I have a request and I don't know if I'm the only one to ask this, but if any of you forum members agree please post reply, if NOT interested please don't reply. My question is about asking if you could add another topic section (like you have the mall, general chat and so on) Historic stats and documents section (kinda like the firebird/trans am has) this is a place where people only post factual production numbers (I'm not only talking the spotter guide), but there are people besides myself that have other stats of different options on different years as well as pictures of documentation that comes with your fiero when it was new (all the paperwork) Plus pictures of all the literature the dealership had for EACH year. I think with the impact this forum continues to gain there has to be a place to preserve the history for stock owners and collector or future fiero owners to come. I'm not a computer brain so I don't know if this is possible and I don't know how much computer space it would take up, just think it would help not hurt (What do you all think!)
as well as pictures of documentation that comes with your fiero when it was new (all the paperwork) Plus pictures of all the literature the dealership had for EACH year... ... there has to be a place to preserve the history for stock owners and collector or future fiero owners to come.
Did anybody at the 20th see the flyers of the CFOGi Fiero Time Capsule Project? They were not brought in time to get them stuffed in the goody bags, so I laid them near the registration desk, by the other flyers. It did not appear that anybody took any of them, so I'm not surprised if you didn't hear about it. Anyway, I'm working with a couple of people about where to have items sent until a time capsule can be purchased, and where to store it long term. We'll have a ceremony at one of the major Fiero events, when the capsule is to be sealed. We're going to have a web page showing items donated, the balance in the fund, and with ad space sold to sponsors. More later, I just wanted you to be aware that CFOGi is working on it.
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12:38 AM
Czechfiero Member
Posts: 166 From: Zlin, Czech Republic, EU Registered: Jul 2003
"Fiero5" I think Cliff has read it, he's probably just watching to see if theres enough demand from the forum members to do it (we only have 12 people reply that they want it out of how many thousands of members here) but I'm glad that at least 12 of you think the idea is a good one. Thank you Fiero John PS I would be willing to help with all the 88 stuff since many of you that I have (even more stuff then Dave Kaulzanbach) I've been collecting for myself every piece of 88 literature with a fiero in it from dealer stuff to magizines, even the salesmen stuff since 1989 (all on the 88)and as you know I not only have data on production numbers, but also lots of data on the 88 t-top stuff that I've been working on a book. As for the other years Dave Kaulzabach has almost everything 84-87 hands down. But I'm sure there has to be a couple more collector like Dave and myself that have been collecting every piece of paper that Pontiac printed. I hope! As for the stuff (paper work) that came with the car "coolblue" would be able to do 1987, "myself" for 1988
[This message has been edited by FIERO JOHN-WI (edited 11-08-2003).]
[This message has been edited by FIERO JOHN-WI (edited 11-08-2003).]
[This message has been edited by FIERO JOHN-WI (edited 11-08-2003).]
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09:06 PM
Gordo Member
Posts: 2981 From: East Guilford, NY, USA Registered: Mar 2002
I also like the idea. I have searched the web for things like production figures, rpo codes etc and have gotten conflicting results. I would also like to see some of the historic advertisments and sales literature.
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09:20 PM
Cliff Pennock Administrator
Posts: 11839 From: Zandvoort, The Netherlands Registered: Jan 99
It's late (3:20am) and my brain is in power-saving mode, but why would you want a "discussion" area for that? I'm all for creating such a section on the main page or something, but a section on the forum? So perhaps I'm not understanding correctly...
It's late (3:20am) and my brain is in power-saving mode, but why would you want a "discussion" area for that? I'm all for creating such a section on the main page or something, but a section on the forum? So perhaps I'm not understanding correctly...
if there is a section like this in the forum you will have to worry about it going to archives , unless cliff can change that for this section . but yes i think that would be a great idea . there are many times i search for facts like , trans ratio's , #'s produced , etc.
It's late (3:20am) and my brain is in power-saving mode, but why would you want a "discussion" area for that? I'm all for creating such a section on the main page or something, but a section on the forum? So perhaps I'm not understanding correctly...
I agree w/ Cliff about this! But a "Motorsports" section would be nice, where you can talk about just about anything for preping your car for a race, etc. That'd take alot of that out of the General chat forum. A FAQ could be nice too !
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11:54 PM
Nov 9th, 2003
Old Lar Member
Posts: 13798 From: Palm Bay, Florida Registered: Nov 1999
The "Main Page" section of the forum would be a good place for a list of Fiero Facts. The main page has the trouble code listing. The information would need to be entered only once, then used as a refrence source.
I don't know how many people actually access that page of information, but seeing all the same questions that come up on the technical page, not that many. It is sort of like all the people who keep asking "How do I post photos?" Too many don't look to see what is available, and want someone to spoon feed them the information.
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10:34 AM
System Bot
Posts: 2410 From: GREENFIELD, WI, MILWAUKEE Registered: Jun 2001
Ok Cliff and fiero people of the forum, heres what I suggest (MIND you all I'm NOT a computer person, but I'll try to explain it as best as I KNOW HOW) First so you can see what I mean CLIFF and OTHERs: ABOVE "L44_87GT" gave a link to third generation link go to that and click BUT WAIT FIRST LET ME SAY SOMETHING FIRST The page he brings you to IS NOT WHAT I"M TALKING ABOUT, Click on his link then look to the upper left side of the screen, there is a red box labeled "communicate" click on "message boards" then go down the page title you find HISTORY and in the title it tells you what goes in there. Thats what I'm talking about. Now true things will get bumped down eventually and become archieves but the data will be be all in one place! If we did what "OLDLAR" said that would be worthless (sorry larry no disrespect!) but then people could not add information to it they would have to give it to cliff then cliff has to do this and then check it with someone to make sure their not made up data and that(shouldn't be like that for him, he has enough on his plate) Look guys and gals the main reason is so you can go to it as a referencer point but also ADD things data, stats, production#, rareity, in one place and that they can be discussed about where they got their information, which there will be stuff added in the future as Fieros owners Finally find out about "Pennocks" and it will happen I'll give you 2 examples a guy by the name "Chief" (just passed away)and gentleman forgot his log in name, Did you know that both these guys came onto the forum "chief" 1 1/2 ago and the other just recently both had valuable data about the fiero that most of you never knew that they talk about because there was no place for it "chiefs" stories happened while selling his NOS INDY seat and rims, that's right but he also had facts about the 88 power steering #'s and the other guy gave production #'s of 88 Canada breakdowns, "This came under I think the title "Rare opitons". So you see Cliff I bet alot of people misout on this information and when people mis out on this info they misout on our fiero history and when that happens people start making up their own history and facts of numbers and theres no place or section ANYWHERE for FIERO people to check these facts! We all can't always count on "MinnGreenGT" to always look it up for us when we can't find it, because thats what we usually end up doing when a new person can't find it in the archieves, he can (no disrespect to you Rob) Hopefully this explains it Cliff, I hope!
[This message has been edited by FIERO JOHN-WI (edited 11-09-2003).]
[This message has been edited by FIERO JOHN-WI (edited 11-09-2003).]
[This message has been edited by FIERO JOHN-WI (edited 11-09-2003).]
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11:50 AM
Posts: 2410 From: GREENFIELD, WI, MILWAUKEE Registered: Jun 2001
I like the way my MR2 board is layed out. www.mr2faq.com Everything is broken down for specific years and it has lots of different catagories which make it easier to find stuff. I think it would be a good Idea for Cliff to make a FAQ topic. Most people dont read the main page the jump to the topics part. It would be cool to have a list of common peolems and the causes. Don't let people create posts make it read only. Also you could cut down on redundant posts by having a keyword detector. Like if someone types in Overheating!!! They would be stopped when they go to post by a reminder box about the FAQ section. Have a polite reminder about reading the FAQ and make them choose yes or no about having read it. Would save you some bandwdth I bet. Maybe you could go into the archives and grab all the related posts and put links under the topic. Like overheating, glowing exhaust, fluctuating idle, high idle you get where I am going A new section strictly for racers would be way cool too Stop us from cluttering the general and tech sections.
[This message has been edited by red85gt (edited 11-09-2003).]
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09:48 PM
Nov 10th, 2003
Posts: 2410 From: GREENFIELD, WI, MILWAUKEE Registered: Jun 2001
I was thinking the same thing as Cliff on this... A discussion section on Fiero facts and history would turn into varying opinions and such. I think it should not be on the forum, but on the main page where it just states the facts as they are known instead of having them discussed. If someone wants to link to the History area and start a discussion, that would be fine..
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10:10 AM
willempie Member
Posts: 575 From: Geldrop, NB, Holland Registered: Nov 2001
fiero john: I agree with Cliff.. why would you want a DISCUSSION are on facts.. Just find out which ones are actual facts, and stick them somewhere.. No need to be discussed!
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07:56 PM
mattm Member
Posts: 1647 From: lancaster, pa Registered: Aug 2003
No one has mentioned it, but why don't you just start your own fact/history site. Sounds as though you have a lot of info and you certainly are interested and well informed. It isn't that difficult, just time consuming.
I'm sure that if Cliff thinks that it is useful then he could provide a link just as he does for the Ogre's Cave (which is great).
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08:14 PM
Boomtastic Member
Posts: 2359 From: Athens, Alabama Registered: May 2000
Without going into too much detail, myself and another Fiero-ite have been working on such a project for the past year. It is scheduled for rollout this April.
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08:15 PM
Posts: 2410 From: GREENFIELD, WI, MILWAUKEE Registered: Jun 2001
"Boomtastic" I will be looking forward to seeing it! It would be great to see all the literature, data, articles, production #'s about the pace car (for example) I know the "Indy registry" and "Fiero 5" have alot of stuff about that!
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08:21 PM
Boomtastic Member
Posts: 2359 From: Athens, Alabama Registered: May 2000
Thanks John. You'd be surprised at how fast a year goes by in just planning for something of this size. We've spent most of the time on the layout & software. Just getting that "right" was the biggest challenge. We're still soliciting information from anyone that wants to contribute (by email only please!). Entries will be validated and credited where due. A major announcement of the domain, etc. will be forthcoming next year.