Last month, I introduced these monthly topics with a thread about Maryland and D.C.
Click here for that thread.After we kick off the Go And Show, make our way to Washington D.C., and then cross the Potomac, we find ourselves in Virginia. As with Maryland, the GAS website (link in sig below) has a Virginia page with a link to a map. On the map, roll your mouse over one of the pushpins, and a brief description will pop up. If the description says "More info", that is a link to something about the particular location or attraction.
First is Arlington, home of the Veterans Cemetery. A few miles later on US 29 is the "29 Tastee Diner", where Wulf Berg suggests in his book to at least "stop and say hello". Then there are Aldie and Middleburg. Wulf advises to visit the small local stores. He also recommends a picnic at Sky Meadows State Park on US 17. Then on to the town of Paris, cross the Shenandoah River, and then Winchester, where once again Wulf says "stroll among the little shops". He warns to fill up the gas tank outside of Winchester, "because gas is expensive in West Virginia, and is available only in the larger cities which are far from each other".
So take a look at the GAS website, then come back here and talk about it. I was late getting this posted, but we won't be in Virginia very long, so there may not be much to talk about. Are any of you familiar with this stretch of road, and can tell us anything about it? Got any pics?
A reminder - you are very welcome to join us in something other than a Fiero.

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exclusive sponsor of GAS[This message has been edited by Just Say Go (edited 01-21-2009).]