in Birch Run (Exit Restaurant, great buffet), I was driving behind two trucks blocking both lanes, and the cop next to me never even looked my way when I revved the truck to 6k...hehehe. And no, he wasn't ignoring me to get the trucks, he drove right by them, too!
[This message has been edited by Bradbitz11 (edited 07-24-2003).]
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01:19 AM
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StansGT Member
Posts: 914 From: Schoolcraft MI, USA Registered: Jul 2001