I've spent quite a bit of time in it today already.
I've got one request: Could we change the thread titles to more meaningful titles? (they should give a quick summary of what the build thread is about) Maybe a heading and a sub-heading.
What do you think?
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10:55 PM
joshh44 Member
Posts: 2166 From: Nanaimo, B.C, Canada Registered: Aug 2007
that my new favorite part of this forum im in the construction zone everyday! i love reading others peoples projects. i just finished reading a widebody build from scratch. it sure gives me alot of ideas for my fiero! only if i had the time and skills to do that tho.
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11:02 PM
Feb 20th, 2009
madcurl Member
Posts: 21401 From: In a Van down by the Kern River Registered: Jul 2003
I've spent quite a bit of time in it today already.
I've got one request: Could we change the thread titles to more meaningful titles? (they should give a quick summary of what the build thread is about) Maybe a heading and a sub-heading.
What do you think?
I was just contemplating if I should ask Cliff to change my thread name, or allow us to change them ourselves... Mine is labeled "w00t!!! Say hello to #12! )" because that was a thread I started when I got the car, and later I didn't want to start yet another thread to document stuff on it. I wish I could change it now to something more like "The Coupe-ula Build" or something indicating it's a build thread... -Paul
If you want your thread's title changed in TCZ, just shoot me a PM. Be aware though that some people may no longer be able to find it (although that seems unlikely).
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03:29 AM
Feb 24th, 2009
fieroboom Member
Posts: 2132 From: Hayden, AL (BFE) Registered: Oct 2008
If you want your thread's title changed in TCZ, just shoot me a PM. Be aware though that some people may no longer be able to find it (although that seems unlikely).