Well I am doing a 4.9 and a 4spd - 5spd swap. Well I quite smoking about 6 months ago. (Yay for Me) I vacuumed my car out, cleaned the interior and even put in some of those new car scent air fresheners. However after a day if sitting in the sun my car still smelt like a dirty ash tray. Yuck.
Well today I found out why. It looks like after all those years of smoking and drinking coffee and pop and driving crazy a bunch of those old buts found there way UNDER the shifter. I never saw them and could not vacuum them. They just stayed there waiting for the day for me to pull out the shifter.
Well here they are. Hope you had a lite lunch.
Guys it is time to kick the habit. Do it for your car.
After a shop vac and 20min of working around the tiny corners. There were places that I could not get the camera to shoot at the correct angle. I could not belive how that stuff works its way into every little crack and crevice. YUCK. I am going to pour some Vanilla Scent Wax oil down there and let it be. Maybe some of the stench will go away.
[This message has been edited by Capt Fiero (edited 05-17-2005).]
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03:18 PM
System Bot
spud321x Member
Posts: 974 From: Jackson, Michigan Registered: Oct 2004
Yes that is pretty disgusting. when i bought my '84 4speed the previous owner smoked a lot in the car. there isn't any cig butts but there is gobs of ashes all over underneath the shifter, and around the center console. Its extremely disgusting.
With the price nearing $10 per pack of smokes, it was getting a bit pricey to smoke. ($300 per month just to be able to smoke)
Plus I was tired of having to go outside and freeze every time I wanted one. Then the getting sick and colds and all that stuff. It was time to just quit.
So I did.
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04:09 PM
watts Member
Posts: 3256 From: Coaldale, AB, Canada Registered: Aug 2001
Originally posted by watts: I might be heading over to his place later... I'll dig 'em out of the shop vac, package them up and send them to you. Only on the provision that we get video proof that you smoked them!
I'll throw down 100 PENNIES!!!!!!!! on the table to see this lmao
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04:14 PM
Boondawg Member
Posts: 38235 From: Displaced Alaskan Registered: Jun 2003
lmao....i'll have to pass. i don't even smoke and i'm sure if i tried one those i wouldn't start. probably turn a few shades of green just before turning my stomach inside out....100 pennies though....i could use that.
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09:44 PM
USFiero Member
Posts: 4877 From: Everywhere and Middle of Nowhere Registered: Mar 2002
Originally posted by Capt Fiero: With the price nearing $10 per pack of smokes, it was getting a bit pricey to smoke. ($300 per month just to be able to smoke) David
you could buy a Fiero each month for that...
Originally posted by shawnkfl: man...some of those still had some smoke time left in them. slightly used buut still....
or the value of spare beat-down Fiero -
Originally posted by Boondawg: Mmmmmmmmm. Marinated in Coke and Coffee. A little squeezin' and then cut it with a little Rum, and presto.........Fiero Juice!
what, no pic of the six pack in your fridge? next to the JJ?
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11:14 PM
May 18th, 2005
ZeroC Member
Posts: 1665 From: Chilliwack,BC,Canada Registered: Jan 2003
Thats Nothing When i First Got Mine ..I Did The Same ..Pulled The Shift Plate...lol Man There Was So Many Roachs ..That Guy Must Have Been High As A Friggin Kite Everytime He Drived The Old Fiero lol
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03:16 AM
System Bot
ZeroC Member
Posts: 1665 From: Chilliwack,BC,Canada Registered: Jan 2003
I found the same thing under consoles I have pulled. Also coins. Almost four dollars in one (including under the seats). Yes, those butts are drink soaked as are your mirror and window switches. If it is not too late, clean the contacts in the switches with "eletra-clean" or even emory cloth. Your windows will work much faster.
Its funny I did not find any real money at all in there. However it is all worth it when I look down and see the 5spd shifter and move it around. I have never owned a 5spd Fiero in my life. Only ever driving a 5spd Fiero 2-3 times. (and I have been a Fiero owner for 11 years) This will be a nice change.
It will also be nice not having that odour coming from the CENTER console any longer.
Lets see No more odour 5spd V8
I think I will be happy when it is done.
------------------ 85GT 5spd MSD Everything,4.9 With Nitrous. Comming Soon! www.captfiero.com
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10:38 AM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37451 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
Originally posted by Capt Fiero: However it is all worth it when I look down and see the 5spd shifter and move it around. I have never owned a 5spd Fiero in my life. Only ever driving a 5spd Fiero 2-3 times. (and I have been a Fiero owner for 11 years)
Stoppppppp. I want to drive a Fiero stick. All mine have been automatics but what was I to do ? Pass on good deals ? I think I am gonna be sick
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10:45 AM
Capt Fiero Member
Posts: 7657 From: British Columbia, Canada Registered: Feb 2000
Converted from Auto to 4spd Stick thanks to a free 84, 4spd donor car. Drove with the 4spd for 4 years, until I blew up 3 of the 4spds, and now am upgrading again this time from a 6cyl, 4spd to a V8, 5spd.
It should be fun to drive again. Get that new feeling back. I wont sell or get rid of this car so I just have to keep making upgrades to make it seem like a new car. Its got nearly 400,000 kms on it. Most of them from me. I had this car when I was 18. I am 29 now. (if you could have your car from your late teens, early 20's back, what kind of stories could you tell about it) This car is keeper for me.
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10:54 AM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37451 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
My 87 GT, stock with 130,000 miles, and my 88GT, stock with 98,000 miles, just run too damn good to be doing an engine/tranny swap. I have loads of fun, yet........... One day...............................................
I am not one to "borrow" someone elses car, even for a test drive. As I can not nor should not "cliffw test" it. Ahhhh.........someday !
[This message has been edited by cliffw (edited 05-18-2005).]
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11:03 AM
GT Member
Posts: 911 From: Silver Spring, MD USA Registered: May 2003
Hey cap'n, When I found my Getrag at the junk yard last week I took apart the center console to get the shifter and cables... guess what I found? Mouse turds and mouse pee all over the place... in the shifter, behind the ECM, under the cables. The little critters used the sound deadening material to build nests. But having a Getrag and a V8 is TOTALLY worth crawling in mouse turds to get! Now if the mice had been smoking in there... that's another story...
------------------ -Rick Stewart 85GT 5.0CaddyV8/Getrag 5-spd in progress... www.V8Fiero.com
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11:46 AM
lurker Member
Posts: 12355 From: salisbury nc usa Registered: Feb 2002