This is how I installed a Saturn Vue EPS in my 1986 Fiero GT w/auto trans.
It may work on manual trans cars but the motor will sit a little lower & you have to remove the clutch starter switch
brackets from the pedal assembly and fabricate a new switch mount (or bypass switch). I have included a few pics
of the manual trans pedal clearance but did not do much with it - I have no driveable manual cars.
Installing the Vue power unit keeps the column and u-joint shaft from being collapsable - no way around it due to modifications
needed to connect power unit to column.
Let me know if you have any ideas on how to do something better/easier! (especially the column center shaft)
Vue column and u-joint shaft
Fiero column and u-joint shaft
4x5" 8ga / .165" steel plate for column bracket
Piece of pipe to make a 6" long/1.84"OD/1.70"ID sleeve
(think I used a 12" piece of 1.5" galvenized water pipe)
Ebay steering controller from seller "brunolopesantunes"" x 4" x 1/8" steel/aluminum plate for the box wire cover
steering shaft coupler - I used a Borgeson #314900, 3/4" "DD"x 3/4" round, 1.25 OD x 2" long
small fuse holder for 10a fuse (ignition power for the control box)
heavy (4ga?) wire at least as the size as the Vue motor power wire to go through the console back to the battery
a fuse holder for the power wire - original Vue unit or aftermarket - 80a is the original fuse size
(Walmart has stereo amp install kits with heavy wire and MAXI fuse holders)
a brass stud mount that replaces the positive battery cable bolt like NAPA # 728221
misc parts: 3 nuts for the 6mm Vue tube bolts, solder, heat shrink tubing, wire & ties, terminals,etc.
(read through install first - I might have missed some little stuff needed)
mertic sockets/wrenches
(3) needle nose vise grips
soldering iron
drill and 15/64" bit(holes for the 6mm bolts
die grinder & assortment of carbide bits to remove metal at end of column
die grinder with 3" cutoff wheel - something to cut plate steel, shafts, separate Vue column, etc.
special tools:
snap ring pliers
metal lathe to make the metal sleeve, center punch and turn the hole in the adapter plate
lock plate compresser for shaft snap ring
pivot pin puller, Oreily/autozone has under $10, $6 on Ebay shipped - KD Tools #3906D
A lot of the info on the install came from a thread on The Vintage Mustang Forum,
http://forums.vintage-musta...00-mod-ever-eps.htmlPage #7 / post #97 has a lot of info. You have to join to view it.
column that can be used: Saturn Vue - from 2002 to 2007 (what I used)
Chevrolet Equinox - from 2005 to 2007
Pontiac Torrent 2005-2007, not 2008
Saturn Ion - from 2003 to 2006
IMPORTANT! The box on the column MUST have a metal lid, not black plastic!
The black ones will not work with the Ebay controller.
The steering wheel, column switches and lock cylinder are not needed.
Get the u-joint shaft to the rack and the two plugs for the column module, 8" for the
purple/pink wire plug, 12" for the power plug, unbolt the ground wire from the brake bracket.
Also get the 80A fuse/holder for the power wire(under the brake booster on the Vue,
unknown for the others - follow the power wire out the dash) if you don't have a fuse
setup (about $12 at Walmart)

First, remove the steering wheel using a puller. If a puller is not available you
may get it loose by putting the nut back on the shaft a few threads, hold the column
upright off the ground & have someone else hit nut/end of shaft with a hammer.
The threaded column end & any wires for the wheel will not be used.

Remove the bolts for the lock cylinder & slide off the switch assembly.
The column and parts used wil look like this:

remove snap ring at top of column shaft and 3 10mm bolts at bottom of tube

slide tube off shaft

pull upper shaft off box splined shaft (pull hard) - will use later

cut upper tube/first layer at red line to separate lower tube. Keep lower tube
with 3-bolt flange, upper section is not needed.

Now we need to remove the module from the motor - remove the side cover, pull
the wires out slightly and remove the black plastic piece behind the white plugs.

Mark the wire/plug locations: red plug on left (to lower sensor), white plug on right (to upper sensor)
unsolder the plugs from the module - heat one pin & rock plug to the side to pull it out a little,
then heat the other pin & rock the other way - repeat until each plug is loose.
You could just mark & cut the wires(don't un-solder the plugs) & solder/heat shrink new longer wires on

remove the two 5mm allen bolts and remove module.
pull out the black seal & clean off the gease - going to seal this area with tape while grinding

I used a #50 drill bit to clean out the module's holes to solder in new wires

Tape up the input, output and module wire holes for grinding off the Vue brackets: One mount will
hit the brake light switch, the other will hit the brake pedal bracket.
Knock out the sleeve with a punch, cut off the sleeve's mounts with a hack saw or your 3" cut-off
wheel. Grind off everything marked in black.

The box will look like this when done, just the ears for the bolts left

You also need to grind open the slot at the red arrow for the wires:

Now you need to rotate front plate so wires are facing up - unbolt the two gold bolts, lift
the plate up enough to clear the motor & rotate 180 degrees and bolt back down.

cut the wires short & solder/heat shrink each one to a different color wire about 12"long - make
sure you write down which wire goes to each color: red plug-black or blue, white plug-black or blue
What I did: (top sensor, white plug) black to black, blue to blue
(bottom sensor, red plug) black to brown, blue to light blue

make a plate from 1/8"x 1" aluminum to cover the hole and wires - the box is done!

[This message has been edited by AL68 (edited 04-06-2015).]