If you'll be driving it before the weekend you better secure that cardboard a little better! You wouldn't want it to fly off on someones windshield I'm just about completed with Archie's Warber scoop http://www.v8archie.com/v8Archie/Prod7.htm It came with a cd that contains many pics. Good luck with your project and keep the pics coming! Marc
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06:39 PM
RCR Member
Posts: 4416 From: Shelby Twp Mi Registered: Sep 2002
I'll keep the pictures coming. Nice thing about doing a cardboard mock-up is that it is easy to visualize and make changes too. While I was sleeping last night Icame up with some changes in how I want the extractor to look, hopefully tonight after I get home from one of my club meetings, I can tape together my thoughts.
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10:27 AM
Feb 7th, 2009
Bry73 Member
Posts: 114 From: N. St. Paul, MN Registered: Sep 2008
Ok, I have now finially got back to make my changes and finish a cardboard mock-up
Now I have taken my cardboard mock up out and used the pieces as a temlate to build a wooden form to make a mold off of.
Now I am using some bondo to fill in all the cracks at the corners so I can make it as smooth as possible to remove any imperfections in my wood-working skills.
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07:59 PM
Feb 8th, 2009
Bry73 Member
Posts: 114 From: N. St. Paul, MN Registered: Sep 2008
Well today I started making the mold. I sanded and filled the form, then waxed the snot out of it and then let it dry for about an hour. ( I ate diner ) Came back out and laid some glass mat and then loose fiber. Now I have a base mold that needs just some toughing up and some ears glassed on so I can make the final piece just a drop in.
The reason behind not just opening up the whole area is. 1 part apearance. 2 still keeps fan motor covered while paked outside during incliment weather. 3 it will be directing the air directly from thhe upper 1/3 of the radiator opening straight out and over the hood. This should elimenate the air flow that causes the turbulance where the air did normaly hit at the top of the spare tire well. Plus also cut some vents into the inner fender well to allow more air flow an out besides going down under.
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10:13 AM
Feb 11th, 2009
never2old Member
Posts: 1854 From: Wyoming, Michigan USA Registered: Dec 2005
I see you are a junior member. Do you mind if I ask your age. Pretty smart stuff if you are a youngster. You peaked my interest and will watch this closely.
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02:53 PM
System Bot
Bry73 Member
Posts: 114 From: N. St. Paul, MN Registered: Sep 2008
Ah Yes a Junior Member I am, But not all that much of a Junior. I'm 42.
Finially finished the mold up today, Flipped it over and mounted it to a board covered with bondo and sanded smooth, then filled in all any gaps between the 2, now I have a flat mounting surface (ears) around the mold to make my peice finished piece a drop in. Hopefully I will have my vent made today, and then this weekend I can install it into the car.
More pics to follow.
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03:21 PM
never2old Member
Posts: 1854 From: Wyoming, Michigan USA Registered: Dec 2005
Laid it on the car to see how it will fit. I will have to do a little bit more cutting and then I will be able to slip it under the outer hood skin. Will try to get that done tomorrow after work.
[This message has been edited by Bry73 (edited 02-12-2009).]
Very nice work. You are less than 20 minutes from me...
Is yours the maroon coupe that showed up at the last Club meeting in December?
If you are willing, I may be interested in seeing this first hand, as I am also looking for a scoop for my car... Maybe we can work out something for me to purchase or trade for one of yours?
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02:06 PM
Bry73 Member
Posts: 114 From: N. St. Paul, MN Registered: Sep 2008
Should be under a 1000 Been trying to think of of an amount, just not sure yet on how much to charge. Material and Labor should be real reasonable Then will check into shipping costs too via Post Office and UPS.
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01:02 AM
System Bot
Feb 14th, 2009
Synthesis Member
Posts: 12207 From: Jordan, MN Registered: Feb 2002
I finially got my vent glassed in, been working slowly as time permits at getting it all smoothed in. Will post more pic's when I get it all smoothed and blended in.
Well my garage is insulated, but not heated. That is one of the things that I would like to do in the future. Since most of this work has been done below 32 degree's out the heater was more for me than the project. Although I did leave the heater on while I let the parts cure and they seam to have set-up just fine.
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11:26 PM
Feb 25th, 2009
Bry73 Member
Posts: 114 From: N. St. Paul, MN Registered: Sep 2008
I finially got back around to doing some more work today, I sanded, I filled and sanded some more, and then repeated a couple more times. I then primed and then sanded again, then I used glazing putty to fill the pin holes and then sanded again, and reprimed.
and a shot of the bottom of the hood.
The bottom was the easy side since not much sanding required here.
Now I have to wait until I get back from Nebraska the first part of April to wory about painting. At that time I will figure up what is needed material wise to dublicate and produce copies of this vent.
I will be driving my Fiero down to Ashland NE, for a month of training for the National Guard, See all Later.
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06:50 PM
Tony Kania Member
Posts: 20794 From: The Inland Northwest Registered: Dec 2008
I have been following your thread. Looks great. The paint color looks a little off. Just kidding. I read the post. But seriously, great accomplishment.