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  A note about signatures

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A note about signatures by Cliff Pennock
Started on: 01-04-2004 04:55 PM
Replies: 0
Last post by: Cliff Pennock on 01-04-2004 04:55 PM
Cliff Pennock
Posts: 11839
From: Zandvoort, The Netherlands
Registered: Jan 99

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Report this Post01-04-2004 04:55 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Cliff PennockClick Here to visit Cliff Pennock's HomePageSend a Private Message to Cliff PennockDirect Link to This Post
A note about signatures
Lately, I've noticed a lot of people with huge images in their signatures. Please be aware there are still a lot of people using Dial-Up connections and loading a thread with all these large signatures takes ages for them.

Please consider the height of your sig-pic. If your sig-pic consistently takes up more vertical space than your message, you can be pretty sure it's waaaaay too big. A good sig-pic is no higher than, say, 6 lines of text. The width isn't all too important but if you keep it below 600 pixels wide, then nobody will have to scroll horizontally. Not everybody is running @ 1024x768 or higher resolutions.

Animated sigs
Sure, that animated gif in your signature was funny the first time we saw it, but it got really irritating really fast. So please think twice when using an animated gif in your signature. It is allowed, but most people hate them...

Linking to websites
It's not allowed for your sig-pic to contain an address to another website, or to link to something. Because then your signature would be a banner and that's something that's not allowed. If you would like to include a link to your website, please use a text link.

Signature Contents
Do not use your signature for anything else but its intended purpose: to tell a little bit about yourself or show your car. Signatures that have nothing to do with you or your Fiero are not allowed.

Do not use offensive text (or offensive images for that matter) in your signature. If you fail to comply, your posting rights will be revoked immediately and a ban from this forum may follow. Also, listing every single mod you have done to your car is totally unnecessary.

Also, no "rate me" texts in your signature. People will rate you when they think there is a reason to. Not because you ask for it in your signature.

When to use your signature
It's completely unnecessary to include your signature in every single message you post in the same thread. Even though your sig-pic will only be loaded once (and then cached by your browser), it does mean people have to do a lot of unnecessary scrolling.

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