Had a Manager at the local McDonald's piss me off pretty good, and I'm writing a letter to whoever reads this type of stuff. I am not writing this to get the free crap they normally send out to the complaints, but rather I want this guy GONE!!! I was seriously about a nanosecond away from laying this guy out when I turned and walked out, and I still don't know why I didn't. Anything you guys notice thats written incorrectly, misspelled, or just doesn't make sense please tell me. Also if you know of a better way to get someones attention please tell me. The owner of the local lives down the road, but since her husband died a few years ago I don't think she does much anymore. Here is the note I have typed out so far.
The time and date of the incident are put on another form I had to fill out to get to the form this is typed on now.
Today Around 4:30pm today I went into the Cassville McDonald's to order a couple of hamburgers. I went up to the counter, and told Lee that I wanted 3 Double Cheeseburgers, and one McChicken. Lee told me the price, then turned around and yelled at one of the workers behind him "Just shut up about it!". To which she replied "I wasn't talking about that."Lee Walked over to where the young girl was and ripped the headset she was wearing off of her head. And said loudly "Why don't you just go home for the day, and don't come back." He then turned to me, took my money, and gave me my change. Then he turned back around, saw the girl was still working (Giving the customers that had been in the drive through since before this started their order) and said "Hanna,I told you to get the Hell out of here, and don't come back!" This was loud enough that the guy cooking in the back leaned under the burger slide and said "You guys need to quiet down" Hanna replied "I thought you were joking?" At this point Lee finally stopped abusing his Managerial power long enough to hand me my Burgers. I then asked, "Are you the Manager here?" He replied "Yes" I proceeded to tell him that He had zero right to talk to Hanna like he did, and never in front of anybody else. He replied "I can do whatever I want, it's my store." I replied "I want to let you know I'm going to report this Lee, its not right" Then he topped his maturity by saying "Do whatever the hell you got to do, just get the **** out of my store!". I turned and left. Lee should not be working in McDonald's anywhere, he verbally abused Hanna, and then me all in a matter of minutes. Thank you, Brad Miles
Thanks for the help, Brad
[This message has been edited by twofatguys (edited 01-29-2007).]
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06:31 PM
System Bot
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member
Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
4:30 am or pm and on what date? not on here but in your letter the **** should be in quotes with the actual word he used. so far that's all i got but it is my first time reading it... i'll come back later for round 2
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06:40 PM
mrfiero Member
Posts: 9002 From: Colorful Colorado Registered: Mar 99
It sounds OK.....give me a few minutes and I will see if I can tweak it for you. BTW......I figure you put "****" to spare us the word, but in your official letter you should spell it out.....that will get their attention.
You will need to figure out who the franchisee is and send them a copy of the letter along with one to McDonald's corporate office and anyone else associated with that particluar store (I would send them registered mail so you know it got to someone).
i just did a complaint to mcdonaldsabout a month ago, if you go to their website, you cna fill out all the info and submit it to their headqtrs, and it also goes to the local people aswell, and they DO follow up, and call you, my complaint was that they did away with multipal orders in drivethru i had a huge rant about it, and it pretty much boiled down to that their employee's are not capeable in keeping orders straight, and it is lack of traning, ect.... i had it written out good, the local regional manager called me like a week and a half later and tryed to explain some BS about why they did away with it, and i let him have it, but anyways, go to www.mcdonalds.com and find their complaint section, also they make you list landmarks that are arround the building, like other buisness' arround it so they know that your not just someone making up a story about a mc'donalds youve never been to before
also , i would find another local mcdonalds, and call them and ask for their local reigonal manager, generally if a town has 6 stores, or so, they all are run buy one head manager, i would be wanting his name and #, there is no reason they shouldnt give it to you call him personally and get it delt with, aswell as filing it to the website, then you know it is going above all their heads
[This message has been edited by $Rich$ (edited 01-29-2007).]
ha, i worked their in highschool back like 94-97 we did some crazy stuff, it honestly was the funnest job i had, but it involved alot of underage drinking, on the job, and a ton of unruley behavior
but i did meet my wife there
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07:06 PM
tutnkmn Member
Posts: 3426 From: York, England, U.K. Living in Ohio Registered: May 2006
ha, i worked their in highschool back like 94-97 we did some crazy stuff, it honestly was the funnest job i had, but it involved alot of underage drinking, on the job, and a ton of unruley behavior
but i did meet my wife there
We all used to cruise our cars and park at a Burger King on Maple Ave in Zanesville (in the 70s and 80s). Best bunch of folks (even the managers).
As for McD's, good luck. I had a run in with Rally's once, just got a bunch of free stuff, no satisfaction.
[This message has been edited by tutnkmn (edited 01-29-2007).]
I just did a complaint to McDonald's about a month ago, if you go to their website, you can fill out all the info and submit it to their headquarters, and it also goes to the local people as well, and they DO follow up, and call you, my complaint was that they did away with multiple orders in drive through. I had a huge rant about it, and it pretty much boiled down to that their employee's are not capable in keeping orders straight, and it is lack of training, etc.... i had it written out good, the local regional manager called me like a week and a half later and tried to explain some BS about why they did away with it, and i let him have it, but anyways, go to www.mcdonalds.com and find their complaint section, also they make you list landmarks that are around the building, like other business' around it so they know that your not just someone making up a story about a McDonald's you've never been to before.
Also , i would find another local McDonald's, and call them and ask for their local regional manager, generally if a town has 6 stores, or so, they all are run buy one head manager, i would be wanting his name and #, there is no reason they shouldn't give it to you call him personally and get it dealt with, as well as filing it to the website, then you know it is going above all their heads.
I am already on the site, I got it all typed out, but wanted a second opinion before I hit send. Regional Manager may be difficult to get as the nearest McDonald's is 20 some miles away from this one. Good idea though I'll try and call the next closest.
Jake Dragon Next time dont leave until you have the name and number of the district manager.
Oh, I am pretty glad I left when I did. I must be getting old cause a year ago I would have at least been trying to beat the guys A$$. I'm actually proud of the fact I left, instead of going to jail. (of course they do serve McDonald's for dinner in this jail)
"I wasn't talking about that."Lee Walked over to where the young...
Walked shouldn't be capitalized
The second word Around shouldn't be capitalized, either. The second today in the first sentence is also redundant.
The 3 before Double Cheeseburgers should be changed to "three" to be consistent with one McChicken
off of her head. And said loudly "Why don't
Sentence shouldn't start with 'And' change to, "Lee said loudly..." or, "Lee yelled"
There should be a comma right before quotation marks, such as, "There aren't too many mistakes." Notice how I included the period within the quotations, which you did in most cases except, "...out of my store!". which should simply be "...out of my store!"
Today around 4:30pm I went into the Cassville McDonald's to order a couple of hamburgers. I went up to the counter, and told Lee that I wanted three Double Cheeseburgers, and one McChicken. Lee told me the price, then turned around and yelled at one of the workers behind him, "Just shut up about it!". To which she replied, "I wasn't talking about that."Lee Walked over to where the young girl was, and ripped the headset she was wearing off of her head. Lee then yelled, "Why don't you just go home for the day, and don't come back." He then turned to me, took my money, and gave me my change. Then he turned back around, saw the girl was still working (giving the customers that had been in the drive through since before this started their order), and said, "Hanna, I told you to get the Hell out of here, and don't come back!" This was loud enough that the guy cooking in the back leaned under the burger slide and said, "You guys need to quiet down" Hanna replied, "I thought you were joking?" At this point Lee finally stopped abusing his Managerial power long enough to hand me my food. I then asked, "Are you the Manager here?" He replied, "Yes." I proceeded to tell him that He had zero right to talk to Hanna like he did, and never in front of anybody else. He replied, "I can do whatever I want, it's my store." I replied, "I want to let you know I'm going to report this Lee, its not right." Then he topped his maturity by saying, "Do whatever the hell you got to do, just get the **** out of my store!" I turned and left. Lee should not be working in McDonald's anywhere, he verbally abused Hanna, and then me all in a matter of minutes. Thank you, Brad Miles
[This message has been edited by RWDPLZ (edited 01-29-2007).]
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11:15 PM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member
Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
ran that through ms word and it had a few stupid minor changes.
Today around 4:30pm I went into the Cassville McDonald's to order a couple of hamburgers. I went up to the counter, and told Lee that I wanted three Double Cheeseburgers, and one McChicken. Lee told me the price, then turned around and yelled at one of the workers behind him, "Just shut up about it! To which she replied, "I wasn't talking about that. Lee walked over to where the young girl was, and ripped the headset she was wearing off of her head. Lee then yelled, "Why don't you just go home for the day, and don't come back." He then turned to me, took my money, and gave me my change. Then he turned back around, saw the girl was still working (giving the customers that had been in the drive through since before this started their order), and said, "Hanna, I told you to get the Hell out of here, and don't come back!" This was loud enough that the guy cooking in the back leaned under the burger slide and said, "You guys need to quiet down" Hanna replied, "I thought you were joking?" At this point Lee finally stopped abusing his Managerial power long enough to hand me my food. I then asked, "Are you the Manager here?" He replied, "Yes." I proceeded to tell him that He had zero right to talk to Hanna like he did, and never in front of anybody else. He replied, "I can do whatever I want, it's my store." I replied, "I want to let you know I'm going to report this Lee, its not right." Then he topped his maturity by saying, "Do whatever the hell you got to do, just get the **** out of my store!" I turned and left. Lee should not be working in McDonald's anywhere, he verbally abused Hanna, and then me all in a matter of minutes. Thank you, Brad Miles
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11:22 PM
mrfiero Member
Posts: 9002 From: Colorful Colorado Registered: Mar 99
OK....here's what I came up with. You will need to get the store number (probably on the receipt). I hope this helps. January 29, 2007
To whom it may concern,
This letter is in regards to an incident that occured inside McDonald's store #xxx at 4:30 pm January 29, 2007. I was inside the lobby placing an order for three double cheeseburgers and one McChicken sandwich. A gentleman named Lee was behind the counter and after telling me the total for my order, he turned around and yelled at another McDonald's employee, "Just shut up about it!". A young woman replied with "I wasn't talking about that". At that time, Lee walked over to the young woman and forcibly removed the headset she was wearing and loudly said "Why don't you just go home for the day and don't come back?". He then turned back towards me to complete my order. After taking my money and giving back my change he turned back around, saw the young woman still working (she was working the drive-thru window) and said "Hannah, I told you to get the hell out of here and don't come back!". This was said loud enough to get the attention of the grill cook who said "you guys need to quiet down!". Hannah replied to Lee by saying "I thought you were joking". It was at this time that my order was finished and Lee handed me my burgers. I asked him if he was the manager to which he replied, "yes". I proceeded to tell him that he had no right to talk to Hannah the way he did, especially in front of customers and fellow employees. His response shocked me. He told me "I can do whatever I want, it's my store". I told him that I planned on reporting his behavior to his superiors. His reply was "Do whatever the hell you got to do, just get the f*** out of my store!". I then turned and left.
I wanted to bring this serious matter to your attention. If the lack of professionalism shown by your store manager is indicative of how McDonald's does business then I will no longer patronize any of your stores again. While I was certainly verbally abused by Lee, I am more concerned about how he treated his employee Hannah. A manager must exude the utmost professionalism and keep his emotions in check no matter the circumstances. Lee failed miseraby and, in my humble opinion, does not belong in a management position with your or any other company.
Please feel free to contact me if further clarification of the events in question is needed.
Brad Miles (xxx)xxx-xxxx
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12:15 AM
OKflyboy Member
Posts: 6607 From: Not too far from Mexico Registered: Nov 2004
OK....here's what I came up with. You will need to get the store number (probably on the receipt). I hope this helps. January 29, 2007
To whom it may concern,
This letter is in regards to an incident that occured inside McDonald's store #xxx at 4:30 pm January 29, 2007. I was inside the lobby placing an order for three double cheeseburgers and one McChicken sandwich. A gentleman named Lee was behind the counter and after telling me the total for my order, he turned around and yelled at another McDonald's employee, "Just shut up about it!". A young woman replied with "I wasn't talking about that". At that time, Lee walked over to the young woman and forcibly removed the headset she was wearing and loudly said "Why don't you just go home for the day and don't come back?". He then turned back towards me to complete my order. After taking my money and giving back my change he turned back around, saw the young woman still working (she was working the drive-thru window) and said "Hannah, I told you to get the hell out of here and don't come back!". This was said loud enough to get the attention of the grill cook who said "you guys need to quiet down!". Hannah replied to Lee by saying "I thought you were joking". It was at this time that my order was finished and Lee handed me my burgers. I asked him if he was the manager to which he replied, "yes". I proceeded to tell him that he had no right to talk to Hannah the way he did, especially in front of customers and fellow employees. His response shocked me. He told me "I can do whatever I want, it's my store". I told him that I planned on reporting his behavior to his superiors. His reply was "Do whatever the hell you got to do, just get the f*** out of my store!". I then turned and left.
I wanted to bring this serious matter to your attention. If the lack of professionalism shown by your store manager is indicative of how McDonald's does business then I will no longer patronize any of your stores again. While I was certainly verbally abused by Lee, I am more concerned about how he treated his employee Hannah. A manager must exude the utmost professionalism and keep his emotions in check no matter the circumstances. Lee failed miseraby and, in my humble opinion, does not belong in a management position with your or any other company.
Please feel free to contact me if further clarification of the events in question is needed.
Brad Miles (xxx)xxx-xxxx
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12:20 AM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member
Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Very nice, I have a problem with it though, the site only lets me post up where I have printed in red. Apparantly they dont have long problems, just things like, my burger was cold, my pickles were hot, etc.
To whom it may concern,
This letter is in regards to an incident that occured inside McDonald's store #xxx at 4:30 pm January 29, 2007. I was inside the lobby placing an order for three double cheeseburgers and one McChicken sandwich. A gentleman named Lee was behind the counter and after telling me the total for my order, he turned around and yelled at another McDonald's employee, "Just shut up about it!". A young woman replied with "I wasn't talking about that". At that time, Lee walked over to the young woman and forcibly removed the headset she was wearing and loudly said "Why don't you just go home for the day and don't come back?". He then turned back towards me to complete my order. After taking my money and giving back my change he turned back around, saw the young woman still working (she was working the drive-thru window) and said "Hannah, I told you to get the hell out of here and don't come back!". This was said loud enough to get the attention of the grill cook who said "you guys need to quiet down!". Hannah replied to Lee by saying "I thought you were joking". It was at this time that my order was finished and Lee handed me my burgers. I asked him if he was the manager to which he replied, "yes". I proceeded to tell him that he had no right to talk to Hannah the way he did, especially in front of customers and fellow employees. His response shocked me. He told me "I can do whatever I want, it's my store". I told him that I planned on reporting his behavior to his superiors. His reply was "Do whatever the hell you got to do, just get the f*** out of my store!". I then turned and left.
I wanted to bring this serious matter to your attention. If the lack of professionalism shown by your store manager is indicative of how McDonald's does business then I will no longer patronize any of your stores again. While I was certainly verbally abused by Lee, I am more concerned about how he treated his employee Hannah. A manager must exude the utmost professionalism and keep his emotions in check no matter the circumstances. Lee failed miseraby and, in my humble opinion, does not belong in a management position with your or any other company.
Please feel free to contact me if further clarification of the events in question is needed.
Brad Miles (xxx)xxx-xxxx
I love this though
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12:36 AM
Finally_Mine_86_GT Member
Posts: 4809 From: Hyde Park, New York Registered: Sep 2006
Very nice, I have a problem with it though, the site only lets me post up where I have printed in red. Apparantly they dont have long problems, just things like, my burger was cold, my pickles were hot, etc.
To whom it may concern, This letter is in regards to an incident that occured inside McDonald's store #xxx at 4:30 pm January 29, 2007. I was inside the lobby placing an order for three double cheeseburgers and one McChicken sandwich. A gentleman named Lee was behind the counter and after telling me the total for my order, he turned around and yelled at another McDonald's employee, "Just shut up about it!". A young woman replied with "I wasn't talking about that". At that time, Lee walked over to the young woman and forcibly removed the headset she was wearing and loudly said "Why don't you just go home for the day and don't come back?". He then turned back towards me to complete my order. After taking my money and giving back my change he turned back around, saw the young woman still working (she was working the drive-thru window) and said "Hannah, I told you to get the hell out of here and don't come back!". This was said loud enough to get the attention of the grill cook who said "you guys need to quiet down!". Hannah replied to Lee by saying "I thought you were joking". It was at this time that my order was finished and Lee handed me my burgers. I asked him if he was the manager to which he replied, "yes". I proceeded to tell him that he had no right to talk to Hannah the way he did, especially in front of customers and fellow employees. His response shocked me. He told me "I can do whatever I want, it's my store". I told him that I planned on reporting his behavior to his superiors. His reply was "Do whatever the hell you got to do, just get the f*** out of my store!". I then turned and left. I wanted to bring this serious matter to your attention. If the lack of professionalism shown by your store manager is indicative of how McDonald's does business then I will no longer patronize any of your stores again. While I was certainly verbally abused by Lee, I am more concerned about how he treated his employee Hannah. A manager must exude the utmost professionalism and keep his emotions in check no matter the circumstances. Lee failed miseraby and, in my humble opinion, does not belong in a management position with your or any other company. Please feel free to contact me if further clarification of the events in question is needed. Thank-you, Brad Miles (xxx)xxx-xxxx
I love this though
^try that!
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12:39 AM
mrfiero Member
Posts: 9002 From: Colorful Colorado Registered: Mar 99
Here is what is getting sent, I am too tired to put much more into it tonight.
Excellent job everybody, really top notch. I owe a special thanks to mrfiero .
I was inside the lobby placing an order for three double cheeseburgers and one McChicken sandwich. A gentleman named Lee was behind the counter and after telling me the total for my order, he turned around and yelled at another McDonald's employee, "Just shut up about it!". A young woman replied with "I wasn't talking about that". At that time, Lee walked over to the young woman and forcibly removed the headset she was wearing and loudly said "Why don't you just go home and don't come back?". He then turned back towards me to complete my order. After taking my money and giving back my change he turned back around, saw the young woman still working and said "Hannah, I told you to get the hell out of here and don't come back!". This was said loud enough to get the attention of the grill cook who said "you guys need to quiet down!". Hannah replied to Lee by saying "I thought you were joking". It was at this time that Lee handed me my burgers. I asked him if he was the manager to which he replied, "yes". I proceeded to tell him that he had no right to talk to Hannah the way he did, especially in front of customers and fellow employees. His response shocked me. He told me "I can do whatever I want, it's my store". I told him that I planned on reporting his behavior to his superiors. His reply was "Do whatever the hell you got to do, just get the **** out of my store!". I then turned and left. I wanted to bring this serious matter to your attention. If the lack of professionalism shown by your store manager is indicative of how McDonald's does business then I will no longer patronize any of your stores again. While I was certainly verbally abused by Lee, I am more concerned about how he treated his employee Hannah. A manager must exude the utmost professionalism and keep his emotions in check no matter the circumstances. Lee failed miseraby and, in my humble opinion, does not belong in a management position with your or any other company. Please feel free to contact me for further clarification.
My name and number is on the form that gets sent with this, at least I hope they go to the same place. They probably just sell it to telemarketers and scam artists
Thanks again everybody +'s all around, Go tell Fierorumor he owes you all a laptop cause I said so
Brad Edited for spelling and to add: I'm glad I did that I just went up the list plussing away, and the only people I had given +'s to were Wade, Jake, and Rich. I know everybody else has earned them from me by this point, so I apologize. And I gave Wade Jake and Rich negs to make you feel better
[This message has been edited by twofatguys (edited 01-30-2007).]
At the end I would have replied "Only for about another day or so, pack your **** "
When they get back with you make sure you are very concise. They will undoubtably offer you compensation (if you can actually call free hamburgers compensation) tell them "No thank you, I only want to ensure that your employees and customers are no longer physicaly, verbaly, and mentaly assaulted, I expect, upon my return to the store, to find it under new management."
If they give you a hard time about this, you could even go as far as to let them know that if he is still employed at the store, you will get in contact with this "Hanna" and emplore her to seek justice for the physical assault, verbal abuse, as well the hostile work enviroment. Also let them know you will be contacting the local media about the incident as well as investigating your options as to your verbal assault. Tell them you felt physicaly threatened by this Lee. Also inform them you have/will be writing a sincere letter of concern to the CEO/executive board/etc about this managers conduct. I dont know if there are any local enforcement agencies that would investigate a hostile work enviroment, but it would be beneficial to go ahead and contact them about this incident ahead of time. Be sure to emphasize that you witnessed an employee be physicaly assaulted, then the same manager turned on you and ordered you to leave in a threatening manner.
[This message has been edited by 86GT3.4DOHC (edited 01-30-2007).]
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08:10 AM
Deabionni Member
Posts: 4087 From: Kalkaska, MI Registered: Mar 2004
^^^ Agreed. If you don't find that McDonald's took appropriate action, I'd try to contact "Hanna"; and start by talking with the media, labor board, and anyone else who comes to mind.
[This message has been edited by Deabionni (edited 01-30-2007).]
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08:56 AM
AusFiero Member
Posts: 11513 From: Dapto NSW Australia Registered: Feb 2001
They will probably do nothing. I made a complaint to Mc Donalds here once about one particular store that I had been too a fair bit. The owner, manager and every single staff member were chinese and most had appalling english skills. I politely pointed out that this was probably a case of severe discrimination as I did not believe none of the Australian teenagers living in the area had not applied for, or were not qualified to do the jobs as well.
Their reply was that they do not discriminate blah blah blah.
Yeah right, seems they don't do English tests before employing people in a service industry store in an English speaking country.
Another great example of Mc Donalds not caring about discrimination is if you travel through Asia you will see the worst possible case of discrimination against westerners. I have been to a few different Mc Donalds in a few different Asian countries and the menus are written in both the local lingo and English. Yes that is good. The bad part is the English list has prices double those of what the locals pay. Imagine trying to get away with that here for instance. Put a Japanese version of the menu up in our many areas frequented by Japanese tourists and double the prices. They have more money than us so that is fair isn't it?
The last unruly store owner I had contact with found out I wasn't gonna put up with his $h!t. He threaten layin hands on me over a starter core he owed me due to a 3rd return on his rebuilt starters. I needed a core to turn in at a different store. After some words he started like he was gonna come over the counter on me and I bellied up to catch him for a body slam and he stopped in his tracks and rethought that move went and got me a core.
I'm not the badest fellow but I'll do till he gets here!!
A bit more siccinct and more professional sounding.
To whom it may concern,
This letter is in regards to an incident that occurred inside McDonald's store #xxx at 4:30 pm January 29, 2007. While placing an order at this store, I was witness to the abusive and completely unacceptable treatment of one of the store managers towards an employee. As this manager was processing my order he became engaged in a verbal confrontation with a female employee (Hannah) who was servicing customers at the drive-through. This confrontation was quite public, and unprofessional on the part of the manager. His demeanor was abusive, and became physical when he forcibly removed the headset she was wearing and effectively fired her while I and other witnesses observed. The manager (whose name I noticed was Lee) eventually turned his attention back to me to complete my order. He then apparently noticed that the Hannah was still there working, and his hostility escalated. He then loudly commanded her to get the hell out of here and don't come back! She appeared confused and stated that she had thought he was joking. At this point another employee commented on Lees behavior, and I personally proceeded to confront him about his treatment of Hannah. At that point he told me "I can do whatever I want, it's my store". At that point, I informed him that I intended to report his behavior. To which he replied, "Do whatever the hell you got to do, just get the f*** out of my store!". I felt it necessary to bring this matter to your attention. While Im extremely disappointed by his behavior, Im aware that Lee does not represent the standards of McDonalds and its treatment of employees or customers. While I was certainly personally abused verbally by Lee, I am more concerned about the treatment and public humiliation of the employee. This manager is in need of sanctions or dismissal, and I will not revisit that store as long as he remains in their employ. Please feel free to contact me if further clarification of the events in question is needed.
Eh, just noticed you already sent it. Oh well. It was fun to write anyway.
[This message has been edited by Taijiguy (edited 01-30-2007).]
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10:53 AM
avengador1 Member
Posts: 35468 From: Orlando, Florida Registered: Oct 2001
Assaulting the store manager would have gotten you arrested. If you have a prior record for doing this don't expect liniency from a judge. The store is private property and the manager has the right to ask you to leave the premises and to never come back. It's call the right of refusal of service. The language he was using was uncalled for, but unless there is a policy against it, nothing will happen to him for using it. Managers don't last too long in Mc Donalds unless they own the store themselves. Write your complaint and hope for the best, it probably will end up in the circular file.
<snip>. Write your complaint and hope for the best, it probably will end up in the circular file.
I bet not. McD's has an image to maintain. Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if this girl who got fired hasn't contacted a lawyer already for the emotional distress this manager put on her. His behavior was completely uncalled for. If he wanted to can her he should have taken her into his office and done it privately. My guess is this manager dude will be on the outside looking in, if he's not already. Sounds like the guy has some anger issues and has no business being a manager.
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01:28 PM
System Bot
Cheever3000 Member
Posts: 12400 From: The Man from Tallahassee Registered: Aug 2001
I would like to report to yourselves a very disquieting event in your Cassville McDonald's outlet, at 4:30 pm today. I was there to order some meals.. I went up to the counter, and told the Manager, whose nametag indicated that his name is Lee, that I would like to order three Double Cheeseburgers, and one McChicken. Lee told me the price, then turned around and yelled at one of the workers behind him "Just shut up about it!". To which she replied "I wasn't talking about that." Lee then proceeded to walk across to where the young girl was working.He forcefully removed the headset she was wearing ,saying loudly "Why don't you just go home for the day, and don't come back." He then turned to me, took my money, and gave me my change. Then he turned around, to see the girl was still working , serving customers in the Drive-through section of the reataurant. Again, he raised his voice,saying "Hanna,I told you to get the Hell out of here, and don't come back!" Obviously able to hear the altercation that was continuing in the serving area, the person cooking in the kitchen area leaned under the burger slide and said "You guys need to quiet down" Hanna replied to the Manager "I thought you were joking?" At this point Lee turned back to the counter, where I was still standing,and handed me my order. I then asked him to confirm he was the Manager of the restaurant . When he affirmed that fact, I proceeded to tell him that he had , in my opinion, considerably abused his position of responsibility by addressing his Staff in such a fashion, and even more so by remonstrating with her in the full view of paying customers. He replied "I can do whatever I want, it's my store.I then informed him that I would be reporting his behaviour to his superiors. His response of "Do whatever the hell you got to do, just get the **** out of my store!" convinced me that my judgment was not in error , and I left the premises. I feel that I am justified in bringing this unpleasant series of exchanges to your attention , and feel confident you will handle it appropriately. yours faithfully
Brad Miles
[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 01-30-2007).]
Anyone know of anywhere else I can send this, I want to be like herpes to this guy.
Might not want to use that phrase around him. His response might be unpleasant... "Nuhuh!! Herpies is like way painful dude, it like burns on my junk! I'll show you!"
Managers in McDonalds don't last too long unless they are also the owners. The pay is low, there aren't many perks and the job has a lot of responsibility that comes with it. I bet the guy quit by now or was fired for some other offense. One usually doesn't get fired for one offense, if he kept getting complains filed against him he would be gone. If the manager is an owner and gets many complaints he can also loose his franchise rights and be forced to sell. I have seen that happen to one McDonalds here in CT. The person had several stores and was forced to sell them because of the bad image he was creating with the public. Usually the managers of the store need to attend McDonalds' Hamburger University to get training on how to run the business and handle clients.
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03:54 PM
Wichita Member
Posts: 20692 From: Wichita, Kansas Registered: Jun 2002
All I see are Hispanics employees at McDonalds and they are always speaking to each other in espaņol, so I have no idea what they are saying to each other, but at least they appear to be nice to each other and the customers.
Other than that, it may be a good thing to keep out of McDonalds. Not because of bad management, because you usually see this as the patrons in the dining area.
It can't be a good thing.
[This message has been edited by Wichita (edited 11-25-2007).]