I swear the border guards are starting to recognize me... this is the third 88 I am dragging back from the US into the great white north!
Car is pretty good. Yes, the cheesy tail lights will be thrown in the garbage immediately
Jerry is a gentleman to deal with! The car has only slight rust, came with lots of parts that will make my wife soooo happy - what woman doesn't want fiero junk littering the entire garage?? This car is going to Dan (FieroFlyer) in exchange for some work on my car, so I fully expect him to build this thing into a turbo beast sometime!
I don't know how people can justify driving these huge pickup trucks daily unless they need it for work. This thing was a complete pig on gas, even without the trailer attached. It averaged 17l/100 km being driven at the speed limit... brutal
This thing should come with a 6 cyl diesel...