I was informed in another thread that using NSFW in the topic heading basically gave us free reign to post whatever we wanted. Seemed odd to me, as I always thought we had restrictions here. But what the heck, let's go for it.
We all have our own likes and dislikes, so if you're into dicks and sodomy for example, you've got two threads Here and Here to check out.
I'm not into that sh!t (pardon the pun), but I do like attractive women and the female form. So to start things off, here's a couple of nice looking examples to start with. Feel free to add favorites of your own.
And if you're offended by female nudity, please leave this thread immediately. . . . . Nothing wrong with treehuggers from what I can see...
[Image removed by moderator]
And I love the sense of mystery presented to us here...
[Image removed by moderator]
So, have you got some tasteful images of naked women you'd like to post? Let's see 'em!
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03:41 AM
System Bot
datacop Member
Posts: 1426 From: Indianapolis, IN, USA Registered: Jan 2004
Equally, there are Forums for deviant humour and deviant behaviour too, so fair is fair, let BOTH sides stick to the rules, and we can go back to enjoying PFF T/OT as it was when I first joined. 'Spirited' discussions, banter, and the odd (VERY odd ) spot of acrimony . After all, T/OT stands for 'Totally Off-Topic, NOT 'Totally Over the Top', AFAIK Nick
This thread probably won't end well, but it DOES have the required warning in the subject line, so I could be mistaken once again.
Jane will be up later and if she sees this, will likely be crying "foul-unfair!!--where's the beefcake????".
A pity as well, for Bin Laden that he is now fishfood--Had these 2-3 threads appeared months ago, he could've just logged on PFF for his daily fill of bawdy and crude jokes and pictures instead of stashing real web based p0rn on his hard drive. Anyone have any nekkid pics of his youngest widow?--she's a looker from what I've heard elsewhere. (just make sure you tag em NSFW)
Perhaps it IS indeed, time for Cliff to step in and clarify once and for all---------and/or update/modify the stated rules regarding what is--and isn't proper and acceptable in his and this membership's forum?. I always thought it was pretty clear, but evidently not so.
edit: I see isthiswhereiputausername? has posted and edited the pics. That answers one question. Nick has also posted, and I echo his sentiments to the letter.
[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 05-14-2011).]
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07:38 AM
Shill Member
Posts: 2166 From: Spokane, WA Registered: Apr 2009
I was informed in another thread that using NSFW in the topic heading basically gave us free reign to post whatever we wanted. Seemed odd to me, as I always thought we had restrictions here. But what the heck, let's go for it.
We all have our own likes and dislikes, so if you're into dicks and sodomy for example, you've got two threads Here and Here to check out.
I'm not into that sh!t (pardon the pun), but I do like attractive women and the female form. So to start things off, here's a couple of nice looking examples to start with. Feel free to add favorites of your own.
And if you're offended by female nudity, please leave this thread immediately. . . . . Nothing wrong with treehuggers from what I can see...
And I love the sense of mystery presented to us here...
So, have you got some tasteful images of naked women you'd like to post? Let's see 'em!
I haven't laughed so hard in a while.
Thanks sooo much to whoever changed those pics. gave me a good laugh.
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07:41 AM
$Rich$ Member
Posts: 14575 From: Sioux Falls SD Registered: Dec 2002
I'm thinking i missed something and the pictures were changed at some point, or I'm too dense for the joke this morning?
Assuming i they were changed, my personal opinion is that even with NSFW in the title, pornography isn't appropriate around here. First of all we are a family forum and it would be nice to keep it that way, and not have to worry about children reading the wrong post, or getting the forum stuck on a black list and be banned at work, or get a bad reputation and attract scum thinking its a **** haven.
Now I'm not judging or trying to sound like a prude and saying nudity/**** /etc is evil.., as i don't care a bit what people look at, i just feel its best done elsewhere.
In the end after all the pixels have settled, its Cliff's house, his rules, and not any of ours.
EDIT: I keep forgetting pictures are posted elsewhere out of the kindness of one of our members, so its his rules as well
[This message has been edited by User00013170 (edited 05-14-2011).]
I'm thinking i missed something and the pictures were changed at some point, or I'm too dense for the joke this morning?
Assuming i they were changed, my personal opinion is that even with NSFW in the title, pornography isn't appropriate around here. First of all we are a family forum and it would be nice to keep it that way, and not have to worry about children reading the wrong post, or getting the forum stuck on a black list and be banned at work, or get a bad reputation and attract scum thinking its a **** haven.
Now I'm not judging or trying to sound like a prude and saying nudity/**** /etc is evil.., as i don't care a bit what people look at, i just feel its best done elsewhere.
In the end after all the pixels have settled, its Cliff's house, his rules, and not any of ours.
Yes, the pics have been changed by isthiswhereiputausername? They were different, what i would describe as early 70s Playboy centerfold types. Patrick started the thread to illustrate that a simple "NSFW" warning doesn't/shouldn't give one carte blanche to exceed the bounds of common decency, decorum, and good taste.
[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 05-14-2011).]
After glancing over the other threads, I am surprised they arent all in the trash by now
Not saying you should be our "photo police", as i know you are helping us out with storage space, but might consider nixing the pictures over there too ... I think this is getting out of hand, with people pushing the boundaries intentionally.
For what its worth, from one of those threads where they questioned why it was OK to discuss something but not OK to post images; as long a its not just a obscenity filled post for the sake of being 'crude' i see a difference in talk and pictures. Does that make me a hypocrite?
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08:09 AM
Boondawg Member
Posts: 38235 From: Displaced Alaskan Registered: Jun 2003
And YOUR post doesn't fit the same bill???? WOW...some major hypocrisy going on here We are therefore ALL Trolls, if we read a thread and post a comment then? Or is that only not the case when we don't agree with said post, as seems to be the reason for yours? I've had MANY disagreements with Patrick over the years, but I don't let those disagreements colour my perception of ALL his comments. And I stand right alongside him over this. It is all a case of showing good taste, and demonstrating what good taste IS. And last but not least...there is nothing obscene about artistic poses be they of males or females. The obscenity is typically in the mind of the beholder, who chooses to interpret ART as something lewd and lascivious. Pawn ( ) and gutter humour is there for all to see, and deliberately so. It leaves NO room for interpretation, other than what it is. I believe that is the gist of Patrick's stand, and I concur wholeheartedly.
[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 05-14-2011).]
Nick, I like you a LOT!!! And you know that! But my first thread.. The one Patrick started all this in.. There was absolutely nothing in there that had not been done on here before.. Crude jokes with no swears, many of us have told them on here.... Until Patrick showed up and started his pissing match. I will fully admit my second thread was done against the rules and I INTENTIONALLY used the Crudest jokes I could find.. As it was done for Patrick's harm Enjoyment ... But the first thread was in no way against the rules as I see it. This is all just a case of Patrick being a ***** . I have never had a problem with Patrick in the past... And when this is all over, I won't have a problem with him in the future.
But seriously man? Lighten up.
[This message has been edited by 8Ball (edited 05-14-2011).]
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08:56 AM
Indyellowgt Member
Posts: 1950 From: Alfred,Maine,Fiero Country,USA Registered: Dec 2000
I don't see it as hypocrisy,Nick... Patrick started this thread knowing it was going to go into a tailspin.. fact. TROLL.
My post is harsh,yes. But I am not the only one here that he rubs the wrong way. I'm not saying he is a bad guy.. He just is too outspoken about his opinions. and then he goes on the attack when someone disagrees with him.
[This message has been edited by Indyellowgt (edited 05-14-2011).]
I see it more as a respecting others kind of thing. There are times when I have said something that I thought was innocuous however someone has said they find offensive or bothersome (for whatever reason but I could see that what I said could be interpreted as such). I have found the best thing is usually to apologize and move on. People have different tolerances for certain subjects especially when it comes to childrens eyes and as this is considered a family forum so that should be respected IMO.
I think it was fair to question the original thread that started all this as being fit for a family forum. I'm not easily offended but can see how some might consider it inappropriate. Just because it's not offensive to me or you doesn't mean it should be fair game and no one is going to be reasonably bothered by it. If someone stands up and honestly questions such things they should not be ridiculed nor baited and attacked IMO
Not to say that some can't be too sensitive or cry foul too easily at times but both sides trying to escalate the matter usually leads no where good IMO.
[This message has been edited by newf (edited 05-14-2011).]
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11:00 AM
System Bot
MidEngineManiac Member
Posts: 29566 From: Some unacceptable view Registered: Feb 2007
I see it more as a respecting others kind of thing. There are times when I have said something that I thought was innocuous however someone has said they find offensive or bothersome (for whatever reason but I could see that what I said could be interpreted as such). I have found the best thing is usually to apologize and move on. People have different tolerances for certain subjects especially when it comes to children and as this is considered a family forum that should be respected IMO.
I think it was fair to question the original thread that started all this as being fit for a family forum. I'm not easily offended but can see how some might consider it inappropriate. Just because it's not offensive to me or you doesn't mean it should be fair game and no one is going to be reasonably bothered by it. If someone stands up and honestly questions such things they should not be ridiculed not baited and attacked.
Not to say that some can't be too sensitive or cry foul too easily at times but both sides trying to escalate the matter usually leads no where good IMO.
I dunno....being Canadian in this nutbar society, I hope ya at least sorta understand my position.....I've had all the P-C crap I'm gonna take. There are 7 billion people on the planet, and no mater what I do or say, it IS gonna offend some of them. TOO EFFIN BAD !!! This is real life, not the special class where everyone gets a blue ribbon and a pat on the head. Grow up and live with it, and go find somebody that cares. I dont apologize for being what I am, I dont apologize for my sense of humor, I dont aplogize for my personal values, and I dont apologize for wanting to see the neked ladies that started this thread !!!!!
[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 05-14-2011).]
I dunno....being Canadian in this nutbar society, I hope ya at least sorta understand my position.....I've had all the P-C crap I'm gonna take. There are 7 billion people on the planet, and no mater what I do or say, it IS gonna offend some of them. TOO EFFIN BAD !!! This is real life, not the special class where everyone gets a blue ribbon and a pat on the head. Grow up and live with it, and go find somebody that cares. I dont apologize for being what I am, I dont apologize for my sense of humor, I dont aplogize for my personal values, and I dont apologize for wanting to see the neked ladies that started this thread !!!!!
I get why some are sick of having to tip-toe around others, I'm just saying there's a time and a place. If this is meant to be a family forum then I respect that and expect others to as well. If it is a site where everything goes then that's fine too, like I said I'm not easily offended and can find plenty of sites for the other stuff.
I don't think it's a matter of respect or a lack of same. I do think this particular interplay's getting a bit out of proportion, though. From what I've been able to assess since joining PFF, the vast majority of the threads have indeed been "family-friendly" though in some isolated instances that would certainly depend on what one's family consists of. Very rarely, the "clubhouse" mentality comes out and a thread gets posted that reflects the fact that, by and large, the overwhelming majority of PFF members are, in fact, adults....and male.
I don't think any of us would deny that not everyone here conforms to Disney standards (no death/war/guns/sex/I hate this/I hate that/I hate them/They hate me/etc..a respectful tip of the hat to Uhlanstan, for example, who I happen to find frequently amusing) with their posts on a consistent basis and I, for one, am therefore willing to overlook the occasional "boys will be boys" thread. Some of the political threads on here, for yet another example, occasionally become downright vitriolic but, so what? If I don't like it, I don't click on it.....but I certainly don't make it the basis for a crusade....not consciously, anyway.
If we're really going to adhere to the letter of the law as it relates to what would be considered appropriate content for a child, then I would respectfully suggest we all view our posts as if our kids or grandkids were looking over our shoulders and hit "enter" accordingly.
If not, then this is, IMHO, becoming a tempest in a teapot.
Just my .02.....carry on.
[This message has been edited by Doni Hagan (edited 05-14-2011).]
I am not easily offended at all, love jokes of all kinds and a lot of times the more offensive the funnier I think they are. That said, I think everyone of these recent threads and crude posts are against forum rules. Patrick is/was totally in the right for speaking up and in my opinion the ridicule for doing so was juvenile at best, though following up with this pics put him at the same level as all the rest. They hey he did it too excuse has never flown in my book. Heh, or worked for me.
If we're really going to adhere to the letter of the law as it relates to what would be considered appropriate content for a child, then I would respectfully suggest we all view our posts as if our kids or grandkids were looking over our shoulders and hit "enter" accordingly.
Not saying i'm perfect ( who is? ) but i try to do that myself. ( or my mother )
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12:05 PM
Scottzilla79 Member
Posts: 2573 From: Chicago, IL Registered: Oct 2009
So were protesting the obscenity of others by posting our own obscenity?
Define obscenity ...........its all relative to our individual perceptions. The serious bible-thumps and muzzies are are gonna bomb something over a neked girl---and I'm gonna grab a beer, yell "yee-haw" and go keep her company. I think they are obscene in their repressiveness and authoritarianism, and they they think I am obscene in my freedom.
Define obscenity ...........its all relative to our individual perceptions. The serious bible-thumps and muzzies are are gonna bomb something over a neked girl---and I'm gonna grab a beer, yell "yee-haw" and go keep her company. I think they are obscene in their repressiveness and authoritarianism, and they they think I am obscene in my freedom.
Obscenity is defined in the law, at least here in the US. But that said, no one here ( that i saw ) was saying that you as an adult don't have that right to do that on your own time. The topic is if this is appropriate material for what is considered a family forum. Much as you cant walk down the street in public with your stuff hanging out, but you could in your back yard. Its all about the appropriateness of where its being done, not the act its self. It appears that most of us here feel this is NOT the place.
Also, never forget hat NONE of us have ANY right of freedom here. This is cliffs house. He decides what we are allowed and not allowed to do, as well as what the intended audience is. We agree and abide by his rules, or go visit another friends house.
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12:34 PM
87antuzzi Member
Posts: 11151 From: Surrounded by corn. Registered: Feb 2009
There is a overall lack of boobs in this thread. I saw the title and got really happy over the chance to see new boobies on the computer screen. You just robbed me of my happiness
Nick, I like you a LOT!!! And you know that! But my first thread.. The one Patrick started all this in.. There was absolutely nothing in there that had not been done on here before.. Crude jokes with no swears, many of us have told them on here.... Until Patrick showed up and started his pissing match. I will fully admit my second thread was done against the rules and I INTENTIONALLY used the Crudest jokes I could find.. As it was done for Patrick's harm Enjoyment ... But the first thread was in no way against the rules as I see it. This is all just a case of Patrick being a ***** . I have never had a problem with Patrick in the past... And when this is all over, I won't have a problem with him in the future.
But seriously man? Lighten up.
Randy, I never mentioned your name, as you will have noticed. I have always respected, and liked you, and we have had many chats on MSN. As I said to Scotzilla via PM a while ago...'I hate the crime, but can forgive the sinner'. So, I have no Axe to grind with YOU per se...just dislike intensely what has been going on. I understand entirely your explanation, and all I can say as an OLD MAN ...it is a bit childish to throw MORE mud in a another room, when there has been enough thrown around in the first one I genuinely regret having succumbed to 'nosiness' in clicking on THIS thread, and hadn't clicked on the first anyway, so... I sometimes fail, and hold my hands up to that...but I always try to imagine SPEAKING my post in a family gathering, (although predominantly males ), and if I feel uncomfortable with that thought, I will generally try to change it to be acceptable. Simples Thanks for reading, and I hope you understand ME too Nick
There is a overall lack of boobs in this thread. I saw the title and got really happy over the chance to see new boobies on the computer screen. You just robbed me of my happiness
This *is/was/should be* a family forum so give your head a shake and go upload p*** somewhere else. There are forums made just for that.
It surprised me a little that someone other than myself or Cliff could edit my post and change the images. However, if isthiswhereiputausername is hosting the images, I suppose he has that right. I'll know in the future not to use his server if I don't want him interfering.
It also bothered me that with the images removed, people could state that I had posted "pornographic" images. That was hardly the case. The images have now been returned, this time not stored on isthiswhereiputausername's server.
Interesting comments so far. Keep them coming.
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02:23 PM
Formula88 Member
Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
It's always been my understanding that there should be no "mature" content posted at all, but if you posted a link to something that wasn't safe for work, etc., it's a courtesy to label it as such. But even with the NSFW label, the content shouldn't be posted on this forum. Just my interpretation of Cliff's posting rules. I could be completely off base. I know some of our "Girls with (or without) Fieros" pics would violate that and I think Cliff has been pretty lenient with regards to those threads, but if his leniency is abused, I wouldn't be surprised if he starts imposing the restrictions much more stringently.
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02:23 PM
87antuzzi Member
Posts: 11151 From: Surrounded by corn. Registered: Feb 2009
It surprised me a little that someone other than myself or Cliff could edit my post and change the images. However, if isthiswhereiputausername is hosting the images, I suppose he has that right. I'll know in the future not to use his server if I don't want him interfering.
It also bothered me that with the images removed, people could state that I had posted "pornographic" images. That was hardly the case. The images have now been returned, this time not stored on isthiswhereiputausername's server.
Interesting comments so far. Keep them coming.
he did not actually edit your post.
And for the record, now that they are 'back' again, i can assure you they are NOT appropriate for this forum. Not in the least. There are places for them, but its not here. How hard is that to understand?
I did not edit your post. I removed them from my server. I dont allow any paying customers to host porno images nor do I bend the rules for anyone who decides they dont need to follow suit.
I cant believe you are that much of an idiot to put those images back when this is supposed to be a family forum and people use this from their workplaces as well.
Years back, I had the sysadmin at the place I worked actually sit down and log onto PFF to browse for a few minutes to make sure it was safe for work. They had blocked a bunch of sites and PFF got hit in that run, so as a personal favor viewed, saw it was work safe and removed the block. You are just causing other members headaches by your childish acts on here.
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02:36 PM
87antuzzi Member
Posts: 11151 From: Surrounded by corn. Registered: Feb 2009