HI all
What if there was one, and not one that just covered the latest craze in what people are doing to beat mother nature, but ones with a real voice of concern???
Would you watch???
I mean think of this, Psychology while not a strict medical procedure but still a Medicinal relative rigth?? I mean look that the word Library.... Then realize that any word wether printed or not carries with it, its own conciousness too. I mean not matter how well you mean to say something or write it someone could mis-interpret what you wrote or said.
So, lets look at that word again, Lie brary, what if we had a new law passed that changed that word to Lybrary or lyeberary? What am I doing??? Trying to refocus attention away from words with ill meaning attatched but not liable way to cause harm !!!
Think about it?
Who is unfamiliar with the Butterfly Effect???
From Wiki english: titled butterfly effect in popular culture, since there is fictional stories out there about it. Like the movie titles. What does it mean??
The butterfly effect is the phenomenon whereby a minor change in circumstances can cause a large change in outcome. If you have seen Jurassic Park do you remember the experiment with the water??? If not, this isn't going to spoil the whole movie, just in how Chaos theory works.
First hold your four fingers flat or horizontal to your palm which is verticle. Place your other hand in some water, then let some drip onto the side of your hand where the thumb is. Pay attention to how this water travels....
Question: if you did it again, how do you think that water will travel??
If you guessed a similar path, well it couldn't always actuall be that way, most of the time the second or more trys would differ to any other. WHY??? The simplist things in life like how much blood was running from your hand as you held it in that position, yes, just like standing on your head, the blood would rush down from your hand meaning that your skin would actually be more palpable, or you could feel more of it because there is less holding it together. Then again while holding your hand in that one spot some air could have moved the hairs on you hard because your too close to a vent..
NO matter how similar things appear, with people at least, are they really ever the same a second time around??? Then consider the MANY puzzling things mother nature or evolution is noted for?
Are we really in an AGE of Enlighenment when we condone taking someone else's life, be it a prisoner or some other on a battlefield, and with the idea of the butterfly effect in mind, how many figths break out at parties because you hold a different opinion, now condsider the idea of BIG BROTHER??? Yep, it too applies to words doesn't it?? I mean how many internet searches are "watched" because of a subject?????
SO yes words are apart of our everyday, and yes, they too could lead to social problems, and if anyone ever wants to say it, they too hold more over us personally then we might be willing to consider???
Lists are great aren't they, you can make one to see how you might need to grow and statistics, we all know they don't lie, yet I don't know about all of you guys but I wonder how it could be statistacly true that people can touch thier face a thousand or more times aday, that one I wanna stand up against. But still statistics hold merit don't they?
How bout socializaionaly? What about philosophically? How about Naturally? HUH???
If you take 100 % of you right now, could you define how it could work for you and another human????
20% is life coming at you personally, live experiences, the ones with live audiences and such, including babies and any future people you are to meet in life...
20% is life in a media content, a book, a movie, tv, the radio, etc... Personably tangible but not always delivered as such...
20% is what you take from it thinking you took it all
20% is what you missed
20% is you taking action.
This list was once put up before, in a 5ths type of fractioning. or using the equvalent of 1/5ths. It is now changed, before there were two places considering live people, the ones met and the ones of the future, that has changed with what is taking from a situation with what isn't takin from that same situation that was also present in that situation too.
YEP!!!! Subliminal messaging is found even in the friendliest of chatter isn't it, then take in the idea of noises in the enviornment, yeah it is kind of mentally harsh isn't that part sometimes too???
So how can we save our children from inheriting our existing problems??? Chaning what we know doesn't work, and that Lybreary situation??
The first 2 letters are changed, no allduing it to be a kind of lie or where lies could be held in some book beit non-fiction or ficitonal. It now represents a place, yes it is VERY flower powery or better yet (?) ROMANTIC isn't it, to think that books lye around waiting to be read, movies watched, cd's listened to, aswell as books you can listen too.. ALL of it for nothing up front! You pay a fee when you lose, damage or return something late.
I am sorry people but a Lybreary is ONE place FAR UNDERvalued in terms of what is possible, yet also finding out what exists...
Now I ask all of you, HOW could we change something so simple, something we know exists and can ALL truthfully tell us how to think about situations, and NOT do something about it?????
Where there is a will there is a way.
With the people who come to this forum and all the many different careers, as well as those many different experiences with the governtment:
How could this work??? A Medical channel that covered preventative care, even going so far as to educate people on Linguistics..
The world swears up and down that English is the hardest to learn for non-natives. Yet the simplest fix could be all that much more doable for others couldn't it??? When written just add acent marks over certain letters, as nearly all other languages does this very same thing..
Does this sound like common-sense to you? If so, and we can send people into space safely as well as dangerously, Couldn't we in a kind of existensial or morally/ethically way be persuading Mother Nature to infact take us seriously?
I mean the sexual revolution basically put America BACK to the Stone age in terms of what an American is. We've been fighting change ever since!! If the Chinese then later the Japanese had philosophy so figured out that thier info taught the Greeks, why is this info so shunned in AMERICA?????
Who owns things nowadays?? We used to with Japanese influence used to make cartoons, Transformers anyone?? That show ows much of is development to Macross, which is a piloted transforming airplane, what about Gundam?? Now think this one thru: WHy is there Japense related cartoons for our children today??? G.I. Joe, LUVED that one, yes it may have had other countries helping due to social relavences of that era helping to shape its content. But what is the real question AMERICA MUST FACE????
When will we take responsibility to our destiny?? Not must have a place where ideas can flow so freely and comfortably, but a place where jobs are not sent to some other country????? When we will we wake up and realize that the simplist thing like realizing just how we spell the the word:
Could be shaping our childrens developing minds to NOT go there? How many people are willing in 2012 to say that no matter how much they have made it in todays world it is NO WHERE near as beautiful as it could be, if more called people began to call out and say STOP!!!!
Violence WILL teach our children to continue acting as we do, the sooner we as people start paying attention to those questions the sooner life could actually truely take shape and beauty begin to find its way
Recap: Yes, how can you see a way to take this to the Presidential Elections, to begin to see for once in Americas life that we MUST change or we WILL LOSE our country!!!
Over 250 years of the same crap year after year: YEs I promise change if I am ELECTED, what happens we all know don't we, our problems get worse, and NOONE takes any Credit for it..... IT was the other side not agreeing to our proposals, that is what they tell you. But aggreance starts with you doesn't it?????
The blame game is everywhere!!!
I screwed up, taking drugs IS the one thing that I contribute to my Mental Illness. I liked em ALOT More than alchohol, so I did them so much more prevalintly!!!!!! (sp?)
I am the biggest reason and I know it too!!!! For this countries problems!!! I luve education, nothing to me is not EDUCATIBLE.... EVEN PRON!!!!
What if that part of our society took responsibility to our laws and its actions and had say 1001 episodes re-enacting The Arabian NIghts????
Yes it is not all that great an idea is it, PRON!!!! Yet, what if some PRON company did A SET OF DVD's on Tantric practice....
DROP THE PRESS!!!!! A billion dollar idea was just invented!!! We all do it, no matter how muc hwe say its gross to watch, yet we HAVE TO WATCH our partners reactions to FIND OUT HOW To please them don't we!!!!
Forget you guys, I am using common-sense to change America FROM THE INSIDE!!!!!!!
Me, I sell engines, the cars are for free, I need something to crate the engines in....
Enzo Ferrari....
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines....
Enzo Ferrari...
Today they are called garage's, yesterday, they were stable's! Eric Jacobsen.... An advancement, of other
voices I came across.
S.F??, hint, it's a car manufacturer....
Do not walk infront of me, I may not follow. Do not walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend forever.
-unknown- found here: http://crystal-cure.com/love-quote.html
Life's best tour guides? Contrast and mixture. One sets things apart yet cohesively, the other seperates associatingly.