Well it sounded simple enough: I looked at the recipes online, and they all seemed to say the same thing. So I got out the pan I used to use for macaroni and cheese, filled it with cold water, put in six eggs, and added water until it was 1 inch above the eggs (using a tape measure to make sure). Put it on the stove, waited until the water was at a roaring boil, and moved the pot to a cold burner. then I put the top on the pot, drained all the hot water, and put the eggs in a bowl of ice water. I removed them from the cold water after a few minutes, still warm, and put them in the fridge overnight.
Today at noonish, I opened one up, and the white part was really rubbery, and the yellow part was spongy on the outside, and liquidy inside. How/where did I screw up?
Seriously, I make them every weekend, but we had a holiday on Wednesday and for some reason when I made them I just couldn't get them finished. Normally I put them in water, turn the thing on high, and forget about them for 20 to 30 minutes and then they're done. I don't understand what the problem you're having is but I assume you undercooked them. The Germans here LOVE their soft-boiled eggs. I don't understand it.
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06:30 PM
Xanth Member
Posts: 6886 From: Massachusetts Registered: May 2006
Bring the water to a full rolling boil. Put eggs in. Boil them for exactly 8 minutes. Turn off burner. Remove eggs. Let them cool for a few minutes, or stick them in cold warer for a minute or so. Peel off the shell. There ya go.
Originally posted by Jaygee79: Bring the water to a full rolling boil. Put eggs in. Boil them for exactly 8 minutes. Turn off burner. Remove eggs. Let them cool for a few minutes, or stick them in cold warer for a minute or so. Peel off the shell. There ya go.
Womendome may be upset that you let out one of their most treasured secrets.... to a man.
Never made more then one or two at a time... maybe you made too many, and didn't boil 'em long enough...I like "soft boilled" eggs ocassionally. They are disgusting, but I enjoy them. *shruggs*
I've gotten a LOT of eggs with double yolks lately...
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09:42 PM
kinboyatuwo Member
Posts: 485 From: London, Ont. Canada Registered: Jun 2000
Easiest way that I have learned, is get a pot, fill it about 1 inch of COLD water above the eggs. Then put it on the stove on high and when the water is boiling its time to take them out if you like the soft yolk and 2 -3 min's more for hard yolk. Always works for me and I think that eggs are eggs whether you are in Canada or the US (just to be proactive for the Canadian jokes) Also a hint, have a ice cold water bath ready and drop the eggs into when you are done. This releases the shell and makes it easier to peel. Some people just run cold water int he pot but never works as well.
Oh and hijack here but anyone have a good recipe for pickled eggs, I buy them here abd would love to make them but they never turn out withthe 2 recipes that I have.
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10:26 PM
SCCAFiero Member
Posts: 1144 From: Boca Raton, Fl USA Registered: Apr 2006
There is an egg timer you can get. You put it in the pot with the eggs and it will tell you when the egg is done and you can go from soft, medium to hard boiled.
i really didn't take this thread seriously because of the old jokes but anyway...
put eggs in pan of water on high untill water starts to boil.... when boiling keep an eye on the eggs... when thier done the shell will start to crack from the expansion. once one of them start to crack they are all done. This works for how every many you want to make at one time.
now can anybody type out exact instructions to make a PB&J? lol... long story.
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09:06 AM
System Bot
Gokart Mozart Member
Posts: 12143 From: Metro Detroit Registered: Mar 2003
Yeah..easy!! Just ask me to make soft-boiled eggs..I can guarantee something will distract my attention, and they will be hard boiled when I take them out!! Nick
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10:39 AM
Formula88 Member
Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
Microwave for one minute.............. Spend next 30 minutes cleaning the microwave. JUST KIDDING. I've heard they will explode. Anyone who trys this.....let us know.
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11:04 PM
never2old Member
Posts: 1854 From: Wyoming, Michigan USA Registered: Dec 2005
Microwave for one minute.............. Spend next 30 minutes cleaning the microwave. JUST KIDDING. I've heard they will explode. Anyone who trys this.....let us know.
Never try that.
When I was a kid, me and a couple of friends of mine did that to a friends microwave and the egg did explode and make a mess. That isn't the worse part. It stunk to high hell and that smell never went away. I think they ended up tossing that microwave because of that.
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11:14 PM
Oct 8th, 2007
Pyrthian Member
Posts: 29569 From: Detroit, MI Registered: Jul 2002
I can’t believe people are giving intense directions on how to hard boil eggs.
It’s not rocket science. But then he is just a student by his profile.
You will learn my young Patawan.
3 min boiling is a soft boiled egg. 6 to 8 minutes are hard boiled. (directions from Melanie).
lol - good stuff
the real problem with instructions on boiling eggs: the amount of time it takes your stove to reach the boiling temp. this is why "good" directions will have you add the eggs to the water when it is boiling. this way the water temp is reached & maintained, and all variables are fixed.
Bring the water to a full rolling boil. Put eggs in. Boil them for exactly 8 minutes. Turn off burner. Remove eggs. Let them cool for a few minutes, or stick them in cold warer for a minute or so. Peel off the shell. There ya go.
That's is really close right there. It's not really a science, but there is a technique. The thing is, if eggs are older, they're often going to be easier to peel. If not done correctly, fresh eggs will be completely aggravating to peel. The time you let them cook of course determines how done they are. I tend to like mine a little bit undercooked. My g/f on the other hand likes them done. We use only fresh organic eggs in our house, and they are impossible to peel if you don't do them right. Here's how to make the perfect boiled egg: Bring the water to a boil. Lower the eggs in the water, use a spoon to ease them in. Keep the heat on high until the water starts to boil again. The reduce the heat so the water just simmers. Let them cook for about 10 minutes. A little less if you like them a little soft. Turn off the heat and let them sit for another 7-10 minutes. Then pour out the water and run cold water from the tap over the eggs, fill up the pan with cold water a couple of times. Even dump in some ice to cool them off a bit quicker. guaranteed, they'll be perfectly done, and peel super easy. I've even converted my g/f to this method. Her mom always told her to bring the water to a boil with the eggs already in there, and we threw away a lot of organic eggs using her method. She now uses mine. Smart girl.
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10:48 AM
Pyrthian Member
Posts: 29569 From: Detroit, MI Registered: Jul 2002
Originally posted by Taijiguy: .... The thing is, if eggs are older, they're often going to be easier to peel. If not done correctly, fresh eggs will be completely aggravating to peel. ......
warming the egg before peeling helps ALOT with tougher batches. run it under a warm/hot faucet.
That's is really close right there. It's not really a science, but there is a technique. The thing is, if eggs are older, they're often going to be easier to peel. If not done correctly, fresh eggs will be completely aggravating to peel. The time you let them cook of course determines how done they are. I tend to like mine a little bit undercooked. My g/f on the other hand likes them done. We use only fresh organic eggs in our house, and they are impossible to peel if you don't do them right. Here's how to make the perfect boiled egg: Bring the water to a boil. Lower the eggs in the water, use a spoon to ease them in. Keep the heat on high until the water starts to boil again. The reduce the heat so the water just simmers. Let them cook for about 10 minutes. A little less if you like them a little soft. Turn off the heat and let them sit for another 7-10 minutes. Then pour out the water and run cold water from the tap over the eggs, fill up the pan with cold water a couple of times. Even dump in some ice to cool them off a bit quicker. guaranteed, they'll be perfectly done, and peel super easy. I've even converted my g/f to this method. Her mom always told her to bring the water to a boil with the eggs already in there, and we threw away a lot of organic eggs using her method. She now uses mine. Smart girl.
And you buy those FRESH ORGANIC EGGS where ?
Just wondering, because most people don’t know what a real fresh egg yoke even looks like. What color are your eggs yokes Taijiguy? Ever try to crack the shell on a really fresh egg?
Edited to add a question mark I forgot. ------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't. Detroit iron rules all the rest are just toys.
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 10-08-2007).]
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06:28 PM
aceman Member
Posts: 4899 From: Brooklyn Center, MN Registered: Feb 2003