So I leave early this morning to go trailer the T-top home before it gets vandalized sitting on the side of I-5 and I get a call on my cell... Rie tells me that the police are in the neighborhood and are towing my cars away!
I've been having a helluva time getting the paperwork on these cars from the previous owners so they registration hasn't been changed over yet. This one *@#^ neighbor that everyone hates called the cops and they came and impounded my cars while I was gone for improper tags!
So I get home, Rie is frantic... I start making phone calls. I have to go to the DMV, the police station and the impound yard to get my cars... $1400 dollars later I am home with my cars! But I only have three days to get them smogged before they are illegal again!
I really hate California...
And as if my T-top catching on fire and all of my cars being impounded isn't enough... now after all of this, Rie doesn't want to come to Vegas anymore. I just called and cancelled our reservations... I hope you guys have fun.... Sorry I'm going to miss it...
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12:26 AM
System Bot
Xantavar Member
Posts: 1158 From: Big Rapids, MI...Ferris State Registered: Nov 2002
the SAME excat thing happened to a friend of mine. He had 2 camaros parked out front of his house that he was working on, one he just recently bought and didnt cange the regestration yet and one the registration recently expired. The neighbor that no one in the town likes called the cops and they impounded them. Thing is, a buddy of ours had his camaro parked there too and they put an abandoned sticker on it, but he just ripped it off because the car was fully legal
--Adam-- 1987 Blue GT 5-speed IM AOL: FieroGT5speed
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12:43 AM
Smoooooth GT Member
Posts: 8823 From: Lake Palestine, Texas Registered: Jun 2001
Well, Dale... I am almost speachless. I can't believe the luck you are having. It HAS to change, so keep your chin up. I hate that you are missing the VegasFest. Smile, it has to change Dale!
------------------ Said Hulki, "You had to look at the Fiero not as a car, but as a process."
So I leave early this morning to go trailer the T-top home before it gets vandalized sitting on the side of I-5 and I get a call on my cell... Rie tells me that the police are in the neighborhood and are towing my cars away!
I've been having a helluva time getting the paperwork on these cars from the previous owners so they registration hasn't been changed over yet. This one *@#^ neighbor that everyone hates called the cops and they came and impounded my cars while I was gone for improper tags!
So I get home, Rie is frantic... I start making phone calls. I have to go to the DMV, the police station and the impound yard to get my cars... $1400 dollars later I am home with my cars! But I only have three days to get them smogged before they are illegal again!
I really hate California...
And as if my T-top catching on fire and all of my cars being impounded isn't enough... now after all of this, Rie doesn't want to come to Vegas anymore. I just called and cancelled our reservations... I hope you guys have fun.... Sorry I'm going to miss it...
$1400? I'd find a way to sue the neighbor, hey anything is possible in the US. Or "Take" care of the neighbor if you know what I mean .
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01:10 AM
88Fiero2M4 Member
Posts: 349 From: Stratton Colorado United States Registered: Jul 2003
Colorado has Simular laws but I found a good car cover makes it better if I have my car covered with a cover no one can read stickers or plates on it unless they come over and lift up the cover. However Colorado has a nice little law I talked about on another thread and if I find someone screwing around with it I have the right to shoot them as I could prove they were harming it. however like I said I dont own a gun but I do have a nice aluminm bat that I use if they are messing around with it and I have pepper spray and police stile Handcuffs as I have worked in security and had bought myself 2 pair of cuffs and several other things needed to work Security in Las Vegas when I lived there. If I had a neigbor who was doing that to me I would have to teach him a lesson. One guy here In Colorado got a guy he didnt like to follow him into his house wich was a big mistake on the other guys part he was entering a house he had no premission to be in and was shot dead trying to fight this other guy and it was found to be within that law the guy did have intention to do harm and was shot for it not saying i would do that but that guy did. I have to say that I hate neigbors and eventualy hope to buy a place out of town where I can live in piece and play my music as loud as I want with no complaits. I feel sorry for those of you who live in Citys where there are big houses with no yard at all.... how do you live that way. My Grandparents and I are doing what is called a Hostile Accusition of land from a house owned by a bank next door by parking cars on the property and driving thru an area and keeping the dog over there.... 4 more years and the land is ours cause we use it on a regular basis and no one lives there to do anything about it. the next step is to move the fence over and one of these nights I am going to do just that about 15 to 20 ft its the oldest house in town noone wants it and it sets on about 6 lots of weeds so I guess we are trying to get about 1 1/2 to 2 lots out of it, It is within the law and if it isnt contested by the current owner in 7 years it is ours and this started 3 years ago so we hav 4 years of it left.
------------------ Don Pottorff Red 88 Fiero 2M4 Silver 86 Fiero 2M4
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01:19 AM
AusFiero Member
Posts: 11513 From: Dapto NSW Australia Registered: Feb 2001
Just come on over here to Phoenix, Mine has sat in the driveway for 6 months and has done nothing noone has called anyone We have cool neighbors and smog is a little bit easier to pass!
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03:28 AM
css9450 Member
Posts: 5508 From: Glen Ellyn, Illinois, USA Registered: Nov 2002
California is a nice place to visit, but I'd never want to live there!
Regarding Colorado; I've heard the state really discourages people from owning more than one car per person (or per household?) and charges something like several hundred dollars to buy plates for the second car. Any truth to this? My parents are retired and want to move there, although I can't see why except for the nice scenery....
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05:51 AM
Kento Member
Posts: 4218 From: Beautifull Winston Salem NC Registered: Jun 2003
Project PoSE sat on the side of the house for 3 1/2 years and nothing was ever said. Move to Florida, we will welcome you no problem and the state is Fiero Friendly
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07:23 AM
System Bot
m0sh_man Member
Posts: 8460 From: south charleston WV 25309 Registered: Feb 2002
god i love my state, we can have upto 3 cars sitting with no registration and no insurance on our property. and we dont have to do a thing with them.
PLUS im 200 yards outside of city limits, so no city police come up psat my house and i work for the state police. so i dont have to worry about any of my fiero parts cars getting towed off.
HELL i had one 86SE rustmobile sitting UPSIDE DOWN! for a month less than 10 feet from the road and no one said a thing and it was bodyless! (the road is the main road through spring hill where i live)
You need to move back east songman. there is nothing but trouble out in CA. and hell you already bought all the fiero's havent you?
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08:10 AM
PontiacFiero Member
Posts: 760 From: Huntsville, AL Registered: Apr 2002
Gawd, sweet home Alabama. We may have our share of problems and a sordid past, but at least we have a few freedoms left. I have had an 87 GT parked in my driveway for over two years with no tag at all with no problems. It looks good and I drive it around the block occasionally. Sorry to hear about your problems Songman. They should have sent you a letter first to give you a chance before towing vehicles. What happened to due process in California.
Wow, that sucks laaaarge. At least you have your cars back and they were not stolen. The car I had before my fiero was a Sunbird. I sold it to a guy on a J-body forum and then I drove it to him. Two days later I get a call from the cops saying the car was abandoned on private property and its being towed. Turns out the car was stolen off of him before he could even register it, so I was still responsible for the car. It got straightened out and the car is now his in whatever condition the theives left it.
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11:45 AM
Songman Member
Posts: 12496 From: Nashville, TN Registered: Aug 2000
Thanks for all the encouraging words... When I think of how many Fieros I could have bought for $1400...
This neighbor has started a war that she is not going to win. Rie told the other neighbors yesterday that all this woman had done was 'piss off a redneck' and that was a very bad thing to do...
This piece of trash neighbor has filed bankruptcy twice in 5 years, beating the system because she got married and sneaked it through... She is always getting something done on her house, but then not paying the workers... They have a new Dodge truck, in-ground swimming pool, brand new 4-wheelers, etc... yet her kids are getting free lunches at school...
All this was told to the cops yesterday by my other neighbors who were trying to take up for me... The cops apologized for what they had to do and said that we should call the IRS and the D.A... He said it sounded like there was a good case of fraud at the very least.
The latest development is that she is adding a room on to her house right now. The lady next to her found out that there are no permits for the construction so she turned her in! haha Paybacks are hell!
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11:58 AM
Fiero5 Member
Posts: 8882 From: Arecibo, PR Registered: Jun 2000
...said that we should call the IRS and the D.A... He said it sounded like there was a good case of fraud at the very least.
The latest development is that she is adding a room on to her house right now. The lady next to her found out that there are no permits for the construction so she turned her in! haha Paybacks are hell!
...indeed they are. Wiccans (which I am not) believe that we reap 3x what we sow--well, it's not a bad philosophy to follow no matter what religion you are.
I don't go for revenge, but it sounds like it is that woman's turn to reap some of what she's sown.
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07:41 PM
Christine Member
Posts: 1052 From: Denver, Colorado Registered: Jan 2003
Regarding Colorado; I've heard the state really discourages people from owning more than one car per person (or per household?) and charges something like several hundred dollars to buy plates for the second car. Any truth to this? My parents are retired and want to move there, although I can't see why except for the nice scenery....
No that is no true about Colorado I think what you are referring to is all cars on parked on the street must be tagged and currant. Denver has a rule about to many cars on your property like junk cars in the back yard this is because to many people had junk yards in their back yards so now you can have as many as you can fit in your garage or you can keep one unregistered car that is covered on your property. Cars only need E tests and plates if you have them on the street. There is no extra cost for multiple cars I had 5 at one time and all were older than 90 and the plates range form $100 for the newer cars and around $25 for the oldest ones but E test costs $25 and you must prove the car is insured to get tags. Have you ever been to Colorado?
sounds to me it's a way for the govenor to make back that 38 million or billion that he lost. Damn sorry to hear about the money loss, freakin police don't understand that it takes time to get a registration specially when the other people are dead beats...well glad tou got them back, and goodluck on the smog machine.
" -Hey mom, can i get some ice cream? -No Dice -This aint Ova"
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08:14 PM
System Bot
css9450 Member
Posts: 5508 From: Glen Ellyn, Illinois, USA Registered: Nov 2002
No that is no true about Colorado I think what you are referring to is all cars on parked on the street must be tagged and currant.
Have you ever been to Colorado?
That's good to hear; I thought there was some western state that charged exhorbitant rates to get plates for what they considered "unnecessary" cars. For some reason I thought it was Colorado, hence the question.
And yes, I've been to Colorado, many times. Its all good! Tennessee Pass, the Moffat Tunnel, Pueblo, Arkansas River, Durango, etc... I've even been to Stratton, which is where the other guy is from. Bet he never expected to find another forum member who'd been there
------------------ 88 Fiero GT 91K miles 91 Beretta 304K miles
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10:55 PM
Jul 30th, 2003
FieroMonkey Member
Posts: 3294 From: poway,CA,USA Registered: Nov 2002
Damn Dale! I am so pissed off i want to come up there and pour brake fluid on her truck and then dump the fleas of a thousand camels down her underpants!
I can never understand how someone who takes such advantage of the system and people whom work very hard (especially the ones she hires), and yet still manages to surf by in life with all the little luxuries!
I am all for payback!
Not to mention i think you would be doing society and your neighbors a great service by getting the IRS and the building inspectors crawling up her arse!
And pissing off a red neck??!? BAD idea, in ANY state
And Speaking of CA, i was born here, and have lived here forr 100% of my life. I have traveled to at least half of our nations states, and have been to a few foriegn countries as well.
So i think i have the right to say that CA sucks A$$! I hate it here! 1) over population, 2) 24/7 traffic, 3) rediculasly obsurd realestate prices, 4) our police are responsible for shooting to death more innocent people than any state in the US, 5) DMV and smog rules here are worthy of Nazi Germany, 6) Gov Davis is TRIPPLING DMV registration fees in oct. to make up for the $38 BILLION of our taxes he lost. 7) too many more to list
Suffice it to say, if my whole family weren't in CA, i would grab my wife, son, cats, tie all my Fieros together like a damn choo choo train, and head north or east out of this, the state whos current monetary value has been classified as less than junk bonds, good'ol Sunny CA.....
I need a beer, Songman? This ones for you!
------------------ -Monkey
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12:43 AM
Songman Member
Posts: 12496 From: Nashville, TN Registered: Aug 2000
Guess which of my Fieros didn't get towed... The white 85GT! You better come get it! It's time is coming! haha
The good news is that we are going to go to Vegas anyway.. just not in a Fiero. I haven't had time to go over the T-top yet and make sure it is safe. We're heading over in the morning... See you guys there!
Oh... and the camel fleas... I think the camels caught them from this *&%*@ to start with!