So, as some of you know, I broke my axle off in my transmission. I ordered a rebuilt transmission last thursday.
I went to a place called, and called to get the details. $900 for a fully rebuilt transmission, including synchros, blocker rings, bearings, etc. That price included shipping here and shipping back for the core. He assured me it would be here by this friday, 7 business days later. That was the clincher, I ordered the tranny.
I need it here this friday so I can fix it this weekend, for several reasons. For one, the garage where I would be fixing it is only availible until the 16th, as the owner is leaving the state on that day. I need an engine lift to make this easier, (he has one). Secondly, finals end next week, on the 17th, and I need to go home to PA on the 18th. Finally, my fiero-savvy assistant, fierohutch, is only availible on friday night and saturday this week.
I called on tuesday to see if it had gone out, and the guy that sold it to me said they were waiting on a "small parts kit" and it would go out tomorrow. I thought shipping would be 3 days, but at the time I didn't know how they were sending it, so I didn't worry. He again promised it would be here on friday.
I called wednesday to make sure it went out, I happened to call as he was filling out the shipping slip for UPS. I confirmed the address, luckily, because he was in the process of sending it to the billing address in PA. I corrected the address and again asked him if it would be there on friday, because it is so critical. He checked something, and said "UPS says 2 days, it will be there Friday". Later in the day, I checked the UPS website, and it said 3 days, arrival monday (based on zip codes). A few hours ago I checked the tracking number he gave me and sure enough, it claims scheduled delivery on monday.
I am going to call tomorrow and give them an earful. options are few: 1. Some how get them to get UPS to speed up delivery, which I don't think is even possible. (Unless someone knows otherwise?) 2. Ask them to pay for a mechanic to change the tranny...which would prolly be about a grand, if I could find a decent place. Not very likely. 3. Impose on a couple friends for help working on it and help with a place to fix it...looking like the most likely option, though neither of them have fiero experience. This would set me return to PA back several days, and I would really be asking a lot of them. 4. Greyhound down to Tallahassee with an aluminum bat of justice...won't fix my car, but will give me "closure". (Lucky for them, I don't have the money...I spent it all on the trans!) 5. There is a slim chance that on friday, the tranny may be at a local distribution center. I might be able to drive and get it, but chances are slim, it will probably be on a truck over the weekend.
I don't know what exactly I am looking for with this thread, but I just had to get this off of my chest. I am about to lose it. This whole tranny debacle has been more stress than finals and all of school, and now it is going south because some salesman was suddenly struck with down syndrome while reading a UPS shipping chart.
I am so upset, I can't even sleep. I am going to call tomorrow, and start out nice, but as soon as I get any resistance, I am going to flip the **** out on this place. It is apparently well known and reputable, but the main requirement of my order has not been met. Honestly, I think the guy just had an old chart or incorrect info or something, but he promised me on 3 separate occasions that it would be here friday. I realize they almost definately won't be able to speed up UPS, and won't be willing to pay for 100% of a mechanic, but I'll be damned if I am hanging up without some money credited back to my card. They have a flawless record with the BBB, they had better make me happy or that will change.
This time of year nothing is for sure with the mail or delivery services. I did get a package last week from UPS that was scheduled for Monday and it arrived early on Friday before. I hope you get that lucky. Let us know about the work they did too.
One thing I've learned about fixing cars, and having someone else fix them, is that nothing ever goes as planned. Sorry to hear about your dilemma. Look at it this way... It could've taken three weeks. It took that long for my laptop to be fixed for a hard drive replacement. If I had a new drive to put in it, and it wasn't covered by a service agreement, it would've taken 10 minutes. Three weeks is a long time to be without a computer and/or a transmission.
------------------ Got Blue?
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08:09 AM
Gary W Member
Posts: 1092 From: Cape Coral, FL Registered: Oct 2001
You may be able to pick up the package at the UPS hub. You would have to find out where the local hub is for you, then call the hub directly and see if the package can be intercepted before it goes on the next truck.
I have done this successfully - once.
You may need the shipper to make the calls - he technically owns the package until you sign for it.
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08:50 AM
Scurvy Member
Posts: 865 From: Richmond, Va Registered: Nov 2005
Does UPS do Sat delivery? I know fedex does so I would assume UPS does. Call the guy and tell him it won't be there by Friday and ask him to pay the upcharge for saturday delivery if so offered. If not then Pick it up at the HUB as stated earlier. The reason why it is probably being delayed until Monday is because of the type of item( size and weight of package).
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09:20 AM
Oreif Member
Posts: 16460 From: Schaumburg, IL Registered: Jan 2000
Well I don't really think you got "screwed by idiot trans builder", They did the work. The shipping really isn't their fault. Around this time of the year delivery services tend to get a large amount of items. So the parts they needed got delayed a day and this caused an extra day for them to ship the trans to you. I honestly don't think it is the trans shops fault or that they are trying to "screw" you. In other words, trying to get something done within a short amount of time that requires a delivery companies services around the largest gift giving/shipping season is most likely not going to work out very well.
I think it's scary you actually trust UPS with a trans. I've had UPS destroy/damage 3 transmissions and although they were shipped insured, The person who sent them was unable to actually get money for the damaged items due to UPS's little loopholes they have in their insurance/packaging policies.
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09:22 AM
Bigfieroman Member
Posts: 2416 From: Pleasant Hills, PA, near Pittsburgh Registered: Nov 2000
According to the UPS website, the normal UPS ship time is 3 days from Tallahassee to Flint. It is not delayed due to size/weight/season.
I just called the guy, and I was very nice...I started by asking if they could get ups to speed it up or add on saturday delivery (which still kinda screws me, but not nearly as much as monday). Sure enough, he said that their chart claims 2 day transit. As I suspected, their chart is out of date. I have class this morning, and I will hear back after noon.
Orief, the reason I hold them responsible is that they made a very serious promise...3 times...without double-checking their basis for the promise. This is the normal transit time for UPS, you can check the arrival date by punching in all of the info and the ship date on their website. Even shipped January 17th, it still says 3 days transit.
On the subject of the tranny arriving broken...I don't want to think about that. I do know that they are sending it in some kind of high-tech packaging, hopefully it won't be an issue.
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09:35 AM
JaxDomino Member
Posts: 322 From: Jacksonville, FL, USA Registered: Oct 2005
Man that sucks!! It IS their fault!!! They should have said, we don't have the "parts kit" for it to ship it out. They also could have shipped the tranny and once the parts kit got in they could have shipped the parts kit over night. Finish. It's about being honest up front and providing great customer service. when you are dealing with a community like ours, word travels and it travels at the speed of the keyboard and mouse!
------------------ '87 Fiero GT Fastback Auto.
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10:27 AM
Oreif Member
Posts: 16460 From: Schaumburg, IL Registered: Jan 2000
It's about being honest up front and providing great customer service.
OK, so because their customer service isn't "great" they intentionally screwed him? Sorry but the term "screwed" implies there was intentional deception on their part. From what was posted, It doesn't seem that the company doing the trans work intentionally delayed things. It is more of a matter of their organization and customer service. They didn't have the parts kit in stock which delayed shipping by a day.
Standard ground is 3 days, But occassionally they get delayed as well. The 3 days is an average not an absolute. The company promised to have the work done and the trans shipped in time to get it to you quickly. Although they had a delay, They still gave their best effort to get it to you as quickly as possible. It may not be exactly what you planned for, But my point is they do not appear to be intentionally trying to screw you.
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12:23 PM
Bigfieroman Member
Posts: 2416 From: Pleasant Hills, PA, near Pittsburgh Registered: Nov 2000
I never said they intentionally screwed me, nor do I believe as such. It is quite possible to get screwed from an innocent mistake, hence the term, "I screwed myself!" for example. In fact, I screwed myself by buying from this place and not researching the shipping myself...but I did not mean to, but it happened.
Delays occur, but they did not think there was a problem as long as they shipped on/by wednesday. They shipped on wednesday. Their chart was incorrect, their shipping time estimation chart. That is quite essential to their business. If their rebuild manuals have everything backwards and the tranny locks up after 2 miles, they are still responsible. They may have not written the manual, it may even be the GM manual, but it is still their responsibility, if not directly their fault.
I stressed 3 times how critical it was to get the tranny by Friday, and I only ordered it from them because they specifically assured me it would be in on time. Don't you think that a promise that leads to a $900 purchase should have been better researched?
[This message has been edited by Bigfieroman (edited 12-08-2005).]
I hope that the tranny shop called UPS - they generally can accelerate the shipping of an item (depending on where it is currently located). They also should be able to hold it at the sort facility if that's what you'd prefer.
Whether or not you've heard back from the guy, I'd recommend calling UPS yourself (you have the tracking info, which is all they really should need) and seeing what they can do for you! It's certainly worth a try.
Good luck!
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04:29 PM
System Bot
coinball Member
Posts: 1526 From: Raleigh, NC, USA Registered: Apr 2002
j/k i used to work at fedex, just had to say ups sux
hope everything works out for u though...
------------------ Eric -> On the lookout for a new '87 GOLD GT, Hardtop, paint must be exceptional.... RIP '87 GT Gold/Tan 4-speed Soon to be a bottle fed T-top
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04:54 PM
Bigfieroman Member
Posts: 2416 From: Pleasant Hills, PA, near Pittsburgh Registered: Nov 2000
Well, the tranny is supposed to be in Maumee, OH sometime tomorrow. When it arrives there, I can drive down to pick it up (2 hours each way). Accellerating the shipping to here would probably cost several hundred dollars. Hopefully it arrives there pretty soon, if it arrives late, I will not be able to get in to pick it up.
The guy was very apologetic and said that he is going to talk to his sales manager to see "how he can help me out". Hopefully it is more than enough to cover the 12-15 gallons of gas (taking a truck with a friend). I anticipate it being between a $100 and $400 discount. They have been really nice, and I have resisted flipping out on them...for now.
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05:55 PM
Raydar Member
Posts: 40997 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
I agree that it's their fault. They should have a clue about their own delivery schedule. I would have been tempted to make *them* pay for accelerated shipping.
I'm happy that it appears to be working out for you. You have a lot more patience than I do. I probably would have been borderline nuclear.
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06:09 PM
30+mpg Member
Posts: 4059 From: Russellville, AR Registered: Feb 2002
i hope you have a garage to work on the car in! we are getting a decent amount of snow here right now in Midland. If you do go to ohio to get the tranny (wich i assume you are planning on) be careful! it seems that you guys are getting alot more of the storm than we are. good luck!
if you need any help with the install this weekend drop me a line. flint is only what, 45 minutes away? good luck!
Well, UPS said that I cannot go down to ohio to pick up the tranny. They also cannot accellerate the shipping to get it here today, so I am sunk.
I called the rebuilder back, and the guy who sold me on the tranny was completely unwilling to help me. He was apologetic, and I did not get angry and raise my voice or anything, but he would not do anything for me. I talked to a supervisor, and at first, he was even more unwilling to bend.
Thats when I went off on the manager. He claimed that although the guy promised it would be here today, all they do is sell trannys and shipping delays aren't his responsibility. I told him that it was not a shipping delay, it was a mistake made by the salesman, and we went back and forth for a while.
Finally I made my point by saying that I would have paid more for shipping to get it here. I could have paid $80 for residential freight to have it here today, but his salesman said it would arrive UPS by friday. I could have bought it from some other rebuilder to have it here by today, but his salesman said that it would be here. So, I didn't do any of that.
With that point made, finally the manager relented and asked what I wanted. We negotiated for a $100 credit once I send in the core to compensate for my inconveinience.
I am truly screwed though, I have to find another garage to work on it and I need to find more help to work on it. Everything/one I had lined up for this weekend is not availible next week/weekend. I am going to have to stay late at school after finals, I might not even be able to stay where I am living.
I am still fuming about this BS!
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02:57 PM
Dec 10th, 2005
Back On Holiday Member
Posts: 6238 From: Downingtown, PA Registered: Jul 2001
sorry I been busy delivering pkgs or I would have straightened things out, I work for ups and theres no way they can pull a pkg off a truck in-transit, ive only heard of special circumstances where things were emergency/life critical where they actually transfered things from one trailer to another trying to dig a pkg out. I wish I could help Big, but theres nothing I can do UPS Saturday is only next day air (and you have to pay extra for sat delivery also)
oh, btw I think the salesman might have quoted you 2 days from FL to PA, you did say you caught them screwing up the ship to address?
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08:48 AM
Bigfieroman Member
Posts: 2416 From: Pleasant Hills, PA, near Pittsburgh Registered: Nov 2000