I was dragged around by a horse last may. The incident ended when my head struck a fence post hard enough to break the rope (and my skull) attaching me to the horse >_< It began when a spooked horse with a lunge line (30' long rope attached to head) on took off like mad and the rope got stuck around my left wrist. its been a long loooong recovery, but asides from scars and seizures im all better now
Holy ****!!!!!!!!! How in the world are you alive?? I'm really glad your ok and made a recovery, the first picture is bad but the second one makes me think how you even pulled through that. Take it easy.
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11:42 AM
GT-X Member
Posts: 1506 From: Crestwood, KY Registered: Feb 2003
Glad to hear your OK. That's one of those accidents you wouldn't ever anticipate. I wish you well on your continued recovery, hope the seizures go away for you.
Was the horse hurt in the incident?
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03:54 PM
fierohoho Member
Posts: 3494 From: Corner of No and Where Registered: Apr 2001
I was NOT riding the horse just lunging it. she spooked and bolted and the rope got stuck on my wrist. though i dont remember this is just what i was told. It wasnt the (dumb) horses fault. It wasnt my fault. just a freak accident. thanks for the kind words everyone and yes the seizures are subsiding. still get headaches frequently though.
a pic of the culprit
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01:59 AM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
I can see two definate pluses to this experience: 1) You have something very few people have: a photo of their own brain. And 2) you can now win the "What's the worst injury you ever had" conversation every time.
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04:58 AM
GT-X Member
Posts: 1506 From: Crestwood, KY Registered: Feb 2003
Glad your doing better.. I was raised around a horse and have great respect for the raw power that the have.. amazing animals that can do amazing damage when their primal instincts take over!
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04:30 PM
Mr. Pat Member
Posts: 1860 From: Melbourne, VIC Australia Registered: Apr 2003
amazing animals that can do amazing damage when their primal instincts take over!
Much like an Englishman
------------------ 1986 GT, LT1/4T60E. In the middle of cam/port, new interior, paint and waiting on new wheels. Itll blow you away!! http://hometown.aol.com/ptfiero/index.html build http://dtcc.cz28.com/Customer/LT1Fiero/index.htm
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05:26 PM
May 19th, 2006
GT-X Member
Posts: 1506 From: Crestwood, KY Registered: Feb 2003
Glad your doing better.. I was raised around a horse and have great respect for the raw power that the have.. amazing animals that can do amazing damage when their primal instincts take over!
LMAO thats great
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09:32 AM
Telegram Sam Member
Posts: 231 From: Carmel-by-the-Sea, California Registered: Apr 2006
As am I, but no kidding, horses are scary. A good friend of my wife had not shown up for work for a couple of days during the summer, apparently she had been grooming a pony when it kicked her in the head. She was alone, so she stayed unconscious in the corral for 3 days before they found her. She died 4 days later.
No thanks to horsepower I can't fully control.
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09:45 AM
May 21st, 2006
Fierochic88 Member
Posts: 4984 From: Staunton, VA Registered: May 2001
That is one scary incident!! And, glad you are doing better and hope for a full recovery for both you and the horse. Now, someone explain 'lunging' for me please. Allowing them to gallop around you in circles on a long line? I'm not familar with the term.
btw, this is one of the things that is always in the back on my mind concerning the internet. You've been here since 2003 I believe, and I remember your posts from back when, but this is the 1st I've seen on this accident. I always wonder about how my internet aquaintences would ever know if anything serious happened to me. Would they think I just fell off the earth? Except for Jane, none of the rest of my family knows of the importance I place regarding all here at PFF, so likely as not, no one would ever know unless Jane passed the word on, and even she doesn't have access to some of my military forums, especially those whose members are my old Marine friends from Vietnam days. Gonna have to think about this a bit.
[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 05-21-2006).]
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08:51 AM
GT-X Member
Posts: 1506 From: Crestwood, KY Registered: Feb 2003
Now, someone explain 'lunging' for me please. Allowing them to gallop around you in circles on a long line? I'm not familar with the term.
You pretty much nailed it. except its not supposed to be just a mad gallop, they should walk and trot or whatever you tell them to. Its purpose is to get them warmed up before you ride.
Myself I just trail ride for fun. My wife is into eventing and jumping though.