Believe it or not, you are actually looking at an '86 2.5 auto base coupe... the car underwent a body GT body swap, V8 Archie squeezed in what originally was a 305 (now a potent 350 TPI, Vortec heads, cam, custom chip), the 5-speed was rebuilt, Archie big brake kit installed along with 17" wheels, lowering springs and poly bushings... a few Rodney Dickman accessories here and there... tons of other stuff. All this work done by a hell of a nice guy (and another Fiero nut) from Ohio. Jacob was in the midst of this project when he decided to let it go... which was perfect for me, because it was exactly the kind of Fiero I was looking for... the V8 kind!
I bought the car pretty much as you see it... lot's of new goodies and work already done, as well as some unfinished details. It's been 4 months since I flew to Ohio to pick it up... I drove it home to Florida from Ohio on my 30th birthday. Got it home with only one real problem... it involved the clutch slave cylinder, but now we've all heard that horror story before, now haven't we??? lol... I'll spare everyone the details. If you really want to know, go to the Technical section and do a search for "!?*&@!#!?'n slave cylinders." That shoud get you started... =)
I've recently bought a house in Christmas Florida, which is why there was a delay in posting on Pennock's. Now that I'm getting settled in, I'm getting more time to spend on my new toy. To get this thread started, here's some pics:
...More on the way!
[This message has been edited by ITALGT (edited 08-20-2006).]
Damn! At first I was like, he keeps his GT clean, but then I saw that LT4 and automatically soiled my drawers........ You keep a nice looking GT and by the way I dig the wingless look. -Roy
------------------ Real Sports cars only have 2 seats.... Matching numbers GT # 17889 of 26,402 made in 1988, 1of 241 yellow GT's 1987 Fiero GT.......Burgundy in color, 74thousand miles.
[This message has been edited by roys88fiero (edited 08-12-2006).]
The paint job is fairly new and actually looks great despite having plenty of flaws... the waxing really helped, taking out a lot of the dullness. It still needs some wet sanding here and there to make it look really good... but I'm satisfied for now. It will be painted again in the future...
[This message has been edited by ITALGT (edited 08-13-2006).]
Do your sail panels create wind noise with the scoops? I have always though that they would help lessen the aerodynamic void created by the rear windows and sail pannels. I would like to have a GT just like it.
...I've noticed no abnormal noise from these scoops. This is my first GT with these scoops, and to be honest, I wasn't a big fan of them at first. In fact, I was planning to replace these with factory-style quarters, but now that I've owned the car like this, they've grown on me. I think the reason they look so good to me now is because they are black on a BLACK car... I think it's the best color combo I've seen:
Last night I took some left-over grill from another project and placed it behind one of the scoops to see what it would look like:
I just may have to do this mod!
[This message has been edited by ITALGT (edited 08-12-2006).]
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11:17 PM
exoticse Member
Posts: 8655 From: Orlando, Fl Registered: Jun 2003 be totally honest with you, I'm not sure... the steering wheel was already on the car when bought. I will tell you that you should be very pleased with it. Over the years I've found that pretty much any MOMO product is high in quality, fit and finish. This one is no different... one of the best looking steering wheels I've seen.
Alrighty... I've been busy making the car look as good as it can, where I can at it's present stage. So far I have done little to it but a good waxing and powder-coated a few parts. Did I mention my day-job is powder-coating??? =)
So what's next? Stay tuned...
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12:19 PM
madcurl Member
Posts: 21401 From: In a Van down by the Kern River Registered: Jul 2003
Originally posted by ITALGT: Over the years I've found that pretty much any MOMO product is high in quality, fit and finish. This one is no different... one of the best looking steering wheels I've seen.
I agree, I have them in all of my cars including the same one you have, hehe.
Nice car btw, V8...............check big brakes....check MOMO........check
LOL... seems the steering wheel is by far the most popular part on this car! Oh yeah, the shifter handle is also MOMO. It would be a shame not to get some MOMO pedal covers to match... I'll have to add that to my list...
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05:29 PM
Aug 15th, 2006
lou_dias Member
Posts: 5351 From: Warwick, RI Registered: Jun 2000
...the paint that I used on the interior was just some Duplicolor interior paint that Walmart sells... just look in the automotive section where they keep all of the spray paints. I prepped the panels using steel-wool and alcohol, then sprayed several light coats. It dries fast, looks good... I know there are better interior paints out there, but if you're doing basic black, this stuff comes out great.
Thanks Cliff... you know, I'm really starting to think the same thing about those wheels... the back ones need new tires anyway (imagine that!) so I'm going to go ahead and have all four removed for powder-coating. After some prep-work and masking, I'll powder them black.
This will have to get me by until I get the money for the wheels I REALLY want... most likely an 18" front, 19" or 20" rear combo of some sort. We shall see!...
[This message has been edited by ITALGT (edited 08-18-2006).]
Very nice! You should bring it to the meeting some time. We meet the first Thursday of the month (7pm) at the Courtesy Pontiac 650 N Highway 17-92 Longwood, Florida 32750
lol... you beat me to it!! You even put a wing on it... yum! I haven't had much time to do much photo shop work with the new house 'n all, so thanks for getting one up for me!
It looks bad-ass... like all chop-tops do!
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07:05 PM
Aug 19th, 2006
FieroVin Member
Posts: 951 From: Raleigh, NC, USA Registered: May 2005
...Yesterday I went into the shop to work on the Fiero. I just reinstalled the engine decklid vents that I powdercoated (I'll save that for the build thread) and decided to go for a quick spin...
But no, battery is dead...
The car was running fine prior to the dead battery so at first I thought I left the dome light on or something... but I didn't. I got the jumper cables out, pulled up the trusty minivan, and proceeded to jump-start the car... I fired it up, but did NOT like what I heard...
When you hear clattering and banging sounds coming from your engine bay, it's usually not a good thing. Scared the crap out of me... I was preparing myself for the worst... but then I put two and two together...
Yes, it was the alternator that made me about soil my shorts. I was so glad to find out it wasn't an internal problem... ha-ha... =)
I'll get a new one put back on soon, among other things... I want to be ready for the next Central Florida Fiero's get-together coming up on the 7th in Longwood.
While I had the wheel off, I took the opportunity to take a couple of pictures of the excessive play in the water-pump belt...
It's been working fine like this, but I'd like to have it a bit more snug.
Anyone out there recommend a better replacement for this belt, or for the alternator for that matter?
More to come...
[This message has been edited by ITALGT (edited 08-20-2006).]
Thanks for the input... it has well over an inch of travel, so I'll be shopping for a shorter one while I'm out getting my new alternator, spark-plugs and oil... until then, here she sits:
Door panels are now off for some paint, and I'm going to TRY to get paint over-spray off of the tail-light lenses:
Anyone have any suggestions?
[This message has been edited by ITALGT (edited 08-21-2006).]
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09:59 PM
FieroGTRwideboby Member
Posts: 591 From: Socal (Pasadena) Registered: Jun 2004
Mineral spirits and lots of elbow grease. It will come off but you just have to soat it pretty well and then scub it with a cloth rag a couple times. It will not damage the lense.
I successfully removed the overspray using a scotchbrite pad and alcohol. I also scuffed the rest of the lenses repeatedly, working out some of the more obvious scuffs and scratches. These scotchbrite pads are just coarse enough to work out some of the scratches and swirl-marks...
It actually worked pretty well:
After scuffing, I got out the power-buffer and attacked the lenses with rubbing compound, followed by some plastic polish and a couple of coats of wax. Here's the results:
I was actually quite surprised how well they came out, and it wasn't all that tough. I didn't do a perfect job on these, but I'll be replacing them in the future with something custom anyway... so it's good for now. The last thing I'll do with these lenses is black them out with spray tint...
I've got the car back together and on the road... installed a new alternator, new spark plugs, changed the oil (Mobil 1 15,000 mile synthetic/ LUCAS oil-stabilizer), fixed an exhaust leak (loose header-reducer bolts), finished sound-proofing the doors and painting the interior peices, and checked the car over REAL good and gave it general tuning...
...this thing is running like a bat-out-of-hell!
I can't wait to REALLY start to play with this thing... it's time for that build thread I keep talking about!
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07:20 PM
madcurl Member
Posts: 21401 From: In a Van down by the Kern River Registered: Jul 2003
This will have to get me by until I get the money for the wheels I REALLY want... most likely an 18" front, 19" or 20" rear combo of some sort. We shall see!...
Hehehe. I heard that.
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07:52 PM
MiZer Member
Posts: 1673 From: Chilliwack, B.C. Canada Registered: Jun 2003