I am not sure whether to pity the loser for thinking he is in Jeri's league or to just laugh. I am not even in Jeri's league so this clod is not even on the same planet! I am not naming names. This arrogant self-righteous pile of dung knows who he is.
But the purpose of having email access is for people to converse, who WISH to converse. I don't mind if people email to ask about Fieros or for other forum related matters. I don't mind if close friends email for any reason. But for a total stranger to email Jeri, put me down in that email, and try to establish a dialog with her is pathetic. Typical of losers to think that the way to build themselves up is to tear others down. The problem is he is trying to tear down someone she loves so she was actually annoyed with the email. She showed it to me. She intends to make nothing of it. She is too much of a lady and does not even intend to respond. She doesn't post much here because she is more of a Facebook kinda gal for her social networking and she depends on me to keep her car in top shape.
If this person was just your average troll I might not even mention it but he has a history of confrontation (I know from personal experience) AND I have heard it rumored that he has administrative access to PFF which makes this abuse of forum etiquette even more distrubing.
I'll let the forum opinion carry the day. Is this in or out of bounds behavior?
[This message has been edited by Toddster (edited 12-04-2010).]
Great, I'll be happy to put on every spam list in the country.
Don't get me wrong, I'm *not* condoning his behavior, but get real.. she has a choice to read the correspondence. if someone cant avoid reading something they don't want to see, then there are bigger issues here. No one is being forced to do it. Its no different then getting a USPS letter you dont want to read.. Or a phone call.. "Just say no" and the problem goes *poof*. ( now, if the offender comes to the door, or follows you around town THEN there is an issue we can deal with )
And im sorry to sound heartless, but the entire idea of people not being able to function normally because 'its the internet' ( or freaking out if it goes away and they aren't i touch with everyone every second ) is getting really old. I suggest she stop reading them, or gets professional help with addictions so she can stop.
And i assume you meant put me on the spam list? Go ahead, i get about 10000 a day now. And guess what, i don't read them. I only read things from people i want to hear from. ( white-lists.. such a wonderful invention from the 70's )
She didnt have to put her email out there. I get spammed all the time because of people who forward jokes to me and a hundred other blokes on their list. It makes me mad, but if I didnt want it to happen, I should never have made my email available. I even made my Aunt a "spam" contact after I warned her twice about it. She should change her email and not list it.. that would solve the problem. See that bar above my message? No email link... because I suspected this very thing could happen.
Edit: I don't believe anyone has private info access here except Cliff. You should contact Cliff to make sure, but he has always been fair and discreet from my observation and would not just allow anyone to have access to our private information.. he wouldn't even give our info to the fiero store so we could get discounts.
[This message has been edited by tbone42 (edited 12-04-2010).]
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06:13 PM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
Thanks. YES, we put out emails up for people to use but even Cliff has pointed-out that spamming is out of bounds and I can't see how this is different.
And Nurb, you haven't explained how it is but thanks for trying.
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06:16 PM
WhiteDevil88 Member
Posts: 8518 From: Coastal California Registered: Mar 2007
My self loathing had me think you were referring to me. But, unless she is posting jobs, I have very little interest in a woman I am not already related to.
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06:22 PM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
What concerns me is that you mentioned that he may have "administrative access" to this forum.
I've heard there are 10 or so members with that kind of access. This person is rumored to be one but I can't say for certain unless Cliff weighs in. That is a problem in my book but then again Cliff has never given a **** what I think so nothing will happen. That is why I want the forum's opinon.
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06:24 PM
Blacktree Member
Posts: 20770 From: Central Florida Registered: Dec 2001
I've heard there are 10 or so members with that kind of access. This person is rumored to be one but I can't say for certain unless Cliff weighs in. That is a problem in my book but then again Cliff has never given a **** what I think so nothing will happen. That is why I want the forum's opinon.
In before trashcan.. my opinion is that email is beyond the realm of the authority of this forum, so why does it matter what our opinion is? If it was PM, it would be different. If she listed her email in the text bar above posts, that was kinda asking for it wasnt it? (not that I approve of harrassment of any kind, but open the door and someone is bound to come in.)
Edit: If her email was NOT listed in the bar above, then I could see this as some kind of administative function abuse.. but saying cliff doesn't give a **** about what you think will hardly be endearing you to him enough to warrant him checking it out for you.
[This message has been edited by tbone42 (edited 12-04-2010).]
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06:28 PM
WhiteDevil88 Member
Posts: 8518 From: Coastal California Registered: Mar 2007
I've heard there are 10 or so members with that kind of access. This person is rumored to be one but I can't say for certain unless Cliff weighs in. That is a problem in my book but then again Cliff has never given a **** what I think so nothing will happen. That is why I want the forum's opinon.
It's possible that with a name, he saw some information elsewhere on the internet. Having the e-mail listed on Facebook could have also allowed this.
There are a plethora of ways to get info on someone if you so desire to..
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06:34 PM
WhiteDevil88 Member
Posts: 8518 From: Coastal California Registered: Mar 2007
Originally posted by tbone42: Edit: If her email was NOT listed in the bar above, then I could see this as some kind of administative function abuse.. but saying cliff doesn't give a **** about what you think will hardly be endearing you to him enough to warrant him checking it out for you. Just my opinion Todd... I do sympathize.
To be fair to Todd, after all of the personality assassination that he has engaged in, I highly doubt that Cliff does give a **** about what he says.
In before trashcan.. my opinion is that email is beyond the realm of the authority of this forum, so why does it matter what our opinion is? If it was PM, it would be different. If she listed her email in the text bar above posts, that was kinda asking for it wasnt it? (not that I approve of harrassment of any kind, but open the door and someone is bound to come in.)
Having an email account at all is an open door for getting things you don't like. Its part of life on the 'net. And i fully disagree with your statement above that i didn't explain "how it is". Its the internet, its not your front door and people standing on your stoop. Walk away if it bothers you. Anything less indicates a hidden ( or perhaps not so hidden ) emotional problem and i suggest getting her help before it gets worse.
And I'm not trying to sound like an ass or being sarcastic. Unstable people have killed themselves ( or others ) for far less because they were unable to cope with reality and take normal rational steps and simply ignore things that this bothered them. Don't want to hear about yet another one.
Been there done that. Doesn't answer the question of Forum abuse.
That is true, but you cant stop everything and she will have to step up at some point and blow off 'hate'. Its a big bad world out there, and most people aren't very nice.
To deal with the 'abuse allegation', the proper way would be to email Cliff directly and state your case. Not air it out in public. Let him decide if he feels that is what happened, and what steps he wants to take to remediate it ( its his house, his rules )
[This message has been edited by User00013170 (edited 12-04-2010).]
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06:41 PM
firstfiero Member
Posts: 4879 From: york,pa,17403 Registered: Dec 2000
Report it to cliff and if he does nothing to punish the person who caused this incredible disruption of your life by all means stop posting and find another car forum to annoy.
Seriously. This couldn't have happened to a nicer guy lol
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06:44 PM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
Report it to cliff and if he does nothing to punish the person who caused this incredible disruption of your life by all means stop posting and find another car forum to annoy.
Seriously. This couldn't have happened to a nicer guy lol
Nice to see the "troll" in question has already called up his reserve army of tollettes.
Nothing happened to "me". comprendo?
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06:47 PM
Blacktree Member
Posts: 20770 From: Central Florida Registered: Dec 2001
Originally posted by Toddster: Been there done that. Doesn't answer the question of Forum abuse.
How exactly is the forum being abused? According to your description, the offensive emails are just that, emails. Apparently, she isn't being trolled in the forum. Last time I checked, Cliff doesn't babysit people when they're off his forum.
Ever hear the saying "karma's a b!tch"?
I distinctly remember YOU verbally abusing, bullying, etc former PFF members, to the point of them leaving the forum in disgust. And what were their transgressions? Did they break any forum rules? Nope. They just didn't fit into your narrow-minded view of reality.
Now that the roles are reversed, you're crying like a little girl. Ironic...
Just add the send to your black list/spam filter and ignore it. Emailing someone isn't out of line, emailing someone with romantic intentions when they have a boy/girl friend is wrong. Have her ask him to stop, if he doesn't contact his ISP and they will stop him.
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06:53 PM
84fiero123 Member
Posts: 29950 From: farmington, maine usa Registered: Oct 2004
How does someone on this forum get your girlfriends email? Yours sure but unless she is a forum member and posts her email address or you have posted her email address then I see no way for anyone here to get HER email address. Or maybe you are using her email address as your own.
Can we say you are a little paranoid? Is it possible it could be your own ex-wife?
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't. Detroit iron rules all the rest are just toys.
Just add the send to your black list/spam filter and ignore it. Emailing someone isn't out of line, emailing someone with romantic intentions when they have a boy/girl friend is wrong. Have her ask him to stop, if he doesn't contact his ISP and they will stop him.
Good luck with that, most ISP's wont get involved unless a court order exists demanding they do and even then its unlikely unless there is a actual crime taking place ( and not just a restraining order violation ).
They are more liable to just cancel your service to avoid the legal hassle.
I'm thinking that Cliff should be notified first, and then discuss it with the person that wrote the E-Mail.
After all this, if he continues, then post his name on the forum, and the problem, but not the actual E-Mails, I don't want people seeing what I..Er he wrote.
I know it's a serious problem, I just can't help myself. I would be livid myself.
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07:00 PM
Cliff Pennock Administrator
Posts: 11839 From: Zandvoort, The Netherlands Registered: Jan 99
AND I have heard it rumored that he has administrative access to PFF which makes this abuse of forum etiquette even more distrubing.
Since there's only one single person on this planet who has any kind of administrative access (or any kind of access other than what any other member on here can do) is me, I guess I'm the one who has been emailing your girlfriend?
And since I haven't, I would appreciate it you stop questioning my integrity again by insinuating that I allow other people any kind of administrative access to PFF while I have said time and time again I am the only one.
Or is this like the time you were claiming I accepted money to let a banned member back?
Since there's only one single person on this planet who has any kind of administrative access (or any kind of access other than what any other member on here can do) is me, I guess I'm the one who has been emailing your girlfriend?
I myself thought that is how it still was around here, but didn't want to look stupid if things had changed so i kept my mouth shut
Looks like that mystery is solved... it was not anyone with admin function, as I suspected no one else has them. Thanks for keeping our privates (!) private Cliff. I guess that means it was because her email was found somehow else.
[This message has been edited by tbone42 (edited 12-04-2010).]
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07:06 PM
Cliff Pennock Administrator
Posts: 11839 From: Zandvoort, The Netherlands Registered: Jan 99
I've heard there are 10 or so members with that kind of access. This person is rumored to be one but I can't say for certain unless Cliff weighs in. That is a problem in my book but then again Cliff has never given a **** what I think so nothing will happen. That is why I want the forum's opinon.
Are you for real? I've helped you setup websites in the past, I've helped you when someone stole your account's password. I've helped you with tons of other (forum related) things in the past. But from the moment I wouldn't take your side when you had a big fight with WhiteDevil88 (or "Stimpy" as he was known back then), you started making up stories about me. Like how I took money from him so I allowed him back on the forum. And now you are claiming there are 10 or so members with administrative rights? And you know that from a reputable source no doubt? You know, the same source that told you I took a "bribe" to let Stimpy back on?
You do know that an overactive imagination doesn't count as a reputable source, do you?
How exactly is the forum being abused? According to your description, the offensive emails are just that, emails. Apparently, she isn't being trolled in the forum. Last time I checked, Cliff doesn't babysit people when they're off his forum.
Ever hear the saying "karma's a b!tch"?
I distinctly remember YOU verbally abusing, bullying, etc former PFF members, to the point of them leaving the forum in disgust. And what were their transgressions? Did they break any forum rules? Nope. They just didn't fit into your narrow-minded view of reality.
Now that the roles are reversed, you're crying like a little girl. Ironic...
What goes around comes around aye. Todd I have to agree, if anyone doesn’t agree with what you say you get in their sh!t so bad and call them names now that someone is getting back at you, the shoe is on the other foot.
You know it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who you are talking about from just what you posted. So is this who your wife caught you messing around with? I wouldn’t put it past her sending the emails.
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't. Detroit iron rules all the rest are just toys.
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07:24 PM
lurker Member
Posts: 12355 From: salisbury nc usa Registered: Feb 2002