Still cleaning out the bunker and found another box of treasures that need a home-
Fiero door sill logos- $10 shipped
One new Hella 60mm SAE high beam module. I bought this to determine if they would fit a custom project and ended up using driving lights. It retails for $49 + shipping from Susquehanna Motorsports. I'll let this one go for $30 shipped.
160 degree "Powerstat"- used. $10.00 shipped.
1988 dot matrix instrument and radio trim. The instrument panel is nice, the radio surround has a small crack, but not too bad. $35 shipped
MSD Box is gone.
Payment by Paypal, check, money order, first born son, wampum, beads or trinkets.
[This message has been edited by Cooter (edited 01-15-2011).]