The list of parts we build is just getting longer and longer!
Feel free to call us with any questions at:
(203) 433-2835
Our hours of operation are 9AM-6PM PST Monday - Friday
Details: They are built using 1 5/8" primaries into 2.5" collectors - 16g mild steel. No stainless will be made as of right now. All joints are connects with 3 bolt 3/8" flanges
They come ceramic coated!
They are offered in two forms:
1) They will follow the Fiero path and the y-pipe will connect to the rest of the Fiero system. Using the original pipe is not recommended! It is much too small This solution leaves ample room for catalytic converter, full size muffler and no cramped bends
2) This is a TRUE DUAL and EQUAL LENGTH solution. 28" primaries. A single dual in dual out xpipe muffler is used. Each bank has it's own complete system. The odd bank will go over the tranny, down, through the muffler and out the passenger side. The even bank will drop down, towards the pulley side and exits the muffler on the driver side.
Myself and our other welder have both a decade of experience each, are WABO certified and we guarantee your headers to last forever. Any problems? Send them back! We'll pay the postage!
Going turbo? We can replace the traditional y-pipe with one fitted with whatever flange you need for your turbo!
Pricing as of right now, is as follows:
Set 1: $600 Set 2: $800
Prices include shipping to the US
We welcome all comments and questions. If you aren't sure what you want to go with, feel free to call and someone will be happy to discuss your options with you.
We are still waiting on our custom mufflers we ordered and the rest of the ubends. We had a big run done and they should have been done yesterday but of course not
We don't wanna finish anything up until we can be sure it all fits perfectly. Both 2.5" will have flex pipes midway to avoid cracking
These will fit auto, getrag and isuzu with no modifications to cables or slaves. Two versions for cars with low mount and those without
We decided to incorporate ceramic coating into the cost
[This message has been edited by FriendOfYours (edited 08-21-2012).]
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04:17 PM
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Aug 22nd, 2012
cam-a-lot Member
Posts: 2195 From: Barrie- Ontario, Canada Registered: Oct 2010
Notice that the picture shows the header on the rear with a large "donut" turn at the rear on the #2 cylinder. This looks to be restrictive. Point is that with 3800 headers you need to be cautious of pipe size and how they route . Otherwise you end up with headers that are more restrictive than stock manifolds. I know of a guy who put a set of $800 SS WCF Fieros on his 3800SC and ended up with KR's that he didn't have prior to installation. It might be best to dyno test before confirming the final design for production.
------------------ " THE BLACK PARALYZER" -87GT 3800SC Series III engine, custom ZZP /Frozen Boost Intercooler setup, 3.4" Pulley, Powerlog manifold, Northstar TB, LS1 MAF, 3" Flotech Afterburner Exhaust, Autolite 104's, MSD wires, Custom CAI, 4T65eHD w. custom axles, HP Tuners VCM Suite. "THE COLUSSUS" 87GT - ALL OUT 3.4L Turbocharged engine, Garrett Hybrid Turbo, MSD ign., modified TH125H " ON THE LOOSE WITHOUT THE JUICE "
Dennis, PM if you want to complain about a MALL thread. WCF has issue because their primaries are too small. As long as the curves are smooth and at the correct radius, the only thing that matters is volume
[This message has been edited by FriendOfYours (edited 09-06-2012).]
Definitely interested and I will be buying a set of headers for my 3800 swap within the next 4-5 months, most likely from you... Set #1 is one that will exit in the stock location? (pics of that?)
Do you plan to offer these in stainless versions too?
It'll be about a month before we get the stock routing finished
Unless you need a catalytic converter, I would suggest going with the true dual. More power and better sound.
I like more power and better sound, and here we don't need any emission tests or inspections. Just need headers and fuel rail to finish the motor and trans.
I am also interested, but it will be difficult to make a sale without proper pictures. You guys need to bite the bullet and make one of each (complete) and take some good pictures, including installed pics on a block. You are far more likely to make a sale if people know exactly what they are getting
Interested in the dual exhaust, F23 mounts and 3800 mounts... Determined to fix up my crappy swap so that the engine and trans don't move so much.. and might as well put a proper exhaust on at the same time! Your trans mounts look very beefy
PM and email sent- As soon as you are ready with some pictures showing the complete exhaust, clamping system, etc, we should be good to go!
It would be nice to have the true dual but the problem I would have is I was going to put a full sized resonator in the area where the stock cat would be, then try to replicate a stock look to the tips/rear.
Is there anyway to make the dual setup look stock while not being real raspy/poppy?
Looks nice. Once you are ready, please post a complete picture of the entire exhaust (out of the car) so we can see the clamping, etc. I plan to order a ceramic coated set shortly.
Do you recommend any kind of a gasket between the header and the heads?
Looking forward to the video with audio to hear what they sound like
Same here.. I am ready to pull the trigger once the complete product is shown clearly, described in detail and audio is available of how it sounds. I know the info has been available in bits and pieces, but it would be great if there was a new thread with full pictures of the entire system
By detail I mean..
-size, material, and tube thickness of primaries -bit of info on the ceramic coating -description and pictures of clamping (3 bolt flange? V bands, etc) -hangers? where do they attach? -diameter, material and thickness of pipes, any additional support needed such as hangers, brackets, -pics and description of any flex pipe being used