SO I've posted pics of my former Caprice, my now former Camaro, and recently my new <yawn> minivan... I've eluded to having a wrecked '97 Malibu that was bought out of desperation already wrecked (we needed a car RIGHT THEN and that was all we could afford) but I don't believe I've ever posted a picture of it, mainly because, well, its a wreck... Anyway, we drove the wreck until we got the Camaro and then the 'bu sat collecting rust/dust until recently. Turns out that since the Astro has the tow/haul package with 3.73 gears its gets rather poor mileage (even worse then a regular Astro...) So now I need something cheaper to commute in. Plus, Anya should be getting her license (fingers crossed) soon so she'll need the van for her and the kids...
Anyway, all that to say - since I need a commuter, and I also really miss my Camaro, but also miss having a older car that I'm not afraid to beat on (the Camaro was
too nice, y'know?) I've decided to not just wash the dust off of the 'bu and call it square but rather to have a little fun with it. This car will do double duty as my commuter and a winter beater (FWD FTW!).
With that said, I bring you Beater 'Bu -Stage 1:
Learned a good Cammo technique with the Motorbike, so I applied it to a full-size vehicle. Still needs one more pass with olive drab, but I ran out. Tomorrow, I guess
The wreck took out the front bumper and all front panels. I bought it with just the shell of the bumper remaining, all twisted up, bumper mounts hopelessly bent, etc. Rather then spend the time/money reshaping the front, I went road warrior with it:
Stage 2 will remove the deployed air bags and install a Grant wheel and Dash pad to cover the holes. Stage 2 will also see some tint on those windows.
Stage 3 will be a new set of tires (Current trying to figure out what the meanest set of off-road tires I can stuff in those small wheel wells is) and a set of Early 00's Cop Impala center caps.
Okay, I know its Redneck (hence the "Redneck sticker on the back window) so let the insult fly if you think it deserves it.

"The flag should be displayed with the union down,
as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property."
Read my
Earthship thread in Totally O/T
si vis pacem, para bellum
"The said constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." - Samuel Adams
What part of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" is so hard to understand?!
[This message has been edited by OKflyboy (edited 08-07-2010).]