I have a set of 84-87 lowering springs I purchased from BMWGURU a while back( https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum4/HTML/056439.html ). Painted the front springs black and installed them on my car. Put less than 200 miles on them. The rears have never been installed. Removed the fronts because I didn't like the ride. Looking to get what I paid for them, i.e., $150 + shipping.
Those are WCF front springs and Fiero store rear springs if I remember correctly. I sold those for another member that I was rebuilding the suspension on his Fiero. That price is a steal.....I was exhausted beyond belief when I originally sold them for $150. I meant to list them for $250, but they sold before I realized my mistake.
I will wait in third place if they are still for sale. I know its a long shot but hey. pm sent.
Sent PM to wrong person, me. I'm not the seller. Send your PM to the original poster, and best of luck to ya. Hella good deal just too stiff for Maine roads. The potholes around here have their own street names...