BALTIMORE -- Baltimore City police arrested a Virginia couple over the weekend after they asked an officer for directions.
WBAL-TV 11 News I-Team reporter David Collins said Joshua Kelly and Llara Brook, of Chantilly, Va., got lost leaving an Orioles game on Saturday. Collins reported a city officer arrested them for trespassing on a public street while they were asking for directions .
"In jail for eight hours -- sleeping on a concrete floor next to a toilet," Kelly said.
"It was a nightmare," Brook said. "I was in there thinking I was just dreaming and waiting to wake up."
Collins reported it was a nightmare ending to a nearly perfect day. He said the couple went to a company picnic and watched the Orioles beat Kansas City. It was their first trip to Camden Yards and asked two people for directions to Interstate 95 South when they left.
Collins said somehow they ended up in the Cherry Hill section of south Baltimore. Hopelessly lost, relief melted away concerns after they spotted a police vehicle.
"I said, 'Thank goodness, could you please get us to 95?" Kelly said.
"The first thing that she said to us was no -- you just ran that stop sign, pull over," Brook said. "It wasn't a big deal. We'll pay the stop sign violation, but can we have directions?"
"What she said was 'You found your own way in here, you can find your own way out.'" Kelly said.
Collins said the couple spotted another police vehicle and flagged that officer down for directions. But Officer Natalie Preston, a six-year veteran of the force, intervened.
"That really threw us for a loop when she stepped in between our cars," Kelly said. "(She) said my partner is not going to step in front of me and tell you directions if I'm not."
Collins reported the circumstances got worse. Kelly pulled 40 feet forward parking next to a curb and put his flashers on while Brook was on the phone to her father hoping he could help her with directions. Both her parents are police officers in the Harrisburg, Pa., area.
"(Brook's father) was in the middle of giving us directions when the officer screeched up behind us and got out of the car and asked me to step out. I obeyed," Kelly said. "I obeyed everything -- stepped out of the car, put my hands behind my back, and the next thing I know, I was getting arrested for trespassing."
"By this time, I was completely in tears," Brook said. "I said, 'Ma'am, you know, we just need your help. We are not trying to cause you any trouble. I'm not leaving him here.' What she did was walk over to my side of the car and said, 'Ok, we are taking you downtown, too.'"
Collins said the couple was released from jail without being charged with anything. Brook is now concerned the arrest may complicate a criminal background check she's going through in her job as a child care worker.
Collins said police left Kelly's car unlocked and the windows down at the impound lot. He reported a cell phone charger, pair of sunglasses and 20 CDs were stolen.
Baltimore City police said they are looking into the incident.
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10:14 AM
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lurker Member
Posts: 12355 From: salisbury nc usa Registered: Feb 2002
Yes they do, they're just all retired. Welcome to the new world order. They people who are fighting to protect our right to freedom are fighting the wrong people, maybe they should come back over here and stand guard (and give directions) in our own back yard.
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12:26 PM
fierobear Member
Posts: 27089 From: Safe in the Carolinas Registered: Aug 2000
If that were me, you'd be reading about a BIG lawsuit.
Good luck with that. All B-more needs is money taken away the city. The reason the cops suck is because there isn't enogh money to hire enough cops. I feel for the people but lets just punish the cop that ruined their day and not the whole city.
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04:35 PM
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Formula88 Member
Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
dont EVEN get me started on this one (its old news, I saw it 3-4 days ago).
as far as I'm concerned the piece of nazi garbage should have had his brain evacuated from his skull via a 9mm.
Dunno what the rest of you guys see to make cops "good guys".......all I see is black-uniformed, jack-booted nazi thugs. we aint playing in mayberey anymore, and andy griffith aint the sherrif.
what has replaced Andy is far--FAR--darker.
Psycopaths with balck uniforms, combat helmtes and automatic weapons................UMMMMMMMMMMM. excuse ME, but thats pretty much the definition of a soldier...........and you call them "cops"
no woder i smile every time I open a newspaper and read that one of them is dead. One is not enough.
I'm beginning to understand why your wife chose the cats.
I dunno, sounds about fair from what I've seen.
As for fierohoho, how do you know he's a good cop? Cause you've talked to him on the internet or met him for a beer? Hardly gives you the whole story. Maybe he is, I dunno, but I wouldn't say that because he owns a Fiero.
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07:34 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38246 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
As for fierohoho, how do you know he's a good cop? Cause you've talked to him on the internet or met him for a beer? Hardly gives you the whole story. Maybe he is, I dunno, but I wouldn't say that because he owns a Fiero.
I've spent a fair amount of time with him, and he is truly is a good person. I don't think things like that change just because he puts on a police uniform.
What, you agree that "The only good a dead cop"?
excuse me........but when a "cop" puts on a flack jacket, kevlar helmet, and packs assult weapons--he is not a "peace officer". He is a soldier going to war. He has absoloutly no intention of respecting your rights--he is a ****ing thug enforcing his will at the point of a weapon.
The simple fact is about 10% of "police officers" are normal people. 90% or so are ****ing psycopaths.
Except for the weapon, maybe the reason that the police need to don flak jackets and kevlar helmets is to protect themselves from people who believe that the only good cop is a dead cop. Whether they're good or bad cops, there's no way any of them can even begin to do their jobs if they're being picked off by the criminals. Some people just take offense when the police won't let you run one little meth lab in your neighborhood and sell it to the kiddies.
------------------ Whade' "The Duck Formerly Known As Wade" Duck '87 GT Auto '88 Ferrario
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08:09 PM
under8ted Member
Posts: 1108 From: Sparta, ON, Canada Registered: Mar 2006
Except for the weapon, maybe the reason that the police need to don flak jackets and kevlar helmets is to protect themselves from people who believe that the only good cop is a dead cop. Whether they're good or bad cops, there's no way any of them can even begin to do their jobs if they're being picked off by the criminals. Some people just take offense when the police won't let you run one little meth lab in your neighborhood and sell it to the kiddies.
Point taken
And some people take offence when jack-booted thugs try to place you in "free speach zones"
Lest we not take for granted our freedom to say what is on our minds and not be swept up in the middle of the night never to be seen again. Some people don't even have that freedom. Not quite sure what you mean about the free speech zones though. Could you elaborate please?
------------------ Whade' "The Duck Formerly Known As Wade" Duck '87 GT Auto '88 Ferrario
[This message has been edited by whadeduck (edited 05-27-2006).]
What, you agree that "The only good a dead cop"?
I agree that I've never really met a good cop. Sure when you see them on coffee break, they are 'nice', but you see them anywhere else, and they are jerks (No, not to me usually, to other people around me). Hell, everyone I see around here look like jock pricks who just got out of high school, and they sure as hell act like it.
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08:22 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38246 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
I am by no means singling anyone out here, but I have found that two of the big reasons people seem to dislike cops is because, one, they're either getting busted all the time or have been busted doing something they're not supposed to do, or two, they're not around when you need them. Granted, there're a lot of cops out there with big egos. But those are usually the younger, less experienced ones. We've all hated cops at one time or another. Not especially fond of them when I get a traffic ticket. But in the grand scheme of things, sometimes it's all that stands between us and living in a DMZ. Try and imagine for a moment what it would really be like with no one to enforce any kind of law. I don't think it'd be pretty. Like I said though, what I'm saying is just an observation.
------------------ Whade' "The Duck Formerly Known As Wade" Duck '87 GT Auto '88 Ferrario
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08:31 PM
sostock Member
Posts: 5907 From: Grain Valley, MO Registered: May 2005
hee hee that is questionable about salesmen. maybe the same with our current politicians too?
police are just like anybody else. they are just doing their job. they have good days and bad days like all of us. do i like all the tickets and arrests i've had? nope. but every time i was breaking the law and i knew it.
if you deal with the worst society has to offer on a day to day basis, see that the arrests that you make do no good, get crappy pay and most people hate you unless you're saving their ass, you'd be a prick too.
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08:37 PM
System Bot
84fierotrevor Member
Posts: 4998 From: puyallup washington Registered: Oct 2001
As for fierohoho, how do you know he's a good cop? Cause you've talked to him on the internet or met him for a beer? Hardly gives you the whole story. Maybe he is, I dunno, but I wouldn't say that because he owns a Fiero.
fierohoho has "as a police officer" helped me out when i was following the wrong path and gonna end up in trouble in my life. i dont care if he owns a fiero or that he is on the forum. I am telling you as a cop he has helped people. he genuinly cares about people. and he has helped me. so as a "cop" he has helped people. yes you can use the argument that maybe he "off camera" beat a black guy or some bullshit but innocent untell proven guilty. so untell someone can state he has done somthing bad as a cop. he has been proven as a good one. I also know a few other police officers that are good, there cops to help people. they ginuiely care. I was a skater growing up so I also know the cops alot of people on here speak of. I have been harrassed by cops. I have been skating with friends on the sidewalk doing nothing wrong and had two cops stop get out and jump on are boards and break them in half and get back in and leave. i know cops that are in it to push people around and get off feeling that everyone has to obey them. but i have also met cops that really care about helping people and are really good people. to say that all cops are bullys or natzi's or whatever is like saying all black people are bad or gangsters. its just ****ing stupid. have you guys met every cop out there? have you met every police officer in the united states? have you met the ones that are no longer alive? how can you tell me what ALL COPS ARE when you have met maybe 200 in your intire ****ing life.this is the dumbest thread i have ever seen.
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08:44 PM
84fierotrevor Member
Posts: 4998 From: puyallup washington Registered: Oct 2001
The thread isn't dumb, it is the few people that choose to argue over a FORUM MEMBER'S character.
This thread is NOT about FieroHoHo. This thread is about ONE cop that pushed it too far, and I would appreciate it if you people would get back on track. This is not about ALL cops. This is about the 1 or 2 or 12 that make it look horrible for all the rest.
I happen to know several officers that genuinely care about everyone they encounter. I made some mistakes, sat time in jail, and all of the officers I encountered, with the exception of 1 during that time were willing to be counselors, offer advice, and help guide me and anyone else who asked.
My opinion, those who hate cops usually have a reason to fear them.
So, get back ON topic, or don't bother posting. And I have the right to ask that, as the thread creator. Otherwise, I will kindly ask Cliff to lock it.
Ditto... As for cops, no, I'm not saying all of them have pulled a Rodney King in their time (Although I have witnessed quite a few unprovoked tazings and pepper sprayings, and we weren't dealing with armed robbers here, just a few drunk teenagers, who by no means deserved what they got. Hopefully those cops got suspended for that, but I severely doubt it). I don't agree with what they do, spending all their time tellings others what to do. Hanging out in their car with a radar gun, etc, etc. It's pathetic, and I hope they don't feel fulfilled doing it. No, I know thats not all they do... I also don't like the laws they enforce. What, if I get caught urinating on a fence I get put on a sex registry, etc, etc. Sheesh. Hell, I bet they don't even like them, yet they do it anyways. Part of their job? Yeah, so why did they choose it. They don't do it for me. Maybe I'll meet one who will really make me change my mind, but I won't hold my breath.
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08:59 PM
84fierotrevor Member
Posts: 4998 From: puyallup washington Registered: Oct 2001
The thread isn't dumb, it is the few people that choose to argue over a FORUM MEMBER'S character.
This thread is NOT about FieroHoHo. This thread is about ONE cop that pushed it too far, and I would appreciate it if you people would get back on track. This is not about ALL cops. This is about the 1 or 2 or 12 that make it look horrible for all the rest.
I happen to know several officers that genuinely care about everyone they encounter. I made some mistakes, sat time in jail, and all of the officers I encountered, with the exception of 1 during that time were willing to be counselors, offer advice, and help guide me and anyone else who asked.
My opinion, those who hate cops usually have a reason to fear them.
So, get back ON topic, or don't bother posting. And I have the right to ask that, as the thread creator. Otherwise, I will kindly ask Cliff to lock it.
by the way I did not mean to say that this thread. i meant the posts i have seen in here by a few people. not the main topic of this thread.
p.s. sorry for fugging up your thread.
[This message has been edited by 84fierotrevor (edited 05-27-2006).]
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09:00 PM
under8ted Member
Posts: 1108 From: Sparta, ON, Canada Registered: Mar 2006
Lest we not take for granted our freedom to say what is on our minds and not be swept up in the middle of the night never to be seen again. Some people don't even have that freedom. Not quite sure what you mean about the free speech zones though. Could you elaborate please?
Yeh, Wade........I'm Canadian, ex-american, ex-light infantry, and just about ex-everything else. I just up and quit.
What I read and see every day disgusts me to the roots of my being. Old ladies in wheelchairs being assulted by TSA. Students getting the **** beat out of them for reading the wrong book. ****ing marines on an honour detail with a body of a serviceman being strip-searched.
maybee I read too much.
but, man--there is something going seriously--seriously--srewey.
I was proud when I got my corporals stripes--and it was my job th stop thugs from atacking old ladies.
now----the thugs have uniforms, the old ladies are ****ed, and I'm just bitter and dont give s **** anymore.
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09:08 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38246 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
So, get back ON topic, or don't bother posting. And I have the right to ask that, as the thread creator. Otherwise, I will kindly ask Cliff to lock it.
I've been connected to the 'net since 1998 and that has got to be one of the dumbest things I've EVER read on any forum!
Talk about a power trip!
No one has any control over how a thread develops (except for moderators when rules are broken).
People post, people respond - that's just the way it works.
Sounds like you're a product of the media. Just like you don't hear of all of the planes that land safely and all of the people who left their place of work and didn't come back the next day and fill everyone full of lead, you only see what the media thinks will get you to watch the news or read the paper. The media doesn't want to report on the group of people who saved the puppies from drowning in a well. Instead, they would rather do a story on the sick f**k who threw them down in there in the first place. I'm sure you've personally seen some things too. But it's probably a really small percentage of "all" police. We, as a society, don't help at all because we seem to thrive on controversy and people beating on and yelling at each other. Of all the cops you hear and/or see that are abusing their positions, I'm sure there are many more out there doing their jobs.
------------------ Whade' "The Duck Formerly Known As Wade" Duck '87 GT Auto '88 Ferrario
[This message has been edited by whadeduck (edited 05-27-2006).]