Just wanted to say this...I am 6 hours ahead of you good People, and have to stay up half the night to be able to post "live", if you know what I mean! So, my wife thinks I am addicted to the PFF because I stay up all hours trying to catch you lot when you come home from work, or before you rush off down to your local for liquid refreshment!! So, if I post, and then donīt reply, it is because Ellie has come in to see what I am doing at 4:30 am!! fierofetish
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07:52 PM
System Bot
malacite Member
Posts: 2213 From: Casselberry Fl 32707 Registered: Oct 2001
Malacite!! That actually happened many years ago.During the summer, the Football pools were run in the UK using the Australian games whilst it was off-season in the UK, and somehow somebody managed to tell somebody in the UK the results before they were closed, and actually won a lot of money!! Think they might have wised-up nowadays!! Hey, where have you been? Havenīt seen you on the Forum for a while? fierofetish
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08:39 PM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37459 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
Originally posted by fierofetish: So, my wife thinks I am addicted to the PFF because I stay up all hours trying to catch you lot when you come home from work, or before you rush off down to your local for liquid refreshment!!! fierofetish
We need a twelve step PFF program. "Hello, I am cliffw and I am a Fieroholic.
I tune in whenever I see a computer whether it is mine or not. If I am at work, I work better knowing what is going on at the farm...umm... I mean forum.
#1 I admit, my life is powerless without PFF. It is unmanageable ! #2 I am trying to believe that a car, other than a Fiero, can restore me to sanity ! #3 I have made a decision to turn over my idea of Fiero mods to the care of God as I understand Him! #4 I have made a searching and moneyless inventory of my Fiero needs ! #5 I have admitted to my Forum members and to other human beings the exact reasons my Fiero is the best ! #6 I am entirely ready to have God remove all of the defects of my Fiero's character ! #7 I have humbly beggged Him to remove the 87 GT's shortcomings ! #8 I have made a list (checked it twice) of all burdens I have placed upon my Fiero and am willing to spend more money on it to make ammends. #9 I have made direct ammends to all people, whereever possible, for blowing them off the road, if they could catch me ! #10 Continued to keep a personal score, and when I smoked them, I promptly admitted it ! #11 Sought through prayer and meditation to improve all of my Fieros, to improve my conscious contact with my Fieros, praying only for knowledge, of it's will, for more power, to carry me onward. #12 I admit, that my life is powerless, without PFF !
Stay up, wake up in the middle of the night, get up in the morning, come home for lunch, nah, I can quit anytime I want to. I will quit. Right after this session....... and all follow ups. I swear !
[This message has been edited by cliffw (edited 11-10-2004).]
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11:12 PM
Nov 10th, 2004
alienfiero Member
Posts: 638 From: auburn, wa., usa Registered: Aug 2004
mE me me ....... aaaagH! my Wife has been in Holland 5 days, and before she left, I promised to knock our living room and the balcony into one room!! I started!! Oh heck I meant well!! Look!!!:..I did this in one day!! The sun was shining, it was nice and warm!!! Then PFF took over!! And the sun has gone in, it is more like Chicago here now with a violent clod wind(edit; even a cold wind too!!),,,the dogs follow me round, wanting to cuddle for body heat..I go to bed in my 3 sweaters and sportspants, and I STILL canīt leave this dammed thing alone!! I have 3 cars to fix, cement to mix, window frames to make,,,and I NEARLY told her white lies on the phone last night!!"Yeah,it is coming on fine darling..had a couple of holdups, but itīs getting there!!!" "Out dammed computer!!Out!! What, will this Keyboard ne'er be still" I swear I will get a lot done today!! fierofetish
[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 11-10-2004).]
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04:49 AM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37459 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
Originally posted by fierofetish: I swear I will get a lot done today!! fierofetish
fierofetish, you obviously need a sponser to help you through the 12 steps of recovery !
Originally posted by fierofetish: No, this will FINISH IT !!! I left my Fiero out last night: and the tooth fairy came along, and turned it into this!! ... Shock!!Horror!!! Nobody is gonna talk to me any more!! fierofetish
I know a guy with a Geo metro who might sponser you. On second thought, we might have to do an intervention.