Well got this Mustang Hoodscoop off Ebay. My plan is to BOLT it to my decklid. I feel that if I mold it in, it will just crack over time.( I had to remove my torsion bars, so I have to slam the decklid to close). Plus , by bolting it on, it will be easy to remove and alter if I wish. It will be functional by cutting out the center of the decklid to allow the hot air that accumalates over my Supercharger escape. Especially during the summer while sitting in traffic. I will be cutting out the opening and may put a mesh grill in. I want to see what others have done to get some ideas. Thanks guys.
------------------ Purple 1988 GT Supercharged 3800 Series II V6 Mods: 3.00 pulley 1.9 High Ratio Rockers Custom PCM by Darth Fiero Best 60'FT- 1.773 Best 1/8th- 8.102 Best ET -12.74@105mph www.cardomain.com/memberpage/444061
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08:29 PM
System Bot
Master Tuner Akimoto Member
Posts: 2267 From: South Florida,USA Registered: Jul 2003
You have one of the good ones(original Ford) I have the same and what I did was to cut out the trunk and mount the scoop with the studs that came with it and then moulded it in with fiberglass and used gorilla hair filler over the fiberglass and it has held up since it was done .
------------------ Tuners of the Quickest 4.9 12.51@118 mph
Yeah, I've been looking for an OEM one for over a year now. I finally started looking on Ebay and there are quite a few to be found there. Just kept getting out bid. I finally got this one, it has alittle bit of damage, nothing I can't handle(Autobody Tech). I will just bolt this one on cause I am toying with the idea of painting it Gloss Black, with some graphics on the sides, probably "SUPERCHARGED". Did you cut the entire center area on the decklid?? You know, the big area where everyone puts their Pontiac Racing stickers?
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08:57 PM
Master Tuner Akimoto Member
Posts: 2267 From: South Florida,USA Registered: Jul 2003
Here's a couple of pics of my 'Stang Style deck scoop:
And the inside of the decklid where I cut it out:
I purchased mine from the Fibersmith awhile back... and it needed a bit of extra prep work before fitting it (heck, I still have some "finishing" to do on it before paint).
If you're not sure about keeping it on the car, then you can just bolt it on (most people wouldn't even notice the difference until they get up close). But I did go ahead and 'glass mine in.
You did good by getting a real Ford one. They are usually hard to find, but worth it.
A lot of the fiberglass copies are lacking in quality, and are overpriced. (I forget how much the fibersmith's was, but something tells me it was a reasonable price compared to others out there.) How is the quality on that Minn?
I just love the look of them on the fastbacks, with or without the wing. It really sets that area off visually.
I think I paid about $50 or $60 for the Fibersmith one. The only negative thing about it was that there was a bit of a "sag" in the middle of the scoop - it requried a bit of extra filling, but seems fine now. I'm planning to do a bit more work on it before I can call it "done".
If I understand correctly, the OEM Ford ones are actually ABS plastic instead of 'glass. Is there a part number on the one you got?
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11:05 AM
blazin' Member
Posts: 1294 From: Yorkton, SK Registered: Oct 2001
Ok, $50-60 is pretty good. I was lucky enough to get mine for 50 bux.
RSM racing (Canada) wants $299 for the scoop, which just does not compare to the real Mustang scoop in quality.
I think I can recall seeing a number somewhere on the scoop. (Hopefully it's not on the tab that hangs down in front cause I cut mine off.) If NOS3800 doesn't chime back in with a number, I'll take mine off and have a peek.
I think I can recall seeing a number somewhere on the scoop. (Hopefully it's not on the tab that hangs down in front cause I cut mine off.) If NOS3800 doesn't chime back in with a number, I'll take mine off and have a peek.
Thanks! I'm curious as to whether Ford still sells these, and what they get for them "OEM"...
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11:23 AM
Master Tuner Akimoto Member
Posts: 2267 From: South Florida,USA Registered: Jul 2003
They are pretty much hard to find at the dealer your best bet is on ebay $89 I paid for mine and that was cheap at the junk yard forget it ,Hey Minn what I do to cover the overlap like you have in your picture is to get fuel hose the length of the 4 sides and slit it down the middle and cover the edge it really dresses up the job.
------------------ Tuners of the Quickest 4.9 12.51@118 mph Being replaced by a "New" improved and even quicker 4.5 HY-BRID (In progress.)
They are pretty much hard to find at the dealer your best bet is on ebay $89 I paid for mine and that was cheap at the junk yard forget it ,Hey Minn what I do to cover the overlap like you have in your picture is to get fuel hose the length of the 4 sides and slit it down the middle and cover the edge it really dresses up the job.
Thanks, I read something about that awhile back... just have never really gotten around to it yet!
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11:59 AM
System Bot
blazin' Member
Posts: 1294 From: Yorkton, SK Registered: Oct 2001
I do not have a camera handy but if you look at the 3rd pic down that cutout on the underside of the hood with the light colored edging the hose is slit down the middleand pushed onright around to form a hedging maybe Minn green can highlight it .
------------------ Tuners of the Quickest 4.9 12.51@118 mph Being replaced by a "New" improved and even quicker 4.5 HY-BRID (In progress.)
Please let me know waht the price was on e-bay? This past year I have been selling the FORD Mustang '79 - '84 GT scoops to other forum members for $27.00 or less. I mostly pick them up at swap meets for under $10.
It is real funny when purchasing them, they always ask what year of Mustang I have. I just laught and say something like an '80. Because most stanger's now days hate these scoops and buy something else. They do not know our little Gold Mine secrete.
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01:09 PM
naskie18 Member
Posts: 6258 From: Commerce Twp, MI, USA Registered: Jun 2002
the fans (6 of them) are mounted under my stang scoop to aid in exhausting the hot air from the eng. compartment. I have a switch on the dash to turn them on or off. I usally leave them off till eng. is up to temp then switch them on to help circulate the heated air.(remember heat rises) so hot air hits the underside of the trunk, where they are mounted and out goes the bad air! They work VERY well!
I was just giving nos some ideas for the "final" product he is about to begin. I forgot to mention that when (or if) you add it to the trunk that you fabricate a center piece for the middle of the scoop opening for support since there is no "bolt" or anything to keep the center from drooping down in time.
Minn did you support the center??? Had any problems?? I believe my scoop is a bigger stang scoop than the ones pictured. it fit the trunk lines VERY WELL. seems like ya'll have a little bit of a lip from the "hump" to the scoop. mine molded right in with no little hump there. hummmmm
I forgot to mention that when (or if) you add it to the trunk that you fabricate a center piece for the middle of the scoop opening for support since there is no "bolt" or anything to keep the center from drooping down in time.
Minn did you support the center??? Had any problems??
Good point, that's actually what is wrong with most of the fiberglass ones... they don't have any support sandwich'd in the top flat area (I was informed of this by my cousin who builds Fiberglass kit planes for a living). He said that when laying up the part, the simple addition of even a piece of cardboard would make a world of difference.
So aside from the original sag... there doesn't seem to be any added yet.
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02:03 PM
ThaFieroMunk Member
Posts: 945 From: Whitby, Ontario, Canada Registered: Dec 2002
the fans (6 of them) are mounted under my stang scoop to aid in exhausting the hot air from the eng. compartment. I have a switch on the dash to turn them on or off. I usally leave them off till eng. is up to temp then switch them on to help circulate the heated air.(remember heat rises) so hot air hits the underside of the trunk, where they are mounted and out goes the bad air! They work VERY well!
Thats what I thought I saw there, how 'bout a little more information on the fans? Where'd you get 'em, how much, how'd you mount 'em? Thats pretty sweet
Originally posted by naskie18: Thats what I thought I saw there, how 'bout a little more information on the fans? Where'd you get 'em, how much, how'd you mount 'em? Thats pretty sweet
The fans are from a computer AND 12V to boot! I mounted them on a piece of alum.angle iron.(found at Home depot ) Then screwed the bracket to the trunk "cross-brace" with two screws, at the end of the cut opening for the scoop. Connected them all together in series, and ran the wires to the dash via switch. The fans are small and fit right up in the scoop. no problem in hitting the blower or the stock fiero intake. Very cheap and easy to do!!!
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04:07 PM
gomobile Member
Posts: 237 From: Southern California Registered: Jun 2001
I am getting ready to install a SCOOP (had this one made). Since I am NOT a body man. I would appreciate some pointers from the folks that have done this.
1) What do I need to use to CUT the hump on GT?
2) What about the finishing touches.
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04:30 PM
gomobile Member
Posts: 237 From: Southern California Registered: Jun 2001
The scoop it self does have the bolts in there(see fan pic) I did bolt mine down (5 bolts) BUT I also sanded down the deck lid around the foot print of where the scoop would sit. Then a nice amount of bondo(with the glass "hairs" in it) on that footprint area and then smoothed that part out around the outer edges. then just worked on it till smooth.
**A side note, All this was done with the deck off. duh
Thanks for the respomses guys. I don't have the scoop in front of me now(its at work) but I think mine has a stud in the center of the opening to prevent sag. BTW, Revin, I don't think yours is a Stang scoop, is it a repo? The ends atthe openings are at a much steeper angle then on mine. Take a look at my original pics. Minn, when you cutthe entire area out like you did, where do the studs go, so I can bolt it down?
Nope, Org. mine came off a mid 80's stang! watched the guy do it. it DOES seem bigger. but it was a "fake" scoop on the stang. The tabs on the front had a black platic piece (held in with platic nuts and bolts)there like yours in the first pic.so that the scoop was not functional on the stang. hee hee I also cut all those tabs off. Duh! for a cleaner look. I even think mine is taller than yours and Robs(just a little bit) The back part completed the slope very well on the hump part. really looks stock on mine
[This message has been edited by revin (edited 11-07-2003).]
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07:20 PM
Smoooooth GT Member
Posts: 8823 From: Lake Palestine, Texas Registered: Jun 2001
I mounted mine DIFFERENT from anyone else.... O mounted mine wayyyyyy back to the rear.. I did a 'streaner*' test. and it looks like you get better airflow OUT of the scoop this way! Ask Ski!!
*steamer---- Plastic strip's from aPomPom!! and then I could tell witch way the air was flowing going down the highway!! With it to the reare it flow's WAAAAYYYYYY BETTER!!
Here's a pic, but ignore the 'viewing window' hole there as it is not finished in this pic, and I am working on a diffeent decklid design as we speak! lol
------------------ SmoothGT!! Postwhore of PFF!! CustomMade WIDEBODY GT!!
[This message has been edited by Smoooooth GT (edited 11-07-2003).]
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07:40 PM
System Bot
tripple8 Member
Posts: 210 From: Winfield, KS Registered: Feb 2003
Originally posted by Smoooooth GT: *steamer---- Plastic strip's from aPomPom!! and then I could tell witch way the air was flowing going down the highway!! With it to the reare it flow's WAAAAYYYYYY BETTER!!
you taped pom-poms to your car?? and i thought you were crazy before i bet that looked odd going down the road
That might be the differance ! I do kinda want to lean toward the capri as being shorter height wise. That would make sense the Capri's were not as "performance" as a stang. huh right? Then again maybe it is the other way around?
[wide 27.5in. x tall 1 3/4in.] I measured from the deck lid to the very top of the scoop and from the edges of the side pointy things.
Now how does everybody's measure up to that???
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03:39 PM
2.8-4spd Member
Posts: 181 From: Cincinnati,Ohio,USA Registered: Oct 2001
Revin you are right, your scoop is off a Mustang. those scoops were used on the 83 and 84 Gt. The opening faced the windshield. The more square scoop, like NOS3800 were used on the 79-82 mustangs, and also the Capri, from I believe 79-82. The opening on these faced the front.
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06:32 PM
Nov 9th, 2003
dizmon_85GT Member
Posts: 377 From: Knoxville, IL USA Registered: Aug 2001
Originally posted by 2.8-4spd: Revin you are right, your scoop is off a Mustang. those scoops were used on the 83 and 84 Gt. The opening faced the windshield. The more square scoop, like NOS3800 were used on the 79-82 mustangs, and also the Capri, from I believe 79-82. The opening on these faced the front.