Went out on Saturday to move the Fiero into the garage to replace the front brake lines. It hadn't been run for a couple weeks and the battery was dead. Pulled my other car over and put on the jumper cables. Wife came out and was helping. Car started after a bit, I sat there for a second to make sure it was going to idle on its own. As I got out of the car we both heard this very loud 'SNAP' noise. Couldn't tell which vehicle it came from. I proceed to remove the jumper cables when the wife says..Honey you are smoking! Yea thanks! Look inside the Fiero and smoke is pouring out of the dash. Not a little, the inside was filled. I quick shut it off and disconnected the battery. Had other things to do but I will be pulling the dash to see if I can find the source. Just wanted to see if anyone had any similar experience or thought of what to look for. I figure it should be pretty obvious once I get to the wiring harness. Thanks.
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07:52 AM
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DLCLK87GT Member
Posts: 2703 From: South Jersey, USA Registered: Feb 2009
Hard to say without knowing exactly where the smoke was coming from but there’s an element for the defroster that is near the blower motor (passengers side) and can be accessed from the spare tire well. I can’t speak for the “snap” but that area by the element and blower is a common spot for mice to build nests especially if the car has been sitting for any length of time. Flip on the heat/defroster (or start a car that has it turned on) and that element heats up, ignites the nest and poof! I’ve seen it happen more than once with members’ cars. Just a thought. Sounds like you were lucky that it went out and didn't spread no matter the source.
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09:38 AM
MNBiker Member
Posts: 36 From: Clearwater, MN Registered: Aug 2011
I know what you are saying there. I have cleaned mouse nests out of there a couple of times. This was electrical for sure. Been around enough of it to recognize the smell.
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10:16 AM
DLCLK87GT Member
Posts: 2703 From: South Jersey, USA Registered: Feb 2009
Well, it sure had the aroma of electrical to me, but you were spot on. The heater box was completely filled with a mouse nest. The blower motor resistor was heating up and starting the nest on fire. Very lucky it put itself out. Got it all cleaned out and while I had it all apart I pulled the clutch peddle and straightened it, and changed out the steering column as the one in it was loose and really cobbled together.
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07:48 AM
balejumper Member
Posts: 56 From: Cornell, WI, USA Registered: Jul 2011
I just had this happen on my 86 SE. It had been in storage for about 10 years, hadn't used the heater, so the blower motor resistor never got hot because it wasn't being used. I started the car and let it warm up while I helped my dad setup his new flatscreen. Came out of their house about 10 minutes later to a car full of smoke and a fire. I put it out and the next day replaced everything with parts from a parts car, had to replace the spare tire cubby, the plennum cover, all the relays, wiring harness and the heater hoses. Left the evaporator out ince it was clogged with mouse nest, but i never use the A/C anyway. Stinks pretty bad when you have the blower motor running, sends all the smoke right into the cab!!