OK, here's the problem. I'm installing a '95 Riviera L67, and the throttle cables run toward the trunk. This means my throttle cable is about 2 ft short. I've got a plan to extend the V6 throttle cable so it will reach, but it's not a great solution. I started thinking I could change out the throttle body for one that has the throttle cables running toward the driver's fenderwell.
My first stop was Rockauto.com, where I researched the Throttle Body Gasket for the Riv. Thought that might lead me to a throttle body that would at least fit the SC. Turns out the throttle body gasket was only used on 94 or 95 cars, which I guess makes some sense ( change in the SC, HP increase to 225). Turns out the TB on 94-95 Park Avenue, 94-95 Bonneville SSEI, 94-95 Olds 98 and 95 Olds 88 use the same gasket. Some of the pictures I've been able to see on the net ( EBAY!) indicate that this might work for me. but I thought I would ask the folks here with experience whether I should continue down this path, or just extend the cable...
I've got a Part Wanted ad in the Mall, just in case this might work.
'87 GT in process, including GA / Seville brakes, Poly Suspension, '95 3800 Series 1 SC ( 225 hp ) 4t60e.