Hello, reminds me of the joke where the Genie granted the guys wish that his drags on the ground and Poof he had no longer any legs. Yeah I know bad joke!
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01:46 AM
Scottzilla79 Member
Posts: 2573 From: Chicago, IL Registered: Oct 2009
Man walks into a bar, sits down, pulls a tiny little piano out of his pocket followed by a man about a foot tall. The man plays the piano and the bartender is amazed. He asks the man where he got the tiny musician. The man answers I have this magic lamp, you rub it and make a wish, I'll sell it to you for $50. So the bartender quickly forks over $50 and grabs the lamp. He rubs it and says, "I wish for a million bucks." In an instant the bar is full of water fowl "quack quack quack", they are stacked up 4 or 5 feet high you can't even move without stepping or sitting on a duck. The bartender asks the man, Hey, what gives? The man replies, "What, you think I wished for a 12 inch pianist?"
A man walks into a restaurant bathroom needing to take a whiz. While relieving himself, a 2-foot man goes to the lower children’s urinal next to him and pulls out a schlong that would make even Long Dong Silver gasp. The man considered himself predominantly straight, but he couldn’t help but stare with his mouth agape at the small man’s dong.
He took a little longer to wash his hands and when the small man finished his whiz, he finally couldn’t take it anymore. “I’m not gay or anything but that is the biggest dong I’ve ever seen!”
In full Irish brogue the little man said, “Yes, that is one of the benefits of being a leprechaun.”
The man asked, “Is there anyway that I could get a dong that big?”
“There is one way,” said the little man, “But I doubt you are willing enough to do it.”
“Tell me, I’ll do anything!” blurted out the man.
“Well, to get a dong this big, you have to get humped up the arse by a leprechaun,” said the small man.
“Dang, that is harsh. But okay, I’ll do it! I mean, a dong that big…!”
The man dropped his drawers and bent over the sink. The little man plowed the man’s arse like a power drill penetrating cement. After the little man blew his load, he zipped up and started to walk out of the bathroom. The man looked down at his pecker and said, “Wait, my dong’s still the same size.”
The little man looked over his shoulder and said, “Aren’t you a little old to be believing in leprechauns?”
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01:11 PM
System Bot
Scottzilla79 Member
Posts: 2573 From: Chicago, IL Registered: Oct 2009
Ummm.... I don't get it. We can't post pictures which might show a bit of a woman's bare breast, but apparently we can post jokes about two guys having anal sex in a public washroom.
Rather strange interpretation of community standards for a family forum IMO.
Ummm.... I don't get it. We can't post pictures which might show a bit of a woman's bare breast, but apparently we can post jokes about two guys having anal sex in a public washroom.
Rather strange interpretation of community standards for a family forum IMO.
I cleaned it up and removed all swear words.
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02:31 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38246 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
Well, that's just it. It's still disgusting... IMO.
Anyway, I've stated my opinion. If nobody else finds material of that nature out of place here, who am I to suggest what should or shouldn't be posted.
Cliff has a very specific no nudity rule.. Not a no adult jokes rule.
8Ball, I'm really glad you brought this up.
This is from the main page of this site... Terms of Use
You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this messageboard to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
Show me where it says nudity is prohibited, but a joke such as what you posted is acceptable.
Originally posted by Patrick So that necessarily makes it acceptable? Shouldn't be any problem posting this rather tame vintage nude photo here then....
After all, this thread is marked "NSFW".
I don't know Patrick, your photo seems tasteful to me but I'm not sure if Cliff would agree. If he doesn't I will remove it too.
[This message has been edited by avengador1 (edited 05-12-2011).]
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06:59 PM
System Bot
TommyRocker Member
Posts: 2808 From: Woodstock, IL Registered: Dec 2009
Show me where it says nudity is prohibited, but a joke such as what you posted is acceptable.
Because I have never seen cliff close a thread for an adult joke with no swear words.. but he does NOT allow nudity. However, honestly.. I do not CARE if I offended you. I marked this thread NSFW and YOU chose to view it..
[This message has been edited by 8Ball (edited 05-12-2011).]
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07:02 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38246 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
haha, funny how when the minority is offended the majority pay...
So who's the minority and who's the majority? What is your opinion based on... the readers of this thread, or the total members of this forum... or is it based on the values of "western" culture... or what?
However, honestly.. I do not CARE if I offended you.
Obviously, but this goes far beyond what you think of me or I think of you.
I'm genuinely interested in what the boundaries are in this forum.
I'm being told that a tasteful picture of a naked woman in not allowed to be posted.
Yet, it appears that a joke can be posted about some guy blowing his load in another guy's arse in a public washroom.
Is this really what we want posted here?
I sometimes send links to this forum to people I know, including my girlfriend's 14 and 15 year old daughter and son. I don't want them wondering what kind of site this is that I've enjoyed spending time at for the last 12 years.
There are plenty of sites about the size of guy's dicks and gay anal sex and all the rest of that crap. Can't those of you who enjoy these topics go elsewhere to indulge?
Originally posted by 8Ball:
The man dropped his drawers and bent over the sink. The little man plowed the man’s arse like a power drill penetrating cement. After the little man blew his load, he zipped up and started to walk out of the bathroom. The man looked down at his pecker and said, “Wait, my dong’s still the same size.”
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 05-12-2011).]
Tell you what Patrick.. I won't post another thing.
Problem solved.
8Ball, if all you wish to post about is the size of guy's dicks and gay anal sex, fine... don't post again. However, you've been here a long time and it's not my goal to see you leave.
As I previously stated, I'm genuinely interested in finding out what the boundaries are here. Perhaps Cliff will chime in and clarify the forum's Terms of Use.
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 05-12-2011).]