I found an '87 coupe in the boneyard and pulled off a few things. It is burgundy with gray interior, Duke with an auto trans and the odometer shows 75K miles. The front fasia is messed up, but all other body panels are perfect. The drivers seat is torn, but the passenger side looks OK.
Here's what I have:
-horn paddles (fits'86-'87 SE, '87-'88 coupe/Formula).....$20 **SALE PENDING**
-left front smooth marker light (fits '87-'88 coupe/Formula & '86-'88 GT).....**SOLD**
-right rear smooth marker light (fits '87-'88 coupe/Formula & '86-'88 GT).....**SOLD**
-front license plate bracket (fits '87-'88 coupe/Formula).....**SOLD**
Condition: The marker lights are not cracked or damaged.....the plate bracket is not cracked, but has some dings around the edges.....the horn paddles are perfect.
Prices do not include shipping!
Also, I plan on pulling off the headlight motors & wiring harness......price on that will be $125 + shipping. LMK if you're interested.
[This message has been edited by mrfiero (edited 03-19-2011).]