My grandparents had my 87 GT befoe I did, and since it didn't have a horn, he added a REAL annoying one. Well for the placement of the button, he screwed a pushbutton onto the side of the center console right about where your right knee would go. So if you move your knee you usually hit it.
Now, fast forward to me having the car and going on a first date. Went to the Brigantine in La Jolla (real rich area) for appetizers, and the only parking this place had was valet. So after having a drink and something to eat, we headed out to go wherever we had planned to go that night.
So we head to the door and there is a line of people waiting for their cars. We get to front and there are people in tuxs behind us with real expensive nice cars ( mine looked real nice back then but not as nice as these hoity toity peoples cars). All of a sudden we hear this WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE from around the back. I knew right away what it was. The car comes all the way around from the back, makes a nice long slow loop around the front and stops. Everyone is just staring at us and the car with the horn thats setting off alarms all over the place. The guy opens the door and gets out and the horn stops, of course since he was leaning his knee against it the whole time.
He looks at me and says something about how he didn't know what was making it go off. I just pointed at the button, got my date in the car as quick as I could and took off.
I yanked that thing out the next morning.
Moral of story........don't put horn button where my grandfather did. What was he thinking? I don't know.
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10:10 PM
turbo86se Member
Posts: 2098 From: Carroll Valley, PA Registered: Oct 1999
LOL, that's a funny story slickrick, I would definitely leave it in there for kicks. Especially when other people drive it, you'd hear them coming and going! LOL How 'bout them Chargers!!!
Has anyone installed an air horn? Yeah I'm embarrased about my stock wimpy horn, and would like to add some different horn. I always liked the Lamborghini horn from Cannonball Run. Is that an airhorn? Thanks!!
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10:35 PM
Posts: 3122 From: Southern Indiana USA Registered: Aug 2003
I was just going to post what horn I am looking into. Trumpet 12V double air horn, I have seen them at Auto Zone and on JCWhitneys website but haven't heard them yet.
------------------ Bobby from NW Indiana 93 Northstar and 5 speed Getrag My build thread
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10:38 PM
88gtNewb Member
Posts: 922 From: Surrey, BC, Canada Registered: Aug 2004
Originally posted by turbo86se: Has anyone installed an air horn?
I believe several people have. I've seen timmer's car with dual air horns, but I've never heard it. Probably sounds really sweet comming from a tiny little fiero
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10:50 PM
slickrick2000 Member
Posts: 1369 From: Temecula, California Registered: Oct 2004
Ive got the dual air horns on my car. Its pretty loud. Got it from Advance Discount Auto for like 20 bucks. I couldnt find a good place to mount it to I mounted it on the inside of the front left shroud in front of the tire. I drilled a little hole in the spare tire well and ran my air hose/power connections through there to the compressor. I'll get a couple pics this week. Its pretty funny. So far id made a few people jump when I honked it and this one little kid covered his ears.
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11:19 PM
Whuffo Member
Posts: 3000 From: San Jose, CA Registered: Jul 2003
I've got a set of cheapie Harbor Freight air horns in mine; I set it up so the factory horns honk along with the air horns and somehow they're almost in tune. It makes a mighty noise when I honk now - they might not see me but they'll sure hear me...
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11:44 PM
System Bot
Dec 7th, 2004
Posts: 3122 From: Southern Indiana USA Registered: Aug 2003
Ive got a two tone air horn that sounds kinda Italian. I bought it from Auto Zone. just use your factory wiring to power the compressor. And you can mount the horns anywhere. Both the horns and the compressor are under the driver side f my front bumber where the factory 88 horn was.
I have a set of air horns on my 88 that work off of a vacuum compressor filling a tank pressurized to 160 psi. On top of the tank is a 12v solenoid actuated by a switch mounted below my trunk opener switch. Air is ported to two 18 inch trumpet horns. In Miami they are needed.
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09:06 PM
fierosound Member
Posts: 15206 From: Calgary, Canada Registered: Nov 1999
got rid of the stock Fiero horns years ago, and replaced them with horns off a Cadiallac. BIG improvenment. One of them crapped out finally. I got a pair of FIAMM "Freeway Blaster" horns (one high note, one low note). Talk about LOUD! Rated at 130db each. Definitely gets the other driver's attention if he's "wandering" into your lane.
A pair of the "high note" ones would sound very European.
Canadians - get them at Canadian Tire (about $50/pair) American Friends - J.C. Whitney and other Auto Shops (about ($35/pair)