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Using technology to overcome a driving hazard by fierofetish
Started on: 07-27-2007 09:57 AM
Replies: 10
Last post by: Pastfast125 on 08-06-2007 05:57 PM
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Report this Post07-27-2007 09:57 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
Driving a RHD car on the roads in Spain can be a bit hazardous, if you want to overtake. Vision past the vehicle in front is virtually nil, so you take a risk every time you do it. That is the reason why we are not allowed to import RHD cars into Spain.Well, I saw this on eBay..a rear-view system incorporating a TFT screen, and a mini camera.The screen just clips onto your existing mirror, and the camera is fitted into a panel at the back of the car.Well, I thought to myself!!! Fit the camera in the top lefthand side of the windscreen, and have it turn on every time you indicate to turn left!!(used a little time delay switch, which once it gets a signal from the indicator flasher, it keeps the camera on for 30 seconds...doesnīt go on and off with the indicator!! ) Yes, it works!! From the vantage point of the camera.I can see perfectly whether something is coming the other way! The screen is perfectly clear, the picture is excellent, and it is simplicity itself to set up...and was only $150 in total.In the photo, you can see the size of the camera relative to my cellphone..

When the TFT screen is not in use, it can be used as a normal rearview works like a self-dimming mirror...when it is dimmed !!
Might be useful for you guys who drive RHD vehicles over there..but I guess there arenīt that many

[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 07-27-2007).]

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Report this Post07-27-2007 10:05 AM Click Here to See the Profile for rogergarrisonSend a Private Message to rogergarrisonDirect Link to This Post
Ive installed a similar one in a few Lambos. About the same price. On one I put 2 screens in the dash, and two lipstick cameras where the outside mirrors were. The wide angle one in the rear bumper is better than you get by looking out the window. You can see both ends of the rear bumper. Im expecting manufacturers to start offering them enmass before too long. Theyve been almost standard equipment on class A motor homes for years.

The way you used it was pretty creative. good job.

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Report this Post07-27-2007 10:06 AM Click Here to See the Profile for XanthSend a Private Message to XanthDirect Link to This Post
That's a pretty cool idea

I think someone else here used a setup just like that, though as an actual back-up camera.
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Report this Post07-27-2007 10:09 AM Click Here to See the Profile for XanthSend a Private Message to XanthDirect Link to This Post


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Member since May 2006
Originally posted by rogergarrison:

Ive installed a similar one in a few Lambos. About the same price. On one I put 2 screens in the dash, and two lipstick cameras where the outside mirrors were. The wide angle one in the rear bumper is better than you get by looking out the window. You can see both ends of the rear bumper. Im expecting manufacturers to start offering them enmass before too long. Theyve been almost standard equipment on class A motor homes for years.

The way you used it was pretty creative. good job.

This makes me wonder, do you know what the legality is of completely replacing mirrors with screens in passenger cars? It would seem a well-designed install would actually be safer and easier to use than mirrors.
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Report this Post07-27-2007 10:15 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
I am already going to replace my wing mirrors on my Fiero..Iīm going to fit the cameras onto the door where the wing mirrors usually are mounted, in a small pod which you can buy for mounting a radio comes as a blank, and you cut your own holes to suit.As Roger pointed out, the rearview cameras have a very wide angle of vision, and having tried it already temporarily, the vision is far better than a conventional wing mirror..interesting to see what the Police will say, if they stop me when I have done it!!
Sick of the idiots who come out of happy hour pubs late at night, and find it amusing to break off all the wing mirrors of the cars parked in the street.The camera will not be obvious, so nobody will try to break it off...hopefully!!

[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 07-27-2007).]

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Report this Post07-27-2007 10:22 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post


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One other point, regarding security...the clip-on idea is can remove the tft screen in 10 seconds,and so, as long as you remember to remove it, there is no added incentive for pass-by robbers to break into your car...the camera is so small, it sits behind the tinted area of the screen, and you canīt see it from outside the car..
I was going to fit it into the face of the wing mirror, but the dirt and rain etc would soon mark the glass, and somebody would be sure to notice it, and try to rip it off...better inside, for all those reasons.

[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 07-27-2007).]

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Report this Post07-27-2007 10:33 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post


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And... the camera I am using , has a unique can adjust the focus range!! So, if you need to have a clear image of the road say, 150 yards away, you just set it up, and adjust the focus ring to give you the best picture at whatever range you want!! (can you tell I am excited by this idea? hehe!!) The camera itself was only $30, from the same seller.
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Report this Post07-30-2007 11:25 AM Click Here to See the Profile for rogergarrisonSend a Private Message to rogergarrisonDirect Link to This Post
As for legality, I see no problem with police. I think most regulations just state (in the US anyway) that you must have outside mirrors providing a side and rear view to the driver. I dont think it specificly states it has to be a glass mirror. At least not anymore than requiring glass to be safey plate glass. I see lots of completely legal cars with lexan, vinyl and plexiglass windows.
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Report this Post08-06-2007 11:41 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
Well, here is the finished project.
First, the camera mounting bracket made from 3mm sheet steel:

It uses the passenger sun flap mounting to fix it in place:

I used the camera which came with the kit for the forward view:

Here is the camera fixed in position:

View from can hardly see it :

Here is the normal view I get when following a car I want to overtake:

and here is the view in the tft screen:

In a controlled experiment, I measured the distance ahead that I can see in the screen, but not from the driver's visibility is some 600 yards further past the car in front.All the wiring etc fits inside the centre roof console, and passes under the headliner, without showing at all.The camera is removable within 10 seconds, as is the screen.
Regarding the rearview mirror..using the 'depth of field' in the human eye, you can switch from looking at the screen picture, to the reflection in the screen in milliseconds, so the rearview remains the same.I am going to fit another camera in the rear window, and at the flick of a switch, can change from one to the other.
Safety for the cost of around $150 dollars

[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 08-06-2007).]

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Report this Post08-06-2007 05:49 PM Click Here to See the Profile for zetabirdSend a Private Message to zetabirdDirect Link to This Post
hey nick thats really neat good job
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Report this Post08-06-2007 05:57 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Pastfast125Send a Private Message to Pastfast125Direct Link to This Post
This is somewhat related. I saw once on some tech toys show that theres an aftermarket mirror system that works with your original power mirrors. It gets wired up so that when you put on your turn signal at highway speeds, sideview mirror automatically adjusts to check your blind spot before you make a lane change, then after you turn the signal off it goes back to the normal driving position. You can preset how far you want the mirror to adjust when you signal. It was pretty cool.
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