I've been noticing some trolls on the system. If you go to their membership page you see they have a false or cover email address (no such service provider and no listing), and no place of origin other than "US".
I don't much like the anonymity issues currently on the internet. It leads to all sorts of problems. Legitimate websites and forums can be junked up and ruin the enjoyment of other members very easily. I'd like to see this forum used by stand up men and women who aren't cowards and don't hide behind the software. The car hobby has no good place for anonymous identities IMHO
Does anybody else agree? Anybody else seeing this?
Not bothered by it at all, its the nature of the internet. The anonymity is both a good thing and a bad thing. Trolls are also a part of the internet. I think Cliff's system for dealing with trolls (the ratings and the occasional manual ban) works well for dealing with them.
Occasionally I get hit by spam mail from PFF members. Usually the content is nothing but a link. I never open them, but contact the alleged sender to see if they really did send it. It usually turns out that their emails have been cloned without their knowledge. Once they change their password the problem goes away.
The Georgia Fiero Club gets up to several hundred of the trolls registering every day. We don't have a self'approval so three of us go through the registrations to approve those we feel are valid. The administrator dumps up to 6000 a month who try to get into our forum. For years the username of pletcher***** and carpinty***** and now uggs**** keep trying to get in. **** = number or letter suffix variations of the base name.
What I notice is that previously banned members can get back on anonymously. Like Shawn
Banning a person is absolutely pointless. All you have to do is open a browsing session through an ip masking service, which is free online, and set up a new gmail account. Wham boom, you have an untraceable new username.
Banning a person is absolutely pointless. All you have to do is open a browsing session through an ip masking service, which is free online, and set up a new gmail account. Wham boom, you have an untraceable new username.
You have to ask yourself why someone would go through all the trouble of ding that if all they really wanted to do was be a part of our community...
There are many websites that incorporate basic identification requirements, requiring a bonafida identity. I think it is a good idea to take steps to stay ahead of the gamesplaying.
You have to ask yourself why someone would go through all the trouble of ding that if all they really wanted to do was be a part of our community...
Some people just want to create havoc or conduct sociopathic activities at others expense. Not all people logging on to a webpage have innocent intentions. Witness the havoc raised by forum members in the past who have been banned? Look at all the aggrevation and exasperation needed to get 50 people to the point where they negatively rate someone?
It is my view that if you own a Fiero and want to attend a show, you have to register as a real person, with a real license plate. That is straight up and honest.
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03:45 PM
Pappy Member
Posts: 842 From: Land of Confusion Registered: Apr 2010
Occasionally I get hit by spam mail from PFF members. Usually the content is nothing but a link. I never open them, but contact the alleged sender to see if they really did send it. It usually turns out that their emails have been cloned without their knowledge. Once they change their password the problem goes away.
The Georgia Fiero Club gets up to several hundred of the trolls registering every day. We don't have a self'approval so three of us go through the registrations to approve those we feel are valid. The administrator dumps up to 6000 a month who try to get into our forum. For years the username of pletcher***** and carpinty***** and now uggs**** keep trying to get in. **** = number or letter suffix variations of the base name.
I tried to join the Georgia Fiero Club but got no response
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05:11 PM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41065 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
Doesn't bother me, but i've been on the web for nearly 20 years. It's always been that way. And even though I use a nickname here, my real identity has never been a secret. My "sign up" email addy was my real name, ever since I've been a member here. (Just recently changed it when I changed ISPs. All my forum mail and notifications go to "raydarfiero" now. And strangely enough, nearly all of my spam. )
Some people just want to create havoc or conduct sociopathic activities at others expense. Not all people logging on to a webpage have innocent intentions. Witness the havoc raised by forum members in the past who have been banned? Look at all the aggrevation and exasperation needed to get 50 people to the point where they negatively rate someone?
It is my view that if you own a Fiero and want to attend a show, you have to register as a real person, with a real license plate. That is straight up and honest.
Banning a person is absolutely pointless. All you have to do is open a browsing session through an ip masking service, which is free online, and set up a new gmail account. Wham boom, you have an untraceable new username.
No, you can't. Atleast not on this forum. The registration software will not except a Gmail address for registration. You must use a ISP address to register, unless you PM the forum owner and he allows your registration to be completeld without it. I know, I had that problem when I registered. I tried to register with my @msn.com address but it would not let me. I contacted Cliff because I did not remember my @comcast.com address since I never use it. He was going to let me slide and push the registration through with the @MSN.com address because it is the one I've used since back in the mid to late 90's, but before he did I had called Comcast and got my ISP address so I could register. Ince registered you can them change your notification email to whatever email provider you want, but not until after you have registered with a ISP address.
[This message has been edited by Khw (edited 11-26-2012).]
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07:57 PM
Nov 27th, 2012
CowsPatoot Member
Posts: 2792 From: Skidway Lake, MI Registered: May 2007
Whether somebody chooses to use their real identity or not... it is still a real person typing that response. And just like the real world...when you are stuck on the side of the road, you never know if that next car will be driven by a douchebag, or your future best friend.
Their are many reasons a person would choose not to reveal their real identity. Personally, I have an ugly past that I prefer doesn't come back to haunt me. I don't hide my identity (I refuse to live in fear), but I don't publicly advertise it.
I think that half the fun of the Fiero community is getting together with others...and it is difficult to do that without showing who you are. But...if you want to give me a fake name when we meet in person, go ahead...I will remember you by your user name anyway.
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02:31 AM
TheRealShadowX Member
Posts: 1456 From: Milwaukee Wisconsin USA Registered: Mar 2010
I've been noticing some trolls on the system. If you go to their membership page you see they have a false or cover email address (no such service provider and no listing), and no place of origin other than "US".
I don't much like the anonymity issues currently on the internet. It leads to all sorts of problems. Legitimate websites and forums can be junked up and ruin the enjoyment of other members very easily. I'd like to see this forum used by stand up men and women who aren't cowards and don't hide behind the software. The car hobby has no good place for anonymous identities IMHO
Does anybody else agree? Anybody else seeing this?
How do we know you're who you say you are? How are you any less anonymous than anyone else? Just saying where you're from or getting an email address is pretty easy to fake.
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08:52 AM
css9450 Member
Posts: 5521 From: Glen Ellyn, Illinois, USA Registered: Nov 2002
If I remember right, this forum does not ask for a "real name" upon registration. And clicking a few people's Profiles just now, I don't see any. I think that's fine.
I get annoyed if a forum asks for a real name. I have a variety of aliases I use instead. I figure its no one else's business but mine.
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09:27 AM
rogergarrison Member
Posts: 49601 From: A Western Caribbean Island/ Columbus, Ohio Registered: Apr 99
I never hide behind anything. My ID IS my name. I dont do anything illegal, so it dont bother me. I appreciate it that so far anyway, no one abuses any of my info for things like spam. (that I know of). I use junk mail filters and never answer any mail I dont recognize. I seldom even answer a phone call thats unlisted or I dont recognize.
How do we know you're who you say you are? How are you any less anonymous than anyone else? Just saying where you're from or getting an email address is pretty easy to fake.
Real easy. My email is a legitimate carrier and you have my town and my province. My real name is Arnold so I use Arn.
Anybody can look up Rogers users.
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11:19 AM
Tony Kania Member
Posts: 20794 From: The Inland Northwest Registered: Dec 2008
Who cares? If you're getting bugged by it, you're going to get bugged by them being here whether the usernames appear real or not. It's no different than the loud random drunk guy at the bar who can never hold his liquor.
It's annoying for a a minute, but you ignore it and move on.
There's no way you can easily prove someone is who they say they are, regardless of what insane requirements you want to try to set up in the forum software. Requiring them will only create problems, and in many cases, be in violation of various laws around the world.
You are being annoyed by a social problem, not a technical one. Adding technical constraints isn't going to fix the social problems.
No, you can't. Atleast not on this forum. The registration software will not except a Gmail address for registration. You must use a ISP address to register, unless you PM the forum owner and he allows your registration to be completeld without it. I know, I had that problem when I registered. I tried to register with my @msn.com address but it would not let me. I contacted Cliff because I did not remember my @comcast.com address since I never use it. He was going to let me slide and push the registration through with the @MSN.com address because it is the one I've used since back in the mid to late 90's, but before he did I had called Comcast and got my ISP address so I could register. Ince registered you can them change your notification email to whatever email provider you want, but not until after you have registered with a ISP address.
Similar story here. I had communicated with BuddyCraig via his youtube video comments pages. A asked him if he would PM Cliff with my registration problem and Gmail addy , which he did kindly, and then Cliff emailed me, verified my story, and set me up with a special password so I could get on here. I have a great sense of gratitude to BuddyCraig, and Cliff for doing so. I love this forum.
As far as being banned here, getting on would be tricky. Staying would be harder I think. Only so many people have Fieros. Then, if you talk about yours, people will remember the color, year, engine/trans combination, with your location and writing style I don't see a person staying under the radar for long. I've been banned from a few gun websites, some of them more than once, mostly for being honest, and saying wat needed to, but what people wouldn't. Thesubject matter however on this forum, would make it much more difficult.
[This message has been edited by Stainless1911 (edited 11-27-2012).]
Not here, but on other forums, the lack of even a region or nation below the avatar bugs the crap out of me. Kinda hard to answer questions about shelter, weather patterns, or pasture when the idiots leave it up to ya to guess whether they are in the southern US, Canadian NW, Australia--well, you get the gist of it.
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03:07 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38243 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
The fact they're anonymous isn't the whole problem. I prefer to remain anonymous myself as I don't want nutcases tracking me down.
Anonymity can lead to unaccountability, and yes, some people don't know how to behave in a social setting such as a public forum.
There will always be a dink or two in the room, anonymous or not.
Fortunately we have the ratings system here at PFF, which when used with discretion, can often rid the forum of members who are nothing but a detriment.
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04:15 PM
BV MotorSports Member
Posts: 4821 From: Oak Hill, WV Registered: May 2001
I never hide behind anything. My ID IS my name. I dont do anything illegal, so it dont bother me. I appreciate it that so far anyway, no one abuses any of my info for things like spam. (that I know of). I use junk mail filters and never answer any mail I dont recognize. I seldom even answer a phone call thats unlisted or I dont recognize.
Exactly, I think if a forum requires an actual name and addy (not shared, but on file) it tends to keep people more honest & civil. I am on a few sites that operate in that manner.
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04:24 PM
Pyrthian Member
Posts: 29569 From: Detroit, MI Registered: Jul 2002
Since 2000 when I joined this forum, I have not received a single spam message. Cliff being the IT genius that he is, has done a great job of keeping out the undesireables. The other people that didn't follow the forum rules were thrown out by negative votes from the membership. Since this is a privately owned forum not a public open forum, the rules are simple; free speech is upheld only to the degree that it pleases the forum owner and the membership.
------------------ " THE BLACK PARALYZER" -87GT 3800SC Series III engine, custom ZZP /Frozen Boost Intercooler setup, 3.4" Pulley, Powerlog manifold, Northstar TB, LS1 MAF, 3" Flotech Afterburner Exhaust, Autolite 104's, MSD wires, Custom CAI, 4T65eHD w. custom axles, HP Tuners VCM Suite. "THE COLUSSUS" 87GT - ALL OUT 3.4L Turbocharged engine, Garrett Hybrid Turbo, MSD ign., modified TH125H " ON THE LOOSE WITHOUT THE JUICE "
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06:21 PM
Formula88 Member
Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
Real easy. My email is a legitimate carrier and you have my town and my province. My real name is Arnold so I use Arn.
Anybody can look up Rogers users.
So you have an email account and claim where you live and what your name is. We have verification of this how? If I tell you my name is Ralph and I live in Vancouver, how do you know whether or not that's true? My point is, even the information you give is only as useful if we choose to take you at your word. In dealings with someone on the forum, people get an idea if a person is on the up and up or not so if you say your name is Arnold, then they have a good idea if they're going to believe you.
So the anonymity doesn't matter since you're judging the person's trustworthiness by their conduct on here, whether you're giving us your name and location or not.
So you have an email account and claim where you live and what your name is. We have verification of this how? If I tell you my name is Ralph and I live in Vancouver, how do you know whether or not that's true? My point is, even the information you give is only as useful if we choose to take you at your word. In dealings with someone on the forum, people get an idea if a person is on the up and up or not so if you say your name is Arnold, then they have a good idea if they're going to believe you.
So the anonymity doesn't matter since you're judging the person's trustworthiness by their conduct on here, whether you're giving us your name and location or not.
Good point. I once had an discussion with someone about how facebook's "check me into places" feature was a serious security risk. They retorted with "but it's only for my friends!" To which I retorted "I only have to pretend to be your friend long enough." They promptly disabled the function.
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10:55 PM
Nov 28th, 2012
FieroAK Member
Posts: 281 From: Big Lake, Alaska, USA Registered: Mar 2011
Being anonymous or not is really nobodies business. Personally, I like when people are just honest. As I would do on some old forums I was a member of, I would remain mostly anonymous, and only let people I liked know more. I don't particularly like the fact that some guy can get online, look at my info, and I know nothing of them or the fact that they even looked. Nothing I can do about it anymore, though. Here I am honest, and I don't worry about people stalking me for my crappy 84 Fiero. My name is Zach Collins, I live in Fairbanks Alaska, and I don't talk much. On a specialized forum like this one that Cliff has provided for us, I don't worry.
I try to stay as anonymous on the internet as I can. But I will interact with people and have had people over to my home. But I don't go around being a thug because you don't know who I am.
Dig hard enough and you could figure out who I am or you could just PM me and ask.
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03:37 AM
Khw Member
Posts: 11139 From: South Weber, UT. U.S.A. Registered: Jun 2008
I try to stay as anonymous on the internet as I can. But I will interact with people and have had people over to my home. But I don't go around being a thug because you don't know who I am.
Dig hard enough and you could figure out who I am or you could just PM me and ask.
I'm sorry, I was to enthralled by your avatar. Who are you again?
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09:28 AM
Doug85GT Member
Posts: 9792 From: Sacramento CA USA Registered: May 2003
I would agree on a local forum that anonymity is not needed. I disagree on a international forum. People in my local area know who I am and a few Pennock's members do. There is no good reason for anyone else to know.