If you have a timing light hook it up and point it at the throttle body while someone else cranks it, you should be able to see the injector spray pattern, if not you may have a clogged fuel filter. or check the fuse for the pump in the fuse box its possible you may have blown it while changing the fuel pump. lay under the car if its still up on jack stands and have someone else turn the key to run, you should be able to hear the pump starting if you are under the car closer to the tank.
Its also possible you may have pinched a fuel line when putting the tank back in place.
Or if you don't have a timing light just put a peace of paper under the injector while someone else tries to start the car. you could also have a bad connection to the injector, check the wires to it and the plug, unplug and replug then try starting it again.
Technology is great when it works,
and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't

Detroit iron rules all the rest are just toys.
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 10-27-2013).]