Want to see more? I am involved in another forum and this showed up. I’m going to invite him to join here but want to see if there’s some interest first. ------------------ Click here to hear my cars
[This message has been edited by Jake_Dragon (edited 12-20-2006).]
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06:09 PM
System Bot
moleman_in_a_FieroGT Member
Posts: 792 From: Houston, TX, USA Registered: Apr 2006
Very, err... interesting! Not nearly as messed up as the trike-thing... at least this one somewhat resembles a Fiero!
It's a sports truck! Haha. I'd love to know more.
'87 Fiero GT, Automatic, 153k miles, stock everything, just trying to make it all work again. Shameless self promotion: PIP giving you problems? Check out http://hostfile.org!
I want one, I would have said it no matter what, defiantly something you could go to a show with once done and get some head scratching, I would prefer it with a v8 thou.
EDIT: Chopped would be awesome to.
[This message has been edited by jmbishop (edited 12-20-2006).]
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07:07 PM
The ROK Member
Posts: 433 From: Birmingham, AL Registered: Aug 2006
When I saw the subject line I had a vision of a Fiero that someone had put a pickup box in front of the stock "cab". pusher style. this is almost as strange however............................... I like it (but agree it should be a V-8).
[This message has been edited by Russ544 (edited 12-20-2006).]
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08:41 PM
JCL86GT Member
Posts: 196 From: Port Charlotte, FL Registered: Oct 2006
When I saw the subject line I had a vision of a Fiero that someone had put a pickup box in front of the stock "cab". pusher style. this is almost as strange however............................... I like it (but agree it should be a V-8).
I like the pusher idea though... Thinking, Thinking, Thinking, naaaaaaah JOhn ><>
That front compartment is too big for a glovebox,maybe another engine and transmission? He's starting out like I did with my 70 Chevelle! That would look real good as a choptop or a roadster.It needs the top of the struts tied together or to reinforce them some other way to prevent flexing.
OK it worked. The plan is to drive the hell out of it and go to as many car shows as I can. Up front is going to have a BBQ grill made out of a beer keg. If the look of the truck doesnt get em the smell will.Been going to car shows for years and they were getting to be kind of flat. Mega buck paint jobs ,turn key rods , stuckup people and crybaby dolls. I can go to any show with this thing and for a while have some fun . Took it to 3 shows this year in its unfinished condition and even won a trophy never had more fun. There is no look but dont touch sign and people seem to understand this, kids climb on ,it guys bring their friends over to see it and everybody wants to talk. How refreshing . The reason its not chopped is its chaneled and Im too old to sit on the floor with my legs straight out, and the kickup to the engine frame is partially in the cab. With so many chops out there I might be the unusual one with out it. It certinally could have a V8 but will have enough get up and go stock and the WTF factor is there with the V6. Donor car had 115,00 miles on it and drove good. Stick shift allowys me to tow it on a dolly for long distance shows.No doubt it could be driven anywhere but there is just not enough room to carry too much stuff. Rear wheels are 5x5.5 bolt pattern and I made my own adaptors to mate up with the Fiero bolt pattern. Put new hubs,rotors and brakes on the Fiero.Bought new struts but have not put them on yet,want to make sure nothing is going to bend when it gets on the road.I have 2x2 thick wall tubing running side to side to stop any flexing and the mount that keeps the engine from rocking is attached to one of the cross 2x2's. I used a new fuel tank made for a t bucket and put the Fiero fuel pump in it The Fiero radiator is up front with exhaust pipes connecting it to engine,Shifter is basically in same location as donor car so cable works well same with throttle cable stock length put it in the right place. I had the harness reworked by a pro and he tweaked the computer for my application. Front end is 32 ford dropped axle, new spindles and disk brakes. I mounted the clutch and brake pedals under the floor and both work as designed .Fiero clutch does not know where the juice is coming from. Thats it in a nut shell I started this project in Aug so it has gone quite well. I really dont know much about Fieros but this one seems to be working for me.Gonna try to post a few pics thanks for listening LFE scrolled doen to do pics but nothing is there as far as i can see any one who can help me out here?
How do I download it and I dont know how to email pics. Im not stupid but computers snuck up on me after i stopped learning new things Im a repeater I keep doing what i like and forget the rest HELP Jake
Down on the botom of the page there a Pennocks image for pip to where its blue and red ..Just click on it and it will give you all the imformation you need to know to follow to how to download picture ..Rob
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06:43 PM
Plastic Man Member
Posts: 214 From: Red Deer AB Canada Registered: Nov 2004