Ya I can't believe it either, but this slightly older guy comes up to me telling me how much he loves my Fiero, and I'm thinking this guy definitely remembers the 80's. So always happy to talk with anyone who remembers Fieros, or loves cars, he then asks me if I would mind if he took some shots of my Fiero. Of course I dont mind and tell him go ahead; after a few moments of him just staring at me and smiling, Im thinking what Okay...; strange. To break the silence I ask so you gonna use your cellular or you carrying a small camera??? He's say oh...no, no, no, no,. I want to get a nice location and my equipment. I'm thinking this is cool, but some-what surprised at his enthusiasm over a Fiero. So obviously he gets this from the impression on my face, and says to me, I'm actually a professional photographer, I usually shoot surfing and skating.
So he starts telling me his story and how he was the primary photographers for the skateboard scene in the 70's and especially DOG_TOWN. At this point I know exactly who he is, HOLY CRAP, we start talking about some big names, one of the more famous ones I'll mention that every here will know is TONY HAWK. He's telling me how he still hangs out with past and current world famous skaters and surfers KELLY SLATER, and how hes been traveling the world to go on these photo shoots. later he friends me via his Facebook the same day, so Im checking it out and If anyone here is doubting, HE IS LEGIT. We have actually hung out for the last 8 months and became more friends and have not even mentioned the photo shoot, but we both happen to mention it the other day at the same time. I told him you you know I think its crazy that with all that you have done that you would want to do a session on my car. He's like well its a beautiful car, I never shot cars before but I have always had the interest, and when I saw your Fiero, I knew I had to. What a compliment, from a guy who's been paid stupid, ridiculous amounts of money and been flown around the world to ask me if he can do a photo session of my pride and Joy!!! With this said I really thought I would redo a more detailed and respectable build history of my Fiero worthy of the photos that are going to be taken of it. (So thinking life would slow down, not quite, but I really thought I should get these up )
[This message has been edited by nightonfire (edited 06-08-2013).]
Nice! That's pretty awesome, congrats! Can't wait to see the pictures. Could you provide more information on your Fiero, however? Like year model color engine etc? Sorry if it's some-place else but i don't remember reading any threads with your name starting it.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 01-19-2011).]
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09:33 PM
BigGuyTinyCar Member
Posts: 308 From: Los Alamos, NM Registered: Jan 2009
For now Im gonna concentrate on developing a proper History thread and build up to releasing the photos, so this is going to take some digging up of old pics,I'm actually excited about doing this, so I wanna try and do it right! First installment will be soon.
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12:11 AM
hairballrm Member
Posts: 768 From: Philomath Oregon USA Registered: Nov 2009
whoa! The Lords of DogTown! Adams, Alva, Peralta and Muir....the good old days. i was a skater in the 70-80's and these were my Heros.
i have a couple of the old sk8 vids from the Bones Brigade...wonder if your guy was involved in these?
heck i even have an old deck from Muir's skate company....SUICIDAL SKATES. Muir's brother is in the SoCal band Suicidal Tendencies.....damn, small world.
say...if the shutterbug (Elliot?)would want to get more over-all coverage of the Fiero History....i will offer my Mera as part of a group shoot. the Mera is part of the Fiero History.....would be fun.
cant wait to see how this shakes out.....thanks for the story.
Daniel- Mera X
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05:14 AM
Jan 24th, 2011
nightonfire Member
Posts: 1015 From: San Diego, Ca. Registered: Feb 2004
Ok, I just made it back home and thought I would start the story of how it began:
At this time I had been driving my first car a 1980 RX-7, so many good times and memories, but a fairly complicated engine to understand. I had ended up on the side of the road in one way or another more times than I thought was possible. ( I will just say that I still love the handling and power that car had). So, on a spring Saturday in1997 I was studying in my room and went out to the kitchen for a snack. Sitting down at the kitchen table I was next to the front window looking out onto the driveway and saw my step-dad working on his 85 Notchback GT. As my subconscious pointed out a few minutes later, there was something different about it. Then I noticed that he was working on a 86 fastback GT, so I hurried up to finish my snack so I could find out whats going on.
I go outside and ask him what he is up to, he has the trunk open and the engine running and looking at his held diagnostic scanner as well as the huge diagnostic scopes like in a mechanic shop. He look at me and says he's "checking it out to so how its running and if anything is wrong". Ok this was simple enough and nothing new to see him fixing someones car as a favor. Of course I'm hanging out and trying to learn what ever I can, and checking out a Fastback. After a few hours he starts to close shop and put things away and tells me he's gonna take it back (to the owner) and let them know everything's good. A few days later I came home from work, and my step-dad asks me if I am busy. I didn't have much happening so I said no, and he asked if I wanted to go with him . He then opens the garage and uncovers his showroom quality Fiero and says and says hop in, yes it does still have that new car smell, and not just any new car smell, but that of a Brand New 85 Fiero GT. We take off and a few minute later end up at dealership.
We walk into the office and after a few minutes of him chatting with a guy, I go out to the lot to check out what is out there. My step dad and the guy come out and end up calling me over to where they were they were and then walk with to the other side of the lot and I notice the Fiero GT from the other day. The guy hands me the keys and says take it for a spin and tell me what you think. This is the first time I had actually sat in the drivers seat and driven a Fiero. It had such a different feel than the passenger side. I felt the for the first time what it was like to control a mid engine sports car, the nuances of control and response all playing off this 2 seater, mid engine, rear wheel drive, 5 speed. So I headed straight for this huge hill that had a nice and winding road and pushed just a little to feel the GT sink into the turns, and hug the cambered banks. Not wanting my step-dad or the car dealer to worry, I turned back and pulled into the lot.
My step asks me "so what did you think" well being that I had seen his Fiero for the last 5 years and always admired it, and said if I ever had the chance I would own one, it didn't take me 5 seconds to say I loved it. So we all headed to the office and not much long after, my step-dad has the paper-work in front of him. He looks at me and, says, "are you sure you like it?" and I say of course!!! The papers are signed and the dealer hands me the keys. Yes, in shock I slowly walk to that beautiful Beast I would come to love and start up what is now officially my Fiero GT. I remember that feeling as I was driving back home two white GTs with grey ground effects, shining under the California sun, little did I know what a truly epic moment this would become. To be continued...
[This message has been edited by nightonfire (edited 02-01-2011).]
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01:26 AM
BigGuyTinyCar Member
Posts: 308 From: Los Alamos, NM Registered: Jan 2009
Great story! (Just a bit of constructive criticism...you'll be much easier on your readers if you edit in some paragraph breaks. )
My story goes like this: I always sorta liked the look of Fieros, and I happened to see one with a 4.9 V8 advertised on PFF for a great price. I bought it a few weeks later. (Not quite as riveting as your story, but it does have a happy ending. )
Great story! (Just a bit of constructive criticism...you'll be much easier on your readers if you edit in some paragraph breaks. ) -Tim
I guess I was so into the moment of writing I forgot to throw in some breaks
As far as pics I may have to pull a from the internet, as the first were taken with a old school photos, at least until the story pics up with the digitals
[This message has been edited by nightonfire (edited 01-24-2011).]
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09:31 PM
nightonfire Member
Posts: 1015 From: San Diego, Ca. Registered: Feb 2004
Ok although not mine, same color scheme, White with Grey sideskirts, Grey rims, Grey interior, Black molding, and Spoiler:
I always forget what my Fiero looked like until I run across an old photo, always shocking to think of how much work I have done to it visually and mechanically!
[This message has been edited by nightonfire (edited 01-24-2011).]
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09:56 PM
Feb 1st, 2011
nightonfire Member
Posts: 1015 From: San Diego, Ca. Registered: Feb 2004
Like most performance minded people I chose to start from the inside out. This was a very easy choose being that the body and paint was in mint condition, so already appreciative of the design I started with handling. Looking at the many options for suspension, as far as drop rate and company reputations, I finally came down to two choices. The two companies I was looking at were Eibach and Suspension Techniques. The question was a slightly better reputation for Eibach and 0.8" drop vs. Suspension Techniques drop ratio of 1.5", and well as a performance minded person who loves to push in the turns as hard as possible, lower is better. I also had a discussion with an Mr2 owner who had Suspension Techniques anti-sway bars and had to return them because they were too stiff for him opposed to Eibachs.
Ok of course I have to get some shocks and struts into the project if I'm going to do this right, so speaking to some of the veterans, alot of them kept suggesting BIlstien. So I looked for nearly six months and even with all my connections could not come across anything. So I had been researching a back up plan along this time and had decided that if I couldnt find Bilstiens then I was going to go with an equal caliber company. After the end of 6 months I couldnt wait any longer, and went with Koni. Again with a objective to make this a total performance machine. I decided to go with the 5-Way Adjustables so I could tweak the stiffness to what ever I liked. I decided to put in my all of my orders and let me tell you the wait seemed like eternity
Finally I received all the beautiful boxes, oh ya the smell of performance. So it was to my friends shop and went to work. After 5 hours it was done, so we lowered it ready to take it out and have fun. Well that didnt happen, what i learned was that this would significantly ruin the alignment, and of course the alignment shop had to just close. So the anticipation turned into agony until the next morning. NO I couldnt sleep so for 14 hours all I could think about ws getting my car to the shop and finally driving it. After another 3 hours of waiting in line then getting it on the machine it was finally done, The mechanic takes it for a test drive comes back and says it good.
YES!!!! finally so I jump in and pull out of the drive way very carefully, going about 12mph I see a little dip in the road and think ok no big deal, YUP I hit that dip like a 4 foot deep trench. That was physically and more so emotionally painful, as that was the first loud boom I ever experienced in my Fiero. So finally Im turning to the on ramp and Im laying into it, Talk about night and day, I didnt even know what to think, just trying to keep conscious at this moment, needless to say I was out all day, then I got hungry and new mom probably had dinner ready (the good times, LOL)
[This message has been edited by nightonfire (edited 02-01-2011).]
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01:19 AM
May 4th, 2011
nightonfire Member
Posts: 1015 From: San Diego, Ca. Registered: Feb 2004
UPDATE!!!! So I have been extremely busy, as well as my friend going in and out of the country for photo-shoots, but Finally tonight we are going to try and get the pictures we want. I hope all works out well. I will also be getting build thread pictures up as well to continue the story!!!
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07:15 PM
May 5th, 2011
nightonfire Member
Posts: 1015 From: San Diego, Ca. Registered: Feb 2004
OMG do I feel like i am high!!!! I just got back from the photo-shoot and then dinner with my friend. What an amazing night we got the pics!!!! All I can say is it is an honor to have an internationally famous photographer take pictures of my baby, and for him to take time out of his schedule and do it for free, I am blown away. I will definitely get to this build thread so I can get the photoshoot pics up at the end of this build thread
[This message has been edited by nightonfire (edited 05-07-2011).]
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01:43 AM
nightonfire Member
Posts: 1015 From: San Diego, Ca. Registered: Feb 2004
So after getting the suspension all set up I started getting excited about working on the stereo system. So by spring of 1999 I was researching car audio, and had always been a fan of Pioneer and Bostons. Well I couldn't find the Bostons for the 6x4 so I decided to so with Alpines all around with a alpine 4 plus 1 amp, and actually changed my mind on a deck, because at the time removable face plates were the thing, but it was an inconvenience to carry around with you. So with that in mind I had found a really cool Kennwood KRC-903 that had a flip-face that would automatically flip and look like a plastic filler piece, and had a hidden touch sensitive button to activate it, definitely, one of the best units of its time. I also had a 6 disc CD changer that I had in the trunk, which was pretty cool. I also went with a 8" Rockford Punch for depth and space, and had a very good amount of base. I also went with the high-end double insulated Monster speaker wire, that stuff was crazy expensive. I have to say that system was hard, and super clean. So in 1999 I had spent just about $1,800 dollars on the whole system, and I was proud of it,I believe I had the best sounding system of any of my friends at the time. I actually still have the Kennwood in a box, still in perfect condition : )
[This message has been edited by nightonfire (edited 05-26-2011).]
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02:24 AM
JohnWPB Member
Posts: 5219 From: West Palm Beach, Florida Registered: May 2009
Just received some of the first shots, Freakin Amazing!!!
It's really difficult to imagine "Freakin Amazing!!!" I keep getting the colors all mixed up and the background is just confusing! Could you just make it easier on us and post the pictures?
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08:46 PM
pavo_roddy Member
Posts: 4351 From: State with a city named Gotham Registered: Apr 2004
Ya I can't believe it either, but this slightly older guy comes up to me telling me how much he loves my Fiero, and I'm thinking this guy definitely remembers the 80's. So always happy to talk with anyone who remembers Fieros, or loves cars, he then asks me if I would mind if he took some shots of my Fiero. Of course I dont mind and tell him go ahead; after a few moments of him just staring at me and smiling, Im thinking what Okay...; strange. To break the silence I ask so you gonna use your cellular or you carrying a small camera??? He's say oh...no, no, no, no,. I want to get a nice location and my equipment. I'm thinking this is cool, but some-what surprised at his enthusiasm over a Fiero. So obviously he gets this from the impression on my face, and says to me, I'm actually a professional photographer, I usually shoot surfing and skating.
So he starts telling me his story and how he was the primary photographers for the skateboard scene in the 70's and especially DOG_TOWN. At this point I know exactly who he is, HOLY CRAP, we start talking about some big names, one of the more famous ones I'll mention that every here will know is TONY HAWK. He's telling me how he still hangs out with past and current world famous skaters and surfers KELLY SLATER, and how hes been traveling the world to go on these photo shoots. later he friends me via his Facebook the same day, so Im checking it out and If anyone here is doubting, HE IS LEGIT. We have actually hung out for the last 8 months and became more friends and have not even mentioned the photo shoot, but we both happen to mention it the other day at the same time. I told him you you know I think its crazy that with all that you have done that you would want to do a session on my car. He's like well its a beautiful car, I never shot cars before but I have always had the interest, and when I saw your Fiero, I knew I had to. What a compliment, from a guy who's been paid stupid, ridiculous amounts of money and been flown around the world to ask me if he can do a photo session of my pride and Joy!!! With this said I really thought I would redo a more detailed and respectable build history of my Fiero worthy of the photos that are going to be taken of it. To be continued...
HI all
WHAT LUCK!!!! Totally cool points for you for sharing!! Always thought your old black n grey Notchie looked awesome aswell!!!
Surfing? Someone say that word?? Am finally gonna learn to Snowboard so I might have a clue as to how to Surf.... Sounds funny, but am gonna try that first, before placing my life in Nature's hands... lol.....
------------------ Me, I sell engines, the cars are for free, I need something to crate the engines in.... Enzo Ferrari....
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.... Enzo Ferrari...
Today they are called garage's, yesterday, they were stable's! Eric Jacobsen.... An advancement, of other voices I came across.
S.F??, hint, it's a car manufacturer....
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09:44 PM
hairballrm Member
Posts: 768 From: Philomath Oregon USA Registered: Nov 2009
Hey guys thanks for checking in , been super busy with work, and working on our Annual Fieros of San Diego BBQ, along with a group buy for luminum a/c condensers, so bit busy, but promise to get back on this thread!!!
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02:30 PM
JohnWPB Member
Posts: 5219 From: West Palm Beach, Florida Registered: May 2009
You MUST be busy! In 7 months, you have not mentioned the name of the photographer, no posted any pictures
My friends name is Jim Goodrich, he just made a calender of his favorite skaing pics and gave me a copy, fist pic is of Tony Alva in a pool circa 72' absolutely amazing!!!
[This message has been edited by nightonfire (edited 07-23-2011).]
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06:53 PM
System Bot
Jul 26th, 2011
nightonfire Member
Posts: 1015 From: San Diego, Ca. Registered: Feb 2004
I know its your thread/ your pics and you can do what you please... But what was the point of all this talk if so many months later- theres still nothing? Seems like a waste of bandwith to me.
Useless bump for a currently useless thread.
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05:42 PM
Jul 27th, 2011
TheRealShadowX Member
Posts: 1456 From: Milwaukee Wisconsin USA Registered: Mar 2010
I know its your thread/ your pics and you can do what you please... But what was the point of all this talk if so many months later- theres still nothing? Seems like a waste of bandwith to me.
Useless bump for a currently useless thread.
Yeah, but seriously this thread has been going on waaay too long now. Post the pics man! No more teasers! I can already feel the atmosphere in this thread shifting towards the negative side. People are starting to get frustrated and i would hate to see this thread go down the wrong path. Post the pics!!! ------------------ (TRSX) The Zombiero - "Thrice resurrected" 1985 GT, 4 Speed Muncie, 3.4PR V6, 15" Lace GT wheels, Power everything, sunroof, Red with gray effects. Driven and enjoyed daily.
Fiero GT- 2 seater, mid engine, rear wheel drive, H.O. V6, manual rack and pinion steering, fully independent suspension, 4 wheel disc brakes, no ABS, no traction control, no speed limiter, available T-Tops. So, outdated econo-box or classic sports car? You decide.
[This message has been edited by TheRealShadowX (edited 07-27-2011).]
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12:48 AM
Jul 28th, 2011
nightonfire Member
Posts: 1015 From: San Diego, Ca. Registered: Feb 2004
Originally posted by nitroheadz28: I know its your thread/ your pics and you can do what you please...
Originally posted by nightonfire: I really thought I would redo a more detailed and respectable build history of my Fiero worthy of the photos that are going to be taken of it. To be continued...
With this said, yes it is a build thread that will lead up to the photos, the pictures were already posted on Facebook by the photographer. So... if you really feel as if you have to see them feel free to to find them, as for this build thread its gonna go how I want it to.
[This message has been edited by nightonfire (edited 02-12-2013).]
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06:51 PM
Feb 12th, 2013
nightonfire Member
Posts: 1015 From: San Diego, Ca. Registered: Feb 2004
Hiatus Update: So I have been unable to update in while so for those who were wondering; long story short:
80-100 hrs/wk, Directing a Government program, Conferences through out the U.S., Mayors, Ceo's Professional Athletes, International Travel, Buying & selling autos,and Professor of History on the side.
so with this said, Im back
[This message has been edited by nightonfire (edited 02-12-2013).]
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09:30 PM
nightonfire Member
Posts: 1015 From: San Diego, Ca. Registered: Feb 2004
Just ran across Car-lo's build and see that he has been working on the same idea for tail lights. I have been keeping it under wraps, but in a sense looks like the word is out so I decided to add to the new direction a few of us are moving. Out with with the old Ferrari 355 Tail Lights and in with the Updated Caddy LED's
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09:42 PM
Car-Lo Member
Posts: 623 From: Vancouver, BC Canada Registered: Jun 2006
Originally posted by nightonfire: yes it is a build thread that will lead up to the photos, the pictures were already posted on Facebook by the photographer. So... if you really feel as if you have to see them feel free to to find them, as for this build thread its gonna go how I want it to.
I thought my build thread was going slow! Just over a year for yours now, and one single close up picture of 2 headlight bulbs