It's true. One week ago today I was waking up the second day in the mental health unit at the county hospital.
Here's some tips on going crazy.
First, and most important, avoid county hospitals. They are the medical equivilant of a Greyhound Bus.The facilities generally include a dayroom with airport furniture in it, a patio that they wouldn't let you smoke on (I'm glad I quit last month, that would've sucked.) and about 15 rooms. Mine had a camera! And also a room mate who was coming down from meth psychosis (kept hearing voices, I woke up one night with his standing over me asking me what to tell the voices. Creepy.) My other ward mates was an okd homeless looking dude who mumbled everything, a40ish mexican womanwho only talked once when she was flipping out not getting her meds or something. She was ranting so loud, it woke me up and I came out to argue with her. :Who are you talking to? If your're talking to the voices, they can hear you just fine with an inside voice." I wasn't so happy to be there, I'll cover that later.
Another "Real World" housemate was Eli,whowas a pretty big guy, kind of middleweight boxer, with a mohawk. My first night to meet him, he spent in the room outside the ward, the one with the eyelets screwed into the floor under the mattress. The nurse went in after him with 2 syringes of Thorazine, but I didn't stay around to watch her come out, so I guess he got both barrels. There was a light skinned black girl, who's name, like a lot of stuff, eludes me right now. She'd been there for days, knew every staff members name, participated in all the activities, kept talking about going home to a halfway house, but was still there after I left. I don't know what her trip was. Some alky looking housewife who probably has been polishing off the Listerine was getting admitted as I was leaving.
Stay runed for Chapter 2- "Don't say ANYTHING about dying!"
Originally posted by stimpy: Ken, there is one thing I've learned in the past couple months, pissing in Cheerios. the Cheerios are on fire people! piss on Cheerios.
[This message has been edited by stimpy (edited 03-12-2005).]
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09:20 AM
System Bot
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
So how did I wind up at the Nervous Hospital? Well, clincal depression runs in my family. It ebbs and flows, so sometimes I need more help then other times, I haven't had medicating since 2001. Nunca. Well, come to find out, everyone in my family is medicated, my brother fatally od'd on anti depressants (irony alert) and my oldest bro a recovering alcoholic. The fact that stress has been building steadily at work hasn't helped. I mean, this was my "American Beauty" job. Working with kids, short hours, lots of vacation time, wear jeans to work, etc. Well, for whatever reason, my co workers did not take a shine to me. In the 4 months I was tehre, they ignored me unless absolutely necessary. Well, that came to a head on my Birthday, when the 19 year old emo punk yelled at me across the class. I placed him in check, being as only as stern as I felt the situation warranted it. Nothing more was said for that period.
I was going to blow it off. Yeah, he screwed with me, but at my size lots of Napoleons screw with me. I went on my scheduled break right after the bell, and went to enjoy nicotine and caffeine. Omar, however, mad a beeline to the teacher, stating that he had come ove to talk to me and I screamed at him. So. Now we got a cluster****. I've got to be reassigned pending a meeting with the principal and all involved parties. Schediled for last Thursday. So I went, only to find the meeting would only be the principal and I. She said that after talking to the other parties YESTERDAY, that they all agreed that I was sitting down, so she would not use me in any of her programs (which happens to be the age group I like to work with, and I especially had wanted to go back to working with Jose and the rest.
To say I was dissappointed would be putting in in the mildest of terms. I walked out in a state of shock. I started driving but couldn't decide on the direction. Finally I picked up a card for the mental health insurance at the county office, bursting into crying and wailing jags in my car. Driving home was scary. When I got home, I called the EAP counselor and started unloading on her. from they time I called her and started my full fledged panic attack until I was too exhausted to cry was about 2 1/2 hours.She asked me questions about if I felt like hurting myself or others, I said no, but wouldn't mind if an asteroid fell from the sky and did it's job. She decided that I needed to get to the emergency room quickly, as I had a hard time breathing. So she called the cops.
In about 20 minutes,4 squad cars roll into my neighborhood around the corner. I hear the doorbell ring and I go to let the dog out the backdoor. I come to the front, and some Dolph Londgren look a like has his hand on the butt of his Glock out in the driveway. they called me out and frisked me in the front yard. He said that in order to transport me, they'd have to cuff me. Fortunately, after the second guy frisked me, the guy who actually drove, felt bad for me and spared the cuffs. The call on the computer screen in his squad car had my assress. It said "Suicide Threat".
I got to the emergency room alone, then called my dad in Modesto and my wife. A "crisis team" member talked to me and my wife and told me that the quickest way I'd get treatment would be to admit myself. While I wasn't totally against staying overnight at a program, I sure as hell didn't want it to be county. We asked if I could go over to one of the private hospitals (we have kick-ass insurance) and the social worker said she'd ask.
She returned about 20 minutes later. "Well, you're on a 5150 hold. We can kep you for up to 72 hours or longer, if the Doctor decides. You'll need to strip down to pajamas, and the security guards will search your belongings. Your belt and shoes are locked away." So with the escort of a nurse an2 security guards, I'm wheeled up to the Happy House.
Stay tuned for next chapter "Stand by your crazy man."
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09:56 AM
ryan.hess Member
Posts: 20784 From: Orlando, FL Registered: Dec 2002
well... I don't know what to say. Sounds like a lot of things unraveled at once... Mierda... it happens. It sounds like you've made a pretty good recovery though, considering you're jovial about the whole matter.
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10:10 AM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
I swear to God, my wife keeps me alive. I'm sure I'd have burnt down the hous by now if she wasn't paying attention. Well, she was there every step of me getting admitted (and since I wan an :involuntary admit" I can never own a handgun). She brought mr real food instead of the horrinbe hospital food. On Saturday, the doctor, who had spent about 10 minutes with me the day before, asked Barbara how she tought I was doing. Well, I guess my wife with a Masterin Education working with emotionally disabled kids, was a bit more informed then he had hoped she would be. I told him I really don't like one of the meds, and he replied "I know all about that medication, I could lecture you for 24 hours about bla bla bla" As soon as he said lecture me, I turned away before I sanpped and said "I live in this body all the time, and I could lecture you fro YEARS abput it, I figure caution was the better part of valor. I went over and sat on the terminal furniture. In about 10 minutes, Barbara came over and said "Pack your stuff. we/re going home."
Apparently the dosctor said"If you think you can handle him, then you take him." Will do.
It hasn't been all fun and games since. I still can't return from work and I'm not sure disability will provide. Sunday my parents took me to Red Lobster where I almost got in a squabble with the host for sitting us under a TV set showing a race, and thenturning back on right after I turned it off.
My sleep is splotchy. been avegering about 5 hours, but at leat last 2 nights have been 5 contiguous hours.
My vision tends to blur. I'm drooling. I've got confused digestive system, I'm a wreck.
Today we're going on a picnic, and Tuesday I start my day hospitilization (at a private hospital, tanks). Wish me well, and tune in then for "The Road Ahead"
PS Sorry about typos, but I'm exhausted and on meds. Give me a pass this time.
[This message has been edited by stimpy (edited 03-12-2005).]
Geeze stimpy, sounds like you had a loose thread and someone pulled it
when I was 18 I got a severe migrane headhead in HS. They took me to the hospital, I was numb on one side, could not speak intelligibly and was vomiting. They assumed I had OD'd on something.
I lost consciousness in the ER and woke up that night in a double room. The other guy in the room was saying something about how he saw his father die three times
and I thought, "oh great! Im in the mental hospital!" Turns out the guy only had a nervious breakdown or something similar, his father had a heart attack and had been resuscitated three times and still passed away, and it was too much for him.
I wish I lived closer, Id come visit you and bring a box of flaming Cheerios to cheer you up. :^)
[This message has been edited by Ken Wittlief (edited 03-12-2005).]
Im really sorry to hear all the crap you were put through. It sounds real scary. Someone must have really jumped on your last nerve. I wonder if they would have confiscated my velcro sneakers if I were in your same situation?(just kidding) My youngest brother was sent to the hospital several times after he took all of his anti-depression medications all at once. I asked him why he did it and he told me that the voices told him to do it. I told him to just ignore the voices next time. It turns out that several of the medications he was taken could cause suicidal tendencies as a side effect. WTF why perscrive then then? Some Doctors are just morons. He actually switched Doctors and now he doesn't need any prescriptions. I really hope you get better real soon, just take it one step at a time and try to figure out what happened to cause this so it won't happen again. The bottom line is you have to remember that none of this is your fault, stuff happens.
Green Bar Member
[This message has been edited by avengador1 (edited 03-12-2005).]
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11:31 AM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37198 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
Stimpy, I applaud you for sharing. I see nothing for you but good in your honesty. More importantly, honesty to yourself. I would bet that more than half of us are not that honest. I would like to send a smile your way. In the spirit of one of your threads, I would like to say something nice about you. May all the voices in your head be singing Rock-n-Roll. Love, cliffw
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12:25 PM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
You should be able to recieve disability because the stress from your job caused a mental breakdown. It happens to coal miners all the time out here.
Hope things get better for ya.
There is a difference between disability and workers comp. I probably have some standing to file a comp claim, but that is such ugle, nasty business. I couldn't handle the stress of going through workers comp.
Thanks to everyon for their nice thoughts. I'm going to try to be a nicer person around here, So I hope people can cut me a little slack for any bad behavior on my part in the past, and a little slack for some weirdness in the future.
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12:49 PM
USFiero Member
Posts: 4877 From: Everywhere and Middle of Nowhere Registered: Mar 2002
Oh my, I just found this thread. you were in chat last nite. If this is for real, all I can say is wow. I've always enjoyed your wit because you could keep it just inside of being totally offensive... working with teens and that whole PC thing you have to do nowadays explains that. Kids today aren't like we were - spoiled 'don't touch me' brats. people have become so isolated this day an age they have no real personal vestment in each other. It's alarming.
So, get better stimpy. being on the edge is stimulating, off the edge boring but over the edge is painful. It's not the fall, it's the sudden impact.
Man, can I be deep when it counts?
------------------ John DuRette ***Custom 85 under construction, 87 Coupe in the driveway. The fun never ends!***
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12:49 PM
System Bot
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
Oh my, I just found this thread. you were in chat last nite. If this is for real, all I can say is wow. I've always enjoyed your wit because you could keep it just inside of being totally offensive... working with teens and that whole PC thing you have to do nowadays explains that. Kids today aren't like we were - spoiled 'don't touch me' brats. people have become so isolated this day an age they have no real personal vestment in each other. It's alarming.
So, get better stimpy. being on the edge is stimulating, off the edge boring but over the edge is painful. It's not the fall, it's the sudden impact.
Man, can I be deep when it counts?
It's for real, it kinda blows my mind but I know there's people who think I make **** up like this. If you don't care about me, don't care, but don't be like the haters who accused me of steling when I was raising money for Jose.
I don't get the part about the kids, the kids were the only joy in the job. I worked with multiply disabled highschoolers and love every single one of them. It's the adults that are ****ed up in the head.
As far as "The Edge" goes... The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. Hunter S. Thompson
I was thinking this trip in alaska might really be the ticket. If you go make sure you go with a close family member or friend.I think I recall you mentioned your dad was going or something to that effect. Just defer all decisions to him.You can get by easier if you are just floating on the ride and not being bogged down with decisions. If a waitress gets on your nerves or anyone for that matter dis associate yourself from them and say something to your self like "I never really cared about the little things"or in your case maybe"I could give a phuk about them look how funny they look with their mouth flapping and nothing coming out" Soak up what God has out there for you to see.I can't think of anything that will recharge you faster.Except a haram of gorgeous sex servants catering to your every whim and best of all to have your insurance pay for it. How would you like a doc to prescibe that. Ouch! ok I just got hit on the back of the head!!!
BTW Jeff I gave in about 2 this morning.Talking to you kinda got me worried about unlikily possibilities so I decided just to pop em and be done with it weekend or no weekend.
[This message has been edited by pokeyfiero (edited 03-12-2005).]
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01:42 PM
Formula88 Member
Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
If a waitress gets on your nerves or anyone for that matter dis associate yourself from them and say something to your self like "I never really cared about the little things"
How about "Serenity NOW!" ? \Kramer
Or, just look at them and say "Mambo the dogface to the banana patch." Sometimes you have to act crazy to keep from going crazy. Just make sure one of your group knows you'll do this in advance, so they don't think that last chord has snapped.
Other than that, I don't know what to say, Stimp, except hang in there. You've obviously got people on your side, and with that you can weather any storm.
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01:48 PM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
Haven't read all yer posts yet, but glad to hear you came through this relatively ok.
I don't think I have ever seen you type so muchon here!
Read all of it, it's pretty funny in some ways. For example. The Biscuit.
To say things all broke loose last Thursday is simplifying a bit. Seems like more people a screwing with me. Am I paranoid, or do people just want to mess with me? Who knows, but you check this out and you be the judge. Back last November we stopped a restaurant on the way to visit my folks. Had a great breakfast. Nice view of rolling hills,white tablecloths, iced butter, the whole nice place experiences at Denny's prices. And they had biscuits. I'm not just talking biscuits, but God's own clouds basted with butter and baked at 350. Awesome biscuits, and home made jellies to put on it. I was in heaven. So I was with some looking forward to going there again.
Well, Feb 12ish, we went to go take up my folks to Sacramento for a flight. So we woke up at 3:30 and make the drive, and pass about a jillion Burger Kings and McD's so we could have breakfast at "our place". We pull in about 8, starving. We're seated at the same table, thinngs look nice, although it takes me a while to get some coffee. I'm cool, and looking forward to that biscuit.
Our waitress comes by to take our orders. With my Rancher omelette (substitute mushrooms instead of sausage "We may have to charge extra for that."Whatever) she asks, "What kind of toast would you like with that? White Wheat, or english muffin?" "Um, I didn't hear 'biscuit' Do you not have biscuits?" "Oh yeas, but only if you order the chicken fried steak." At this point my eye is twitching like Micheal Douglas in "Falling Down". So wait, they have biscuits, lovely fluffy biscuits, warm and steamy in the kitchen, but only if I order Chicken Fried Steak? I don't want Chicken Fried Steak, I want a damn omelette!
The waitress comes by after I told her to surprise me on the toast, and I guess I was looking tense. "Oh, your not still upset about the biscuit, are you?" "As a matter of fact, well, yeah." "(Embarrassed chuckle)". Later we see the manager walking the floor and Barbara asks him if someone can buy a biscuit." He stamers "Well we normally don't do that..." and walked away. Now my fork is looking mighty good to go through someone's hand. The omlette was alright, but not the same sans biscuit. The busperson cleared the table, including the yummy pots of homemade jam. I look across at Barbara who has a :WTF: look on her face. "Is that a biscuit?" I turn around to see our waitress carrying a plate with, yep, you got it, a biscuit. She went and put it in a paper bag, and said "We don't want you leaving angry." "Too ****ing late for that" I thought. I signed the check, tipped 87 cents on a $25 bill, and stuffed her pen in the middle of the biscuit.
So did I over react, or are people screwing with me?
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02:02 PM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
BTW Jeff I gave in about 2 this morning.Talking to you kinda got me worried about unlikily possibilities so I decided just to pop em and be done with it weekend or no weekend.
Read all of it, it's pretty funny in some ways. For example. The Biscuit.
I signed the check, tipped 87 cents on a $25 bill, and stuffed her pen in the middle of the biscuit.
So did I over react, or are people screwing with me?
LOL O man I wish was there.You killed the damn biscuit dudeLOL!!! You know how picky I am at restraunts about service we could have tag teamed her till they submitted with the jelly too. I would have written on the bill. "Heres your tip.Give me my damn biscuits next time!!"
If you want next time i up your way lets go have breakfast.I got a hankering for biscuits and jam all of a sudden.
Originally posted by stimpy:
Never forget to check your head.
I just checked. It is a little droopy and slightly to the left.Not looking to impressive today.
[This message has been edited by pokeyfiero (edited 03-12-2005).]
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02:13 PM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
Or, just look at them and say "Mambo the dogface to the banana patch." Sometimes you have to act crazy to keep from going crazy. Just make sure one of your group knows you'll do this in advance, so they don't think that last chord has snapped.
You've got to be kidding. I've had the cops called on me for far less. Did you forget that I'm 6'6" and 300 lbs? My aggressiveness, by necssity, has to be passive..
Example. I was going to rent an apartment after my parents returned from Saudi Arabia. I was working a good job, my dad was making obscene money, and I house sit their house for 18 months or so, so I didn't have apartment references. So the apartment manager aske for double deposit. Fine, whatever. I was shown a "model" of the floor plan I'd be renting and put down my credit report fee.
Everything goes along schedule, until I ask to make sure that I get to see my actual unit before I pay the deposit and rent. Who knows, it could have been a meth lab! Manager (22 yo female) didn't like that, and argued on the phone with me until she finally agreed to let me see inside of it escorted. WTF? is that all we're arguing about, an escort? What are you afraid of, ze Germans?
Moving day arrives, and I show up first thing in the morning to get my paperwork done. Nobody there. For an hour and a half. I went home, and when I finally got the girl on the line she apologized because she couldn't find her keys or her water broke, or some other **** . I informed her that I didn't car, may we please do our business so I can set to get moving.
In comes the manager, taking umbrage at my callous disinterest for her employees daily activities. This chick would NOT shut up. Exasperated, I dropped my Day Runner from a height of about 5 inches onto the desk. Apparently that broke her concentration and at that point decided that I would not be moving in to that apartment, neither that day or any day, and that I would not get my securuty check $ back, and that I was trespaassing and that they would call the cops. They backed down a bit when I offered to use my phone (I got no warrants, I fear not the cops.)
Well, Wilfred Brimley with a badge showed up, and basically admitted what they did sucked, they couldn't keepmy money, and that I could probably fight it, but would I want to live there? I was just glad I didn't have a U Haul full of crap. Some women can be pretty evil.
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02:22 PM
Lady Pegasus Member
Posts: 1416 From: Hammond, IN Registered: Jul 2001
Stimpy.... Sorry to hear about all your experiences. I know you're a good person. I remember the thread about you wanting to hook up that one kids chair with all the fun accessories. I know you're a good man. You always have something...interesting to say.
What about the day you went around posting "Dirty Sanchez" to everyone's thread? I loved that day.
I know you can get thru this. Life is sh*tty. I can vouch for that. We just have to do what we can to find our own happiness in this crazy messed up world! And it sounds like you have...your wife sounds AMAZING!
I wish you the best. You know that we're here for you. Best of luck, Stimp.
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03:05 PM
System Bot
lurker Member
Posts: 12355 From: salisbury nc usa Registered: Feb 2002
Stimpy.... Sorry to hear about all your experiences. I know you're a good person. I remember the thread about you wanting to hook up that one kids chair with all the fun accessories. I know you're a good man. You always have something...interesting to say.
What about the day you went around posting "Dirty Sanchez" to everyone's thread? I loved that day.
I know you can get thru this. Life is sh*tty. I can vouch for that. We just have to do what we can to find our own happiness in this crazy messed up world! And it sounds like you have...your wife sounds AMAZING!
I wish you the best. You know that we're here for you. Best of luck, Stimp.
Read all of it, it's pretty funny in some ways. For example. The Biscuit.
To say things all broke loose last Thursday is simplifying a bit. Seems like more people a screwing with me. Am I paranoid, or do people just want to mess with me? Who knows, but you check this out and you be the judge. Back last November we stopped a restaurant on the way to visit my folks. Had a great breakfast. Nice view of rolling hills,white tablecloths, iced butter, the whole nice place experiences at Denny's prices. And they had biscuits. I'm not just talking biscuits, but God's own clouds basted with butter and baked at 350. Awesome biscuits, and home made jellies to put on it. I was in heaven. So I was with some looking forward to going there again.
Well, Feb 12ish, we went to go take up my folks to Sacramento for a flight. So we woke up at 3:30 and make the drive, and pass about a jillion Burger Kings and McD's so we could have breakfast at "our place". We pull in about 8, starving. We're seated at the same table, thinngs look nice, although it takes me a while to get some coffee. I'm cool, and looking forward to that biscuit.
Our waitress comes by to take our orders. With my Rancher omelette (substitute mushrooms instead of sausage "We may have to charge extra for that."Whatever) she asks, "What kind of toast would you like with that? White Wheat, or english muffin?" "Um, I didn't hear 'biscuit' Do you not have biscuits?" "Oh yeas, but only if you order the chicken fried steak." At this point my eye is twitching like Micheal Douglas in "Falling Down". So wait, they have biscuits, lovely fluffy biscuits, warm and steamy in the kitchen, but only if I order Chicken Fried Steak? I don't want Chicken Fried Steak, I want a damn omelette!
The waitress comes by after I told her to surprise me on the toast, and I guess I was looking tense. "Oh, your not still upset about the biscuit, are you?" "As a matter of fact, well, yeah." "(Embarrassed chuckle)". Later we see the manager walking the floor and Barbara asks him if someone can buy a biscuit." He stamers "Well we normally don't do that..." and walked away. Now my fork is looking mighty good to go through someone's hand. The omlette was alright, but not the same sans biscuit. The busperson cleared the table, including the yummy pots of homemade jam. I look across at Barbara who has a :WTF: look on her face. "Is that a biscuit?" I turn around to see our waitress carrying a plate with, yep, you got it, a biscuit. She went and put it in a paper bag, and said "We don't want you leaving angry." "Too ****ing late for that" I thought. I signed the check, tipped 87 cents on a $25 bill, and stuffed her pen in the middle of the biscuit.
So did I over react, or are people screwing with me?
We're all in the same business, the people business. It's not what we make or sell that's critical, it's how we take care of the people who buy it. Our job is to make customers happy. What's the best way to do that? By giving out "pickles". "Pickles" are those special or extra things you do to make people happy. It may be walking a customer to an item they're looking for rather than just pointing. Or maybe it's a handwritten "thank you" note in every order shipped. The trick is figuring out what your customers want, then making sure they get it, that's the "Pickle!"
[This message has been edited by Jake_Dragon (edited 03-12-2005).]
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04:06 PM
avengador1 Member
Posts: 35468 From: Orlando, Florida Registered: Oct 2001
Although we don't know each other, I truly wish you the best and hope you find your way out of this as quickly as possible. Keep your head up, be proud of who and what you are and enjoy life with all that it brings to you. Happy Fieroing.
------------------ Ron Freedom isn't Free, it's always earned. Pantero Creations
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05:12 PM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
Im really sorry to hear all the crap you were put through. It sounds real scary. Someone must have really jumped on your last nerve. I wonder if they would have confiscated my velcro sneakers if I were in your same situation?(just kidding) My youngest brother was sent to the hospital several times after he took all of his anti-depression medications all at once. I asked him why he did it and he told me that the voices told him to do it. I told him to just ignore the voices next time. It turns out that several of the medications he was taken could cause suicidal tendencies as a side effect. WTF why perscrive then then? Some Doctors are just morons. He actually switched Doctors and now he doesn't need any prescriptions. I really hope you get better real soon, just take it one step at a time and try to figure out what happened to cause this so it won't happen again. The bottom line is you have to remember that none of this is your fault, stuff happens.
Wow, just wow. I still don't know what to thinkabout you "wishing me well". I can remember not too long ag I was the scourge of the forum. In fact you have my PM's blocked because you can't handle how I am. Weird, that's all.
As far as your younger brother od'ing,multpily that by 20 in a year and you got an idea how my brother checked out. I'm guessing that your trying to wish me well, even though you and many like you wish I weren't around here. But I hope your not trying to trump me as to who's pain is worse, I really don't want to go there.
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06:05 PM
Formula88 Member
Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
"The Biscuit" incident sounds like they could have made a Seinfeld episode out of it. That's just messed up. I think I would have done the exact same thing. I don't understand what the big deal about wanting a biscuit is... they have them... so sell them. Weird. I know what you mean about having to make your anger passive. I'm also a big guy. Add the shaved head and people get paranoid real quick.
Somedays it's infuriating. Somedays I just laugh. Now if I could figure out how to control which day I do what.
I'm so glad that society has progressed so far in the last few decades. Fifty years ago you would likely have been locked up in one of those living hell asylums, or even had a forcible lobotomy, a procedure where a sharp metal knife or rod is forcibly rammed into the brain and swung around to slice up the hypothalmus and frontal cortex.
Try to find a center, a place within where things are still, and work outwards from there to find balance.
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07:49 PM
avengador1 Member
Posts: 35468 From: Orlando, Florida Registered: Oct 2001
Im not trying to trump you, please don't think of me that way. I have removed you from my ignore list ( please be kind to me ). Another side effect of the medications for my brother was/is paranoia (he still is a bit paranoid to this date), please don't be paranoid on my account, all is forgiven. Seriuosly, I hold no more ill will or grudge against you anymore. What happened in the past can stay in the past. I would rather forgive and forget than to let hate and anger eat me from the inside out, and that is the truth. I also removed the picture as you wished. I have learned that hate and anger is not beneficial to anyone, that is why I can't hold a grudge. It just isn't worth it. I would rather put more effort into making friends than enemies, it is less stressfull.
[This message has been edited by avengador1 (edited 03-12-2005).]
Maybe a lesson we can all learn from this is give people the benfit of the doubt, because that guy might be mentally ill instead of just a royal jerk. Won't you feel bad to find out he was really "sick", and that sure does explain a lot, huh? Poor guy. Listen up my new found friends, we're accountable for everything to somebody, God or karma.
I don't know, I'm not going to write as much here right now. I'm reflecting.
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09:39 PM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
It's a funny video, don't take it personally. I just saw it and it was funny. I hoped some levity would cheer you up. It pokes fun at medications. The song just happens to be called "The drugs I need". Lighten up please, Im not trying to diss or upset you, just cheer you up, but it doesn't seem to be working. Edit: I guess you saw it, I was confused by your previous post.
[This message has been edited by avengador1 (edited 03-12-2005).]
I was kind of hesitant about writing. But, I do want to wish you well. I know I came down a bit hard on you before, but truth be told, I do get a chuckle out of your posts. (most of the time) I want you to know I really meant that apology way back then, and I do hope you are feeling better soon. Sounds like you have a wonderful wife that loves and protects you. With her, I know you will get through this bump in the road.
Best of luck to you for a speedy recovery. I hope the down cycle doesn't last too long.
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09:44 PM
Posts: 10199 From: Ticlaw FL, and some other places. Registered: Aug 2001
there was a movie, I forget which one, where a guys in a diner and he orders coffee and buttered toast
"we dont have toast on the menu"
oh, ok, do you have BLTs on the menu?
super, I'll have a BLT on toast. Hold the bacon, hold the lettuce, hold the tomato, hold the mayo
and can I get that BUTTERED PLEASE?
Jack Nicholson, Five Easy Peices. Chicken salad, not club sandwich, I think. (who cares?). Excellent classic movie about an intelligent, creative person who just doesn't quite fit the mold. You all should see it, IMHO. Stimpy, I get it. Some days are better than others. Try to remember that this too will pass. Not an empty cliche', it really will. Don't take yourself too seriously. Sometimes there AREN'T any answers, but life goes on anyway. Peace. Please stick around. I always enjoy your posts, dude.
[This message has been edited by NEPTUNE (edited 03-12-2005).]
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09:49 PM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
Jack Nicholson, Five Easy Peices. Chicken salad, not club sandwich.
I've got to see that.
I appreciate the response, everyone has been positive. I just remember who I have had positive contact with, but I must remeber the negative contacts more. Maybe that's part of my problem. Neptune, you've always been cool.
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09:54 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38099 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
Jack Nicholson, Five Easy Pieces. Chicken salad, not club sandwich, I think. (who cares?).
The chicken salad sandwich part is vitally important...
Jack: I'd like a plain omelet, no potatoes, tomatoes instead, a cup of coffee, and wheat toast. Waitress: (She points to the menu) No substitutions. Jack: What do you mean? You don't have any tomatoes? Waitress: Only what's on the menu. You can have a #2 - a plain omelet It comes with cottage fries and rolls. Jack: Yeah, I know what it comes with. But it's not what I want. Waitress: Well, I'll come back when you make up your mind. Jack: Wait a minute. I have made up my mind. I'd like a plain omelet, no potatoes on the plate, a cup of coffee, and a side order of wheat toast. Waitress: I'm sorry, we don't have any side orders of English muffin or a coffee roll. Jack: What do you mean you don't make side orders of toast? You make sandwiches, don't you? Waitress: Would you like to talk to the manager? Jack: ...You've got bread and a toaster of some kind? Waitress: I don't make the rules. Jack: OK, I'll make it as easy for you as I can. I'd like an omelet, plain, and a chicken salad sandwich on wheat toast, no mayonnaise, no butter, no lettuce. And a cup of coffee. Waitress: A #2, chicken salad sandwich, hold the butter, the lettuce and the mayonnaise. And a cup of coffee. Anything else? Jack: Yeah. Now all you have to do is hold the chicken, bring me the toast, give me a check for the chicken salad sandwich, and you haven't broken any rules. Waitress (spitefully): You want me to hold the chicken, huh? Jack: I want you to hold it between your knees.
Jeffery, as someone who has crossed swords with you in the past, I also hope you're able to get your life and emotions under control. My girlfriend is a psychiatrist, so I’m a little familiar with the challenges some people have to face. You’ve got guts to write about your experiences here. Hopefully this will help to break down some misunderstandings about mental health and serve to eliminate the often associated social stigma.
I’m glad to hear your wife has been a pillar of strength. She sounds like a fine woman. Best of luck to you.
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 03-12-2005).]