| quote | Originally posted by ray b:
if it is such a disaster as you FAULSELY CLAIM
Oh....gee...I dunno. Maybe
THIS!Unemployment up since taking office
Debt increased nearly $7T in 3.5 years!
Handing America a $1+ Trillion dollar budget deficit 4 years in a row!
Debt Ceiling fiasco of 2011- While the liberal media has done a good job of pinning this on Republicans and the Tea Party in particular, the blame lies squarely at his feet as he refused any real plan that would cap the debt ceiling as per Moody's, Standard & Poors, etc .
Any honest research will show that the August 2011 down grade and stock market crash could have been avoided if the Obama and his dishonest colleagues such as Harry Reid had accepted "Cut Cap, & Balance"
Stimulus bill - not a jobs bill but a democratic payback bill
Refusing to prosecute the radical hate group; the Black Panthers for violations of others voting rights as well as hate crimes and inciting violence
New Black Panther Obama DOJ refused to prosecute: “I hate white people – all of them!”
Obama’s lies about the budget and constant blaming of Bush rather than taking any responsibility at all for his hand in the budget deficit and terrible economy:
For Fiscal Year 2009, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets. And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete FY 2009.
If the Obama & the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the Fiscal Year 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.
Obama and Attorney General Holder suing the Sate of Arizona over bill that only enforces US Federal Law (US code #1304; c, d, & f)
Obama’s ties via Eboo Patel to the radical Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the controversial Muslim leader behind the plan to build the Islamic center and mosque two blocks from Ground Zero. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf wrote the afterward to Patel’s 2006 book entitled, “Building the Interfaith Youth Movement: Beyond Dialogue to Action.”
Eboo Patel the is religious adviser to President Obama. Obama’s adviser says, “America is the ideal place for a renewal of Islam”.
*Barack Obama’s ‘Religious’ Advisor, Eboo Patel, is closely linked to the radical imam seeking to build the Ground Zero mosque
*Obama religion adviser closely tied to ‘Ground Zero’ imam. Boasted of America as ‘ideal place for renewal of Islam’
Extreme political correctness and inability to call Islamic Extremists and the tenants of Islam which they follow for what it is;
An extreme religion of hate and intolerance:
No Mosque at Ground Zero
"Solar-Gate"; There are two House investigations into a scandal involving a $535 million federal loan failed solar company Solyndra, and more than $4.7 billion for four additional loans for troubled solar companies
Lack of proper vetting
Tax cheats in his administration; Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner
Socialist in his administration;
Here are just a few:
Carol Browner (Energy Czar/Director), Rosa Brooks (Senior advisor to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Michele Flournoy), Ron Bloom (Manufacturing Czar).
Obama, Socialist with Communists in his administration
Allowing radical racist communist in his administration - Van Jones; Special Advisor for Green Jobs in the Obama administration (Former now)
This guy is so far out there that he signed his name to 911Truth.org which is a group that does not believe the accepted, proven, and established accounts of 9/11/01, this is a kin to denying the Holocaust, claiming the Earth is flat (there are those that still believe this), believe the Moon landings were fake, etc, etc.
This is also insulting to the families of the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and bluntly almost as evil as the attacks themselves!
Reference (one of many);
Wikipedia; Van Jones
Shutting down of the oil industry in the Gulf of Mexico, along with his mishandling of the BP Oil Spill including turning down real help from the Dutch for Oil Spill Help; Obama says “Thanks, but no thanks”
Also with an economy that needs low oil prices for complete recovery, Obama continues to lock up viable oil reserves in the US.
Sadly energy policy has been a failure of many presidents, including Bush. We need a leader to stand up to the communist environmental movement before it is too late (all the while China drills for oil just outside our waters and Canada does not have any of the issues with drilling that we have in Alaska)
Obamas extreme arrogance toward those who do not fit his world view/profile. This includes his view that other than himself driving around in limos and flying in Air Force one, no one else is entitled to any luxuries in life and high fuel prices are just another way of separating the "serfs" from persons of his stature in his racist psychopathic narcissist world vie
Barack Obama Riding in SUV, Hypocrite
No Olympics for Chicago - turned out to be a big ego trip instead
Making race relations worse - (stupidly comment- professor gates)
Fly over photo op in New York - scared New Yorkers
Selling out other nations by removing missile defense
Letting Pelosi and Reid write bills
Lack of transparency
Multiple czars with no accountability
Lying about details of his healthcare reform bill - YOU LIE!!!
Attempt to take over census
Undecided about giving military what they need to win
Association with ACORN
Worldwide apology tour (this borders on treason IMHO)
Willing to bend over to our enemies while giving our allies the shaft
Lack of support for Israel.
While I, nor others advocate blanket support for everything Israel does, it does not take a genius to figure out the Israel is the strongest democracy in the region and our best ally in the region as well.
One could also cite Genesis 12:2-3 for supporting Israel, although their adittedly is controversy as to the correct interpretation of these verses, I personally think it is clear from reading the Bible in context (not just the literal Hebrew of these verses) that the Nation of Israel is being spoken of via Abraham's descendants through Jacob, NOT Ishmael (see: "I will make you into a great nation")
Took too long to speak out against violence against voters in Iran
Getting the NEA to produce propaganda art for his agenda
Firing inspector general for investigating his friends at americorp
Shutting down voucher program in DC for poor school kids
Firing the head of General Motors