Before I get into my chop top, let me go ahead and establish the names of my cars so no one gets pissed when I debut them later this year.
88 Chop Top T-Top - BLACK HEA®T 88 Chop Top GT - ®OJO 88 Convertable Coupe - VE®DE 88 GT - AZU®E
Notice the little ® - that is my naming handle since my MUD days.
Here is how it looked a couple of months ago, when no one wanted to buy it.
Here is the base coupe, half stripped.
Here is how it looked a few weeks ago.
Here is one side fit up and welded as of this evening.
I will be working on it some this weekend and I will be posting some more pictures as I progress. It actually looks like I will wind up getting it all welded out in a day or two, so I can start on the chassis prep. After that, I have OVER $5,500 worth of goodies I will be throwing into this thing, so it should be something to see when I get it done later this year. BEWARE OF BLACKHEA®T!!
[This message has been edited by Will-Martin (edited 07-09-2004).]
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02:35 AM
System Bot
tjfennel Member
Posts: 585 From: Honolulu, HI, USA Registered: May 2003
88 Chop Top T-Top - BLACK HEA®T Here is one side fit up and welded as of this evening.
Okay I am very impressed but I still can't figure out how you are doing it?
How are you shortening the roof witihout moving the T-tops back? Or are you shortening the T-tops, Or are you using custom windshield? Inquiring minds would really like to know.
ps - and when can you do mine???
------------------ If you find my advice useful, then please give me a positive rating, thanks... 1988 GT (Firebird Interior),1988 Coupe (Daily Driver), 1985 SE (Project Car), 1985 Coupe (parts car), Firebird Interior Installation Website
[This message has been edited by jscott1 (edited 07-09-2004).]
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04:04 AM
exoticse Member
Posts: 8655 From: Orlando, Fl Registered: Jun 2003
I knew someone would finally do this! After seeing how Orville used another windshield in his car and moved it forward about 5 inches, I knew a T-top could be chopped successfully. Not sure if that is what is being done here but it is how I would do it if I were going to chop a T-top.
Spddy.. I still have that extra T-top chassis out here.. Tell me when to bring it up! haha
Originally posted by jscott1: ps - and when can you do mine???
Originally posted by Nebiros88: couldnt stand to see this on page 2...for personal reasons
Will you offer your t-top chopping services?
I don't think so. The things I am having to do to this Fiero are illegal in 31 states. Just kidding. It is a lot of cutting and welding to ponder on someone else's car. I still do not think I will do anyone else's until I have tested this one out for a while. A few pics to tide you guys over.
Here is a 1/4 shot from the front. Notice the A-pillar on the opposite side in the stock location. It already has a section removed also!
I am having to shorten the A pillars and rake them back which means - custom windshield. It is the only way to go though.
I have to eat something now, or I will pass out. I am pretty stoked about the way it is looking. I will post more pics tonight hopefully.
Thanks for your interest!!
[This message has been edited by Will-Martin (edited 07-09-2004).]
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09:15 PM
Will-Martin Member
Posts: 1164 From: DFW, TX, USA Registered: Aug 2002
It is a lot of cutting and welding to ponder on someone else's car.
I am having to shorten the A pillars and rake them back which means - custom windshield. It is the only way to go though.
Thanks for your interest!!
I'm pretty excited to see a chop top emerging here in Texas. I know what you mean about cutting other people's cars. I wouldn't even think about doing to other's what I have done to mine.
I'm curious if the increase in rake of the A pillars will be 9 degrees like Archie's? It seems like it might be the same, but of course the windshield will be shorter so it won't look quite so exotic.
I'm also wondering if you have a windshield picked out or will you have to have one custom made from scratch? Also the rear and side windows, how do intend to make those?
And finally, all the custom fiberglass pieces that Archie has made up is what makes his chop tops look like they belong there, how do you intend to make those?
All the questions above are why I can't see myself attempting to do a chop top. I'll leave that to the experts
I assume the $5K of goodies is in addition to the engine?
Thanks for the updates, get some food and then please post some more pictures.
Originally posted by jscott1: I'm pretty excited to see a chop top emerging here in Texas. I know what you mean about cutting other people's cars. I wouldn't even think about doing to other's what I have done to mine.
I'm curious if the increase in rake of the A pillars will be 9 degrees like Archie's? It seems like it might be the same, but of course the windshield will be shorter so it won't look quite so exotic.
Actually came out to be less than 9 degrees for some reason. I will measure it exactly when I get a chance. The shorter windshield will definately be different, but I am anxious to see how it will look.
I'm also wondering if you have a windshield picked out or will you have to have one custom made from scratch? Also the rear and side windows, how do intend to make those?
No windshield picked out yet, I may go with racing lexan. I already have the lexan side glass, and I plan on getting a custom rear glass cut and tempered.
And finally, all the custom fiberglass pieces that Archie has made up is what makes his chop tops look like they belong there, how do you intend to make those?
I don't, I have something else planned. I am putting in a roll cage, and a custom interior. My old interior panels were trashed, so I tossed them.
* Let me state right here that my admiration for Archie has gone up a couple of notches since I started this thing. Anyone looking to pay Archie for a chop top is definately getting their money's worth. I would charge a lot more than Archie just for the metal work. Not to mention the interior, and exterior panels. Like I said, I don't think I could do this for others, even with the steel reinforcement, I am not sure the T-Tops will be rigid enough for a paying customer. That is why I am putting in the roll cage - strenghtening the chassis, and providing roll over protection.
All the questions above are why I can't see myself attempting to do a chop top. I'll leave that to the experts
I assume the $5K of goodies is in addition to the engine?
Nope, engine was $2K of it, $3K in extras.
Thanks for the updates, get some food and then please post some more pictures. - Jonathan
I just ate, and I am over at Wholf's house now. I will post some more pics when I get home. Thanks for looking.
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12:12 AM
jscott1 Member
Posts: 21676 From: Houston, TX , USA Registered: Dec 2001
Thanks for taking the time to answer all my questions... I would give you a big "+" except I already have. I expect your ratings bar will show up real soon with this thread.
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12:55 AM
Will-Martin Member
Posts: 1164 From: DFW, TX, USA Registered: Aug 2002
Thanks for taking the time to answer all my questions... I would give you a big "+" except I already have. I expect your ratings bar will show up real soon with this thread.
Right back at you. I can not believe I have not rated you yet. I love your T-Top install thread, and your Firebird interior install. I did not get to speak with you and your wife at Wheatstock that much, everyone was so busy.
Thanks, --Will
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12:58 AM
NotAFieroAnyLonger Member
Posts: 4413 From: 75762/Texas/USA Registered: Dec 2003
This is the rear view. As you can see, this is about a 3" chop much like Archie's. Here the outer welds on the B-Pillars have been made.
Here is the A-Pillar prior to tacking it in place as shown in my post above. I wanted to show how I notched the A-Pillar connecting point to the lower chassis at the bottom of the windshield.
This is the passenger side outer skin welded. It may not look like it due to the flash and the grind tracks, but the surface is smooth. Also, behind most of the welds I added plate steel reinforcements that were welded behind the body's stamped steel.
Driver's side, inside panel fit up and ready to weld tomorrow.
Tomorrow, I plan on welding the inner B-Pillar skins, and finishing out the A-Pillar reinforcement and welding. After that, I will be welding the A-Pillar mounts and begin cleaning up the chassis.
[This message has been edited by Will-Martin (edited 07-10-2004).]
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02:27 AM
bryson Member
Posts: 737 From: Mt. Pleasant, SC, USA Registered: Sep 2002
Hey -- I see you're up too I'm really interested in this!! I would love to do a chop and - like most people - have more time than money right now! My main concern is the sail panels, but I have a GT so it's kind of different. How are you planning on doing yours? --Bryson
Hey -- I see you're up too I'm really interested in this!! I would love to do a chop and - like most people - have more time than money right now! My main concern is the sail panels, but I have a GT so it's kind of different. How are you planning on doing yours? --Bryson
This actually started as a coupe, but I am converting it to a Fastback GT bodystyle. I will be modifying the fastback clip to fit the chop. I plan on just whacking it up into sections, then reglassing it the best way I can. I am going to cut down some quarter glass I bought from Doug @ The Fiero Warehouse. I wanted the dark tinted ones, but I actually received the lightly tinted ones. Oh well. :/
I am also modifying the hood, front fascia, rear fascia, and making a custom trunk lid for this project. So while it will resemble the GT bodystyle, it should be quite unique. The chop top is just the first step.
[This message has been edited by Will-Martin (edited 07-10-2004).]
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02:41 AM
System Bot
NotAFieroAnyLonger Member
Posts: 4413 From: 75762/Texas/USA Registered: Dec 2003
I did not get much done on this yesterday, as I am travelling to Houston today and had some other things to take care of. I will update everyone when I return so please do not get upset if I do not post or reply to e-mails/pms.
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11:49 AM
NotAFieroAnyLonger Member
Posts: 4413 From: 75762/Texas/USA Registered: Dec 2003
I did not get much done on this yesterday, as I am travelling to Houston today and had some other things to take care of. I will update everyone when I return so please do not get upset if I do not post or reply to e-mails/pms.
You better not be picking up Jonathan's Fiero...
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11:57 AM
jscott1 Member
Posts: 21676 From: Houston, TX , USA Registered: Dec 2001
Hey its looking real good man!!! But I suspect the hardest part will be fitting all the custom glass. This other guy is doing a chop-top also (DrivenVisions) But I haven't heard from him lately. It would be nice if Archie would sell a Chop-top kit with the glass.
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12:28 AM
Jul 20th, 2004
NotAFieroAnyLonger Member
Posts: 4413 From: 75762/Texas/USA Registered: Dec 2003
Still stuck here in Hitchcock Texas. I should be finishing up this weekend, so then I will be able to get back to the build up. Thank you guys for the interest, this is definately going to be fun.
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08:03 PM
Aug 1st, 2004
NotAFieroAnyLonger Member
Posts: 4413 From: 75762/Texas/USA Registered: Dec 2003