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  Senate report on prewar intel is out...

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Senate report on prewar intel is out... by trailboss
Started on: 07-14-2004 10:31 AM
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Last post by: trailboss on 07-14-2004 10:31 AM
Posts: 2069
From: Gilbert, Arizona
Registered: Feb 2003

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Report this Post07-14-2004 10:31 AM Click Here to See the Profile for trailbossSend a Private Message to trailbossDirect Link to This Post

The report is out on prewar intelligence, and the real liars are exposed for the louses that they are.
The commission that filed the report was bipartisan,
to put it in a nutshell,
Yes, obviously there were intelligence failures, however the claims made by Democrats and Frenchmen that Bush pressured the CIA is exposed as a lie.
Saddam had ties to terrorists, and he had designs on attacking the United States.
Ambassador Wilson was exposed as a fraud, he stated that his wife had nothing to do with him being assigned to the mission, however that has proven not to be true.

Wilson's trip to Africa did not "debunk" the administration position that Iraq was attempting to purchase uranium from Niger - in fact it strengthened this position on the basis of Wilson's claim that an Iraqi delegation had traveled to Niger in 1999 and that Niger officials believed that they were interested in buying uranium.

More can be found here;
And for those that want to defend Wilson and question the accuracy of that article, Christopher Hitchens is hardly a friend of George Bush....
I have found that people that are quick to call others liars, are usually guilty of that offense themselves. The sad part is that Democrats that sat in sensitive positions are willing to lie about national security issues in order to gain political power.
Democrats cannot be trusted with the security of this nation.

[This message has been edited by trailboss (edited 07-14-2004).]

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